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Hang on how'd I get here—

"Your footsteps echo as you enter the pitch-black cavern. A loud huff fills the air as a blaze of fire illuminates the snout of a large, crimson dragon, glaring at you as it lays on a mountain of gold as bright as its eyes." Nagisa narrated expertly.

"I wanna seduce it." Okajima suddenly said.

Nagisa, Karma, Maehara, Kayano, and Isogai turned to stare at him in confusion, but none of them were surprised.

"Dude." Karma began. "We just got to the boss."

"I know."

"You're really living up to the bard stereotype..." Maehara commented in disappointment, mostly to Isogai at his side. Isogai let out a huff of laughter in response.

Nagisa narrowed his eyes at Okajima, hands together against his lips as the gears spun in his mind. Without letting his expression give away his next move, Nagisa spoke.

"Roll for it, I guess." He said dismissively.

Okajima did so.

"Nat 20!" He threw his arms up triumphantly. "Now what?"

Without a word, Nagisa reached into the folder sitting against his chair leg, pulled out a sheet of paper, and handed it to him. Okajima stared down at it, baffled.

"You gave me a new character sheet."


It was silent for a few seconds, Okajima trying to understand the look in Nagisa's eyes, when Karma suddenly burst out laughing. All attention was on the sadist now as he slammed his hand on the table, lowering his head and trying to collect himself.

"Nagisa!" Tears were forming in his eyes already. "Please tell me this didn't go the way I think it did!"

Knowing what was on the teenage boy's mind, Nagisa simply grinned mischievously.

Karma was in full hysterics at this point, laying his head on his forearm on the table, slamming his fist against the surface.

"I don't understand." Okajima said.

"Yeah, me neither." Kayano chimed in.

Maehara and Isogai agreed.

"Okajima." Nagisa started, resting his chin on the back of his head like a cartoon villain, a calm grin on his face. "I didn't think it was important to mention, but this dragon is male."

Okajima remained confused, even more so when Maehara and Isogai started stifling their sudden urge to laugh. Kayano was quick to catch on at this point and she just put her head in her hands in disbelief, softly muttering, "Oh no..."

Karma raised his head, inhaling deeply.

"Okajima." His voice was calm but tainted with amusement. "Your character's fucking dead, dude..."

Finally, Okajima caught on. The look of shock on his face was exactly what Nagisa was hoping for. Slowly, he turned his head, locking eyes with the young DM.

"You're not that cruel..." He muttered, hoping he was misunderstanding the event.

Nagisa just raised his eyebrow, his silent response hanging heavily between them.

"I love this party." Karma said proudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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