Sick on a Trip-❣️💖

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So I think my brother got sick because mom gave him a bottle of NyQuil to take when he needs it, he's coughing, but I can't tell because he's practically living in his room so I have no idea if he's sick or not. This story is half-inspired by my brother so thanks bro, you don't have Wattpad nor do you read fanfics so you won't see this.

ya mothafuck (affectionate)

Also a bit fluff only

Nagisa's POV

"Karma, come on." I said, stepping out of the bathroom with a towel on my head. "Korosensei has something fun planned for our first day."

He groaned and rolled over in his bed, back to me, and I sighed. I adjusted my little towel to sit on my shoulders, since my hair was still damp and down, and I walked over at him. We had a room together and our beds were across from each other, and the bathroom was on my side of the room so I had to walk across the entire room to get to him.

I leaned over him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Karma." I gently shook him. "We went to bed at the same time, but I've been awake longer than you. Get up."

"Mmmmmn no." He replied, pulling the blanket farther up.

I debated on just leaving him and letting the consequences get him out of bed, but as I stared at his face, I noticed he looked a little pale. I sat on the bed and reached over, touching the back of my hand to his forehead, and found he was warmer than usual. I pulled my hand away and furrowed my eyebrows worriedly.

"Karma... are you sick?" I asked softly.

"Mmmmaybe?" He groaned into the blanket. "I don't fuckin know..."

"Are you hurting?"

"Yes... Everything hurts, dude..."

I watched him for a moment before I got up and walked around his bed, to the window. I reached up and closed the curtain to block out the bright sun, leaving the window propped open for fresh air. He eventually popped his head out from under the blankets as a response.

"Let me put my hair up and I'll find some medicine for you, and I'll tell Korosensei you're staying." I dragged my hand across his bed as I walked passed it.

"Mkay..." He mumbled.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed the hairdryer to speed up the process, and I took the towel off my shoulders. I finished getting ready and when I left our room, I almost ran into Sugino.

"Oh! Hey." I said, surprised.

"Hey, I was just about to come see you!" He replied with a smile. "Is Karma coming?"

I paused for a moment, closing the door behind me and wondering if I should tell him.

"Nah, you know how he is." I told him. It wasn't a lie, I was just withholding information.

"Ah, well," he crossed his arms, "I guess that's a good thing? He usually skips things like this so I shouldn't be surprised."

"Yeah he wants to sleep in."

He and I walked away from mine and Karma's room, down the stairs, and we joined the rest of the class in the common room. Everyone was excited and ready for what Korosensei had planned for the day, but instead of joining in the conversations, I said nothing as I stepped away and up to Karasuma and Korosensei, who was standing off to the side away from the students with a clipboard. They were most likely going over the plan before they looked up at me.

"Do we have NyQuil?" I asked the two adults. "Karma got sick."

This surprised them and without a word, Korosensei turned and suddenly dashed off.

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