Karma's Birthday-💗

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Ignore any mistakes, I've been up all night

Nagisa's POV

I took a deep breath as I held the outfit in my hands. It was Karma's birthday today and, just the other day, he told me what he wanted. It sounded like a joke, and he made it seem like one, but I knew it was what he really wanted.

"You know, Nagi. I've given it some thought and I realized something. There actually is something I want for my birthday." Karma had told me. I looked up at him with a smile, ready to respond, but he continued talking. "Something special... Something that can't be found anywhere in the world and pretty rare..."

Now I got confused. "Uhm... Okay? What is it?" I asked, not knowing if I would be able to get it for him or not. He turned and grabbed my arm, pulling me close against his body and he tilted my head up with a finger under my chin. He grinned and licked his lips. "Your virginity."

My face had turned bright red. "Wh-What?!"

He let me go and laughed. "I'm kidding! I know that won't happen. Honestly, anything you get me is fine! Even if you just show up and hang out with me for the day, it'll be perfect." He put an arm around me and my blush had gone down to just covering my cheeks. He gave me a soft smile and I started to relax. However, I couldn't help but feel like he was telling the truth about what he wanted. We were still only kids but... it's not too uncommon for teens to do it before they turn 18.

I flinched to a distant click and I quickly shoved the outfit into my backpack, tossed it on the floor against the wall, and grabbed the beautifully wrapped present I had. I left the room and hopped down the stairs, seeing Karma walking through his front door. He closed and locked it behind himself before pulling his jacket off with a sigh.

The snow was coming down pretty hard and he had some of it in his hair. I made sure there was a good distance between us before breaking the silence. "Hey, Karma!"

"Fuck-!" He jumped and slipped on the snow at his feet so he had to lean against the wall with his hand on door knob. He looked up at me and I just smiled innocently while standing at the bottom of the stairs.

He stared at me for a moment, then noticed the few decorations I put up while he was gone. Only a few birthday banners and a balloon or two. I knew he didn't like too much but I wanted to at least put in some effort.

"You-... are in my house..." He said, staring at me in confusion.

"Yup..." I replied softly, smiling. "I did a few things, too."

"How did you get in?"

"You gave me a key, remember?"

"Oh. Yeah, that makes sense... You could have sent me a text or something so I'd know you were coming."

I shrugged and walked over to the table, placing the present down. "Maybe. But I wanted to surprise you!"

"Well, it worked..." He stood up straight and continued to take his stuff off. He shook the snow out of his hair and I looked at his outfit. He wore just normal black pants and an icy blue sweater.

"You look cute!" I said.

"Thanks. You too." He replied with a smile. I only wore black pants, a pinkish-red t-shirt, fuzzy socks, an unzipped jacket, and my hair was down.

Karma looked around at what I did and his eyes finally fell on the present on the table. He just looked at it with a raised eyebrow. He then walked over and picked it up, giving it a little tilt to see if he could hear anything shift.

"For such a big present, it's really light... nor does it make noise when I move it." He said, confused.

"Yeah, it doesn't weight much. It'll make sense when you see it. But-" I put a hand on the top of the present and gently pushed it down, making him lower it and look at me, "-we'll come back to that. Remember when I said I did a few things?"

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