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(I couldn't find the comic drawing of Karma dressed as a zombie for the life of me and I didn't want to scare anyone so I settled with a realistic Minecraft zombie lol. Not important but I'm basically addicted to Minecraft so I love the pic. Also I COULD NOT STOP thinking about this type of scene so I just caved)

Nagisa's POV (Again)

Distant growls and pounding on boarded glass, I sat against an office desk on the floor, my weapons at my side. I slowly inhaled and my heart pounded from all the running while sweating a bit. I was out of sight of the invasive creatures but it didn't matter. There's no way out and they're everywhere.

I noticed movement to my right so I tiredly glance over to see my survival partner. "Ah... Hey, Karma..." I say softly. He gave me a small smile. He looked as tired as me. "Hey, Nagisa..." He set his bloody metal bat against the desk across from me and he sat down next to me. "You okay...?"

I stared into my lap from a moment before rolling my sleeve up, revealing a deep bite mark on my forearm. Blood and black veins surrounded the puncture marks. I didn't want to look at his face as I pulled my sleeve back down wordlessly.

Nothing was said for about half a minute before I notice Karma move his hand into my view, drawing my attention to it. He pulled down the wrist of his fingerless gloves to reveal a bite mark just like mine on the side of his palm, the teeth marks on both the front and back of his hand under his pinkie finger. "Me neither..." He mumbled.

A small smile appears on my face as I lean closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder, watching him pull his glove back up to cover the bite. "When you told me the other day that you want to do everything together, I didn't think you meant everything..." I mutter softly.

He let out a small chuckle and tilted his head so he could rest it on top of mine. "I'm just that dedicated... even if it's on accident... I guess god doesn't want us to be apart... life or death..."

"Oh, come on..." I slide my hand off my leg and under his injured hand, gently interlocking our fingers. "I think it's obvious god abandoned this world as soon as he created it... I don't think he would've let this happen if he really cared about us..."

"Heh... Over-population is a big problem... So it just had to be some sort of virus..." His grip on my hand tightened a bit and I knew putting pressure on the bite would hurt him but he tried to seem unbothered.

It went silent for a minute before I broke it. "How are the others?" I asked. (The others being the rest of E-Class or something IDK) He shrugged lightly. "Oh, you know... Pissed that I locked them out of this room. You should've seen them yelling at me through the door. They were not happy." He answered. I softly sighed and moved a little closer against his side. "Well, they don't know we're infected so they think we're sacrificing ourselves to keep the zombies away from them..."

"Yeah, pretty much... Like be grateful we're basically saving your lives, ya pricks."

We both chuckle for a bit before silence came between us again. I don't like this. Everything hurt, I feel too tired to get up or move, all I can hear is the distant growls of the infected that surrounded the building, pounding on the covered glass and walls to get through...

"I'm scared, Karu..." I softly whine, feeling tears sting at my eyes. "I know, Nagi... I am, too..." Karma replied, voice soft enough to be a whisper. My tears started to flow down my cheeks but they felt thicker and hot so I lift up my free hand and wipe my cheek before looking at my hand. I was startled to see blood that wasn't there before coat the back of my glove.

I hold Karma's hand tighter and put my hand under his upper arm, hugging it close against my chest. "Hey... Look at me, Nagisa..." He said softly. I slowly and reluctantly do so to see the side of his neck was covered in the black veins, one of his eyes were a silvery-grey instead of honey-gold, and he was crying as well but he had a smile. His infected eye was streaming blood while his normal eye was streaming normal tears. The sight horrified me and I felt more fearful and upset. It really is over for us, isn't it...

"I know you're scared... and that's okay... I'd be surprised if you weren't so tell me... are you tired?" He asked. I sniffled and wiped my eyes again, getting more blood on my glove and sleeve, before giving a small nod.

"Good... then can you do me a favor?"

I nodded again.

"I need you to sleep... let yourself go, Nagisa..."

"B-But... if I fall asleep... I'll..."

"Shh, I know what'll happen... and it's okay... I can hardly stay awake myself..."

I can't do it. I can't fall asleep but I can't stay awake either. My eyelids felt incredibly heavy and my head was pounding as I rested it on his shoulder again. My eyelids fluttered a bit before slowly closing.

"I love you, Nagisa... I always have... and thank you... for always being there for me..."

"... I love you, too, Karma..."

Silence fell between us and my ears started ringing loud enough to drown out the sounds of the infected. It only took a few seconds of relaxing and letting my guard down that my grip on Karma loosened as everything went black, all the pain and ringing quickly fading to nothing.

(My interpretation of what dying is like lol. Including this, 1000 words!)

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