Meeting the Parents-💗

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You guys like the Marinette picture I found on the internet? Cuz I do

If you don't remember my hybrid AU, everyone has animal ears and tails. Nagisa has a bushy snow leopard tail and wolf ears, both white, and Karma had wolf ears and a fox tail, both jet black.

Ignore any mistakes you might find

Third POV

I felt my heart pound with anxiety as my mother, father, and I (They all have a chill bond here) walked up the driveway of my mate's house. I had told my parents I wanted them to meet my best friend's parents so I'd be allowed to spend more nights over than once a week or two.

We get up to the door and I was about to knock before it opened, which startled me and surprised my parents. There stood my crimson-haired and black-furred male friend. "Hi Nagi! I've been waiting for you!" He said happily. I gave a small smile in return, feeling relieved it was him. "Hey Karma... I figured."

Karma grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house, my parents being invited in as well. "I got a new Sonic Ninja game last night and we gotta play it together!" Karma's tail was wagging furiously in excitement and I noticed his parents in the living room, smiling at their son. I was Karma's very first close friend so I knew they felt happy seeing him so excited to share his interests with someone.

"Good evening, mister and missus Akabane! Nice to meet you and please pardon the intrusion." I said to the two adults. They said hello back before turning their attention to my mom and dad, inviting them to sit down and talk. I could only wave at the four adults before Karma dragged me down the hall to his room.

Since Karma was still happy once the door closed, I became curious as Karma showed me he actually got a new Sonic Ninja game. He set up and we sat on the floor, leaning against the side of his bed, and he gave me a controller. The game was a cool two-player adventure type where you could play as any character in the Sonic Ninja universe and complete tasks in the city like superheroes do.

His tail rested on mine as we played and talked, debating on which missions to go on and just messing around with the heroes' powers, not to mention exploring the accuracy of the city. It was a lot of fun and the perfect activity to pass the time as our parents get to know each other, despite the fact we were at Karma's parents' house and not his.

His parents told him that as long as he did good in school, which he does, they would pay for everything as he stayed in their second house closer to the train station and school. He basically got an entire house of his own and free of charge as his parents traveled the world constantly.

His room here looked a lot different because he doesn't stay here anymore, but our parents were meeting so my parents can have peace of mind. Karma's parents don't care what he does as long as he gets good grades. At least they don't know we're secretly being trained to be assassins.

Adults often talk for a long time so Karma and I didn't mind that twenty minutes had passed already, as we were too busy playing, but the only reason I paused for a moment was because I felt a strange fuzzy feeling in my lower stomach. Karma noticed my character stopped and he looked at me, seeing me bend my legs and lower my ears a bit.

"You okay?" He asked. I took a second to figure out whether the feeling was bad or not before I smiled at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's keep playing..."

"Are you sure? You seem tense..."

I nodded. "Yeah..." I looked back at the screen. "Come on, I'm fine."

He was a bit reluctant but accepted my answer, looking at the screen as well. We continued to play for a few more minutes when the feeling returned, making me pause again. I felt a little hot so I set my controller down and took my coat off, taking a small, deep breath.

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