Cervitaur and Naga 3-💗💖

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(Ok so after some pondering and research, I think I figured it out. Also, I have lots of drafts I'm working on so it'll be a while before I update again)

Sugino's POV

Walking with Isogai and Maehara down the trail, we felt excited. We had a few game ideas we wanted to run by Karma and Nagisa to see if they'd be interested since they were games the two hybrids could play.

"Do you think they'd want to play? The games seem weird." Maehara asked. I shrugged. "Maybe. We have to ask them first... well we gotta find them first."

The other two boys laugh a little. "Yeah, that's true." Isogai added.

We walked for a few minutes before we stopped to a slightly familiar but distant sound. It was a medium-toned, long bellow, almost like a higher pitched horn. It confused and freaked us out for a few moments before Isogai suddenly spoke up. "Ah, that's a cervitaur's call! It might be Karma!"

"Are you sure?" I asked. "It sounds... a little different than what I've heard from him."

"Well, it's been a while since we've heard his call so maybe it is him. Let's go look." Maehara suggested. I was a little doubtful but I agreed to follow the boys into the forest towards the sound.

The forest seemed a lot more crowded with plants and trees so it's a real wonder how animals can get around to well. We always have to watch our step for snakes or small animals, step over bushes, duck under low branches, and I even tripped over a rock I never noticed once or twice before. How Karma and Nagisa do it is really confusing.

The call was getting louder so we knew were getting closer until it stopped. The sound was ahead of us so we continued walking straight until we saw a clearing ahead, and through the thick bushes, we noticed a familiar crimson furred body. "Oh, there he is!" I say.

We get up to the bushes and we looked over them, only to be both shocked and embarrassed to see he wasn't alone.

A young female cervitaur around his age with long and gorgeous, creamy-brown hair, normal deer colors and markings, and since forest hybrids don't wear clothes, we saw she had a decently sized cleavage (Idk why that's important). All four of her legs were spread apart and she had her arms resting on a branch to hold the weight of her and Karma.

Karma was on top of her, his front legs over her deer shoulders and crossing over her chest, his human arms were around her with his hands on her breasts, playing with her nipples, his head was resting on her shoulder, and their lowered ears and flirty expressions towards each other told us they were 'doing it'. (Sorry I had to toss in some hetero)

She was a bit smaller than Karma but she seemed to be holding their combined weight without trouble. Despite Karma's normal rough and dangerous nature, it looked like he was being really gentle.

We immediately look away, kneel behind the bush so we wouldn't be seen, and we stared at the ground to process when we saw. "No wonder the call sounded different!" I thought. "It wasn't his normal territorial call, it was a mating call! And it stopped because that girl came by!"

"Wait... what season is it?" I ask softly. Maehara and Isogai thought for a moment before Maehara answered. "Fall, I think..."

I put my hands on my cheeks and I felt them burning up. It's like walking in on your human friend having sex with their girlfriend, or in this case, one night stand... one day stand? (I'm clearly confused) "I forgot! Fall is their mating season... His call sounded different because we've only heard his territorial call. That was his mating call... or maybe it was hers." I explained. "And it stopped because one of them showed up."

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