Cervitaur and Naga-💖

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Third POV

A strong young male with short, crimson hair, glowing honey-gold eyes with pupils that shift like a cat, and pointy and black wolf-like ears with white, medium-sized antlers were a few of his most noticeable features. The third was the fact he had the lower body of a muscular deer with a very floofy tail, almost elk-like in strength but his stomach curves inward, and bright crimson and white fur with a large black patch over his rear like an appaloosa.

His beautiful coat would often make him a target for hunters and, since he was only a teen, they thought he'd be easy. Little did they know how exactly the 'easy target' would be when he's threatened. Most of his upper human body was decorated with deep scars from knives of hunters desperately trying to defend themselves, but to no avail. He always won his fights and cared for himself. There was one challenge he constantly had to face, however, and he always had trouble with it.

Another young male, but with shoulder-length, bright blue hair, sky blue eyes with small ocean blue scales surrounding them, cat-like pupils, pointed elf-like ears that were tipped with an ocean blue, his wrists and hands covered in scales of the same color with his fingertips razor sharp like claws, a feminine appearance, and the lower half of a blue snake with a creamy white underside and white horizontal stripes down his back. His mouth held sharp teeth but his fangs were the sharpest, with the ability to release a highly toxic venom into those he wishes to kill in a single bite. Or he could adjust the venom flow just right to paralyze his victim instead of killing them if he isn't in the mood to fight or he doesn't see it ending in his favor.

There were hunters that like to collect scales from reptiles to sell and, with the young Naga's being a beautiful, reflective sky complete with clouds, his very existence was valuable in the market. Despite his female look, he wasn't weak nor female. He could easily defeat a grown human male with military training if he felt he was in danger.

Although he has the strength and power to fight, he hates to do so if he doesn't need to so his defense against hunters is leading them into a bush-infested area and nip at their legs while hiding to inject the right amount of venom to weaken them or render them immobile, then he takes their weapons away and leaves them to die, depending on how 'bad' the teen Naga deems them.

So where are they now? Well, the young Cervitaur was walking through the forest he called home to a large waterfall and lake. He carefully stepped around the bushes, flowers, and slowly over the rocks that led to the waterfall, gently hopping off to lean against the rocky wall. The left side of his antlers got wet as he stepped under the rushing watery wall that covered a deep and dark cave, the rest of his body remaining dry.

His fur puffed and goosebumps covered his bare arms as a gust of cold wind breezed by when he stepped a bit further into the cave, trying not to slip as it curved downward. He rubbed his arms and started walking, his hooves softly clanking on the hard floor. A rushing river flowed between two thick lines of rock like a sewer tube, except the water was clean and clear... and frigid. He prayed he doesn't slip.

The young Cervitaur wanted to get through the tunnel quickly to get this over with but it was a lengthy one, designed to make humans turn back, and he hated it but he knew it was the best defense.

He traveled through the straight, cold, dark cave for a few minutes before there was a curve with a distant magenta light. He let out a small sigh of relief, realizing the torture was over, and walked a little faster to get around the corner. Putting a hand on the wall and ducking to avoid his antlers getting caught on the dangling vines with sharp thorns and beautifully bloomed crimson roses over the opening, he stepping into a large dome-like room, marking the end of the cave.

The river flowed into the leveled room in a 'T' to line the room' edges and a single straight line from the tunnel, running into a large circle in the middle of the room where a large patch of land sat directly in the middle of the cave, which held a large, healthy, fully-bloomed cherry blossom tree with lots of free and thick branches. You can't get to the land without walking through the water, but jumping as an option.

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