A Cute Demon in the Woods (Koro-Q)💗

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A long one and I'm still alive

I was listening to a horror story while writing some of this so the vibes are gonna be a bit off lmao

Whether it's yourself or a character, have you ever thought about being taken away by a creature in the woods, then getting fucked by it lmao

Sitting on the cushioned windowsill, Nagisa stared out the window with his head in his hand, the other in his lap. He'd look bored if it weren't for his wide eyes. The members of his party were standing in the large main room, listening to the three adults of the team talk about the forest that surrounded their temporary home.

Each room would hold two students, the rooms had their own bathroom, and the rules were simple. Lights out at six, keep all windows closed and locked at night, and do not enter the woods after sunset. The rooms had their names on them, along with door numbers each kid was given to help find which room their stuff was in.

"Nagisa? Did you get all that?" Karasuma asked, noticing the young male was focused on something else.

"Lights out at six, keep windows closed and locked at night, stay inside after sunset." Nagisa mindlessly repeated, not looking away from the window.

It was silent for a few seconds before Karasuma cautiously put his hand on the sword handle on his hip, finally noticing the look on his face in the reflection.

"What do you see?" He asked.

Nagisa wasn't even sure. The sun was low, on the verge of blackness because of the light inside, but Nagisa could see it. Across the clearing, at the very edge of the woods, there was a human with a long tail with an arrowhead-like tip. A young one, possibly male, with short hair. Nagisa could only see a silhouette of him, but he was sitting like an animal, hands in front of his pelvis, and his knees were touching the grass as he rested his weight on his toes under himself. The tail swayed gently like a flexible, upside-down pendulum in a grandfather clock, but Nagisa's eyes were locked onto glowing amber irises that curved around slit pupils.

"The reason we shouldn't go into the woods at night." Nagisa calmly answered.

"Describe it," Korosensei said, "and do not look away. It'll come closer if you do."

"It... looks a lot like a person," Nagisa began. "But... with a tail. It reminds me of a classic devil's tail and it's just... staring." Nagisa continued to describe what he was seeing. Despite the fact he hadn't blinked in the few minutes he had first locked eyes with the thing, his eyes didn't feel dry. As Nagisa described the glowing eyes, he never felt alarmed as it seemed like it was staring into his soul, burning into his mind.

Every part of the thing was dark, as if it was made of shadows, but the irises were bright. Only the irises. It was sitting up straight, like a dog waiting for a treat, but again, Nagisa didn't feel alarmed.

Apparently, he had gone into too much detail with the eyes because Karasuma suddenly grabbed him and pulled him to his feet off the windowsill, forcing him to look away, as he closed the curtains.

Nagisa blinked a couple of times and he seemed confused, as if pulled out of a trance. Karasuma just held Nagisa against his body, arm over his shoulder and across his chest like a satchel strap, and he just stood with his back to the window so Nagisa couldn't see it. Korosensei closed the rest of the windows' curtains, double-checking they were locked, before standing in front of Nagisa.

"Nagisa, listen to me." He said, his beady eyes staring into Nagisa's blue ones. "What I'm about to say is going to be scary, but understand it's necessary."

"Uhm..." Nagisa glanced at his classmates with his eyes for a second, catching a glimpse of their confused but uneasy expressions, before looking back at the demon king. "Okay?"

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