Cervitaur and Naga 2-💖

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(A bit more of a story this time. Also I found a silly pic of a Maned Wolf. No the pup isn't dead)

Third POV

Karma reared up on two legs as he continued to thrash around. Nagisa was coiled tightly around Karma's human and deer body, fangs and teeth deep in Karma's shoulder, and his claws digging into Karma's chest, drawing blood from every scratch and bite mark.

"Get off me already!" Karma growled, dropping onto all four hooves. Nagisa didn't let go. In fact, his entire body tightened around Karma, practically squeezing him enough to interrupt his breathing from all the moving he's doing.

Karma grabbed Nagisa's hands and tried to get his claws out of his chest but Nagisa didn't budge. Karma realized he wasn't going to get Nagisa to stop so he finally stood still on all fours, let Nagisa's hands go, and just dropped onto the ground on his stomach, all six limbs in the grass, and he sighed. "Alright, alright, you win! You win..."

Nagisa immediately took his claws and teeth out of his friend and loosened his grip enough to move off him. Nagisa coiled up in a ball beside Karma and rested his arms on his own body, smirking at the Cervitaur.

"How do you always beat me...?" Karma asked, both confused and impressed. Nagisa shrugged. "Well, if a Boa can take down a jaguar, a Naga can take down a Cervitaur." His tongue poked out of his mouth in a teasing manner and Karma's ears lowered horizontally at the gesture.

They had a little stare-down for a few seconds before they both perk up to a voice to the right of their play-area. "Nagisa! Karma! Where are you guys?!" Called the voice.

The two boys looked at each other for a moment before Karma took a second to stand up on all four hooves, Nagisa staying down. Karma walked over to one of the trees and grabbed a two pieces of clothing they were given a few weeks ago. They had taken them off so they wouldn't get destroyed. Karma tossed Nagisa his top and they both put their shirts on, Karma ignoring his bleeding wounds.

Nagisa had a pale blue sweater to keep warm at all times and the ends of the sleeves were closed with holes for his fingers, like fingerless gloves on the sleeves, and Karma had a pale red sweater as well but his had buttons like a shirt and pockets. Once they were 'dressed', Karma leaned down next to Nagisa with his arms out and Nagisa wrapped his arms around Karma's neck, letting himself be picked up.

Nagisa's snake body gently wrapped around Karma's deer body and his arms rested on Karma's shoulders, careful with the bite. Karma put his hands in his sweater pockets as Nagisa practically hugged him.

Karma made sure Nagisa was comfortable before he started walking, leaving the forest clearing and entering the crowded vegetation. Nagisa looked up at the orange light of the sunset shining through little openings in the thick canopy, a leaf falling slowly every once in a while after being pushed off a branch by the soft, warm breeze. Nagisa could hardly believe this is the forest he lived in.

After a minute or two, Karma broke the silence. "We're over here!" He called, startling Nagisa out of his thoughts. Karma entered another clearing and his hooves made soft clanks as he stepped onto gravel. The clearing was like a small campground with almost a dozen tents and sitting around the lit fire was a bunch of humans the two were familiar with. (E-Class)

10 Minutes Later

Nagisa laid on the floor next to a few humans he was close to and Karma was walking around, hands in his pockets like always, and he had Okuda and Nakamura on his back as if he was a horse. Karma never liked anyone other than Nagisa riding on his back but the girls meant no harm.

"Hey, Nagisa." Sugino said suddenly. Nagisa looked in the other direction to see Sugino holding something in his hand. It was unfamiliar to Nagisa. "What is that?" He asked, staring at the object as if it just threatened his existence. "It's a s'mores. Ever had one before?" Sugino answered, oblivious to the meaning behind Nagisa's expression.

He moved it a little closer to Nagisa and Nagisa's scales immediately clicked and puffed up like cat's fur as his claws scratched the gravel, his pupils become slits, and he moved away slightly, still staring at the s'mores like it was an enemy. Not only did his scales make his snake body look bigger, but it emphasized his muscles in an odd way. Sugino finally realized what Nagisa was doing and became a little startled, pulling the s'mores away from Nagisa. "Whoa, okay..." He muttered.

Karma had already noticed what was going on and he had the girls get off him so he could quickly walk up behind Nagisa and lean down to put his arms around Nagisa. Nagisa had calmed down a bit but his scales were still puffy and he decided to slither up Karma, using Karma's arm for support, and wrap his snake body around Karma's deer body like before. Nagisa's arms were against Karma's sides with his hands on Karma's chest and he gripped Karma's sweater as Karma gently touched Nagisa's hands, glancing back at Nagisa peeking over his secretly injured shoulder. (Using two names a lot in that one sentence)

"What in the hell is that..." Nagisa whispered into Karma's shoulder. When Karma realized nothing was actually wrong, he laughed. "What'd you say that was, Sugino?" Karma asked. Sugino repeated the name and gave it to Karma, he took it without a second thought. Karma looked it over and tilted his head. He hadn't seen this object before either. "What exactly is it?"

"It's food. Have you guys really never seen a s'more before?" Sugino answered, confused. Karma shrugged. "We don't do human things that often... or at all."

Nagisa's scales were lowering themselves down flat on his body as he studied the food item Karma held. Sugino decided to continue talking. "It's just some chocolate and a toasted marshmallow between two graham crackers. Try it! It's really good."

Karma, wanting to prove to Nagisa that he wasn't in danger, took a bite of the s'more and actually liked the taste. The warm marshmallow melting the chocolate and that being mixed with the crunch of the cracker tied it all together. Now Nagisa was curious and Karma gave him the s'more to try. He did so and he liked it as well.

For the next few hours, Nagisa and Karma laid on the ground, arms up on the logs everyone sat on, and Sugino made them more s'mores. All until it started to get late and everyone was tired, including the two forest hybrids, and it was time for the two to leave everyone to sleep in their tents. The fire was put out and Karma carried Nagisa to the edge of his waterfall before the two separated and Karma walked through the dark forest to his field.

However, there was a problem.

As Karma laid down on his nest under the few cluttered trees next to his flower field, he felt it. Nagisa did too as he coiled up around his branch, ready to sleep.

Most animals, including deer and snakes, can't eat chocolate so the two suffered terrible stomachaches the entire night, which were amplified by how much they ate. They didn't die but they were kept awake all night because of the pain.

They both vowed to themselves to never eat s'mores again, no matter how good they were.

1292 Words

Should I do more? I got some more ideas but idk if you guys wanna read them. Def more yaoi and my next idea is a demon x angel one

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