What if They were Step-Bros-💖💗

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Nagisa's POV

Memory 1 and long before E-Class and they've been friends all their lives

Sitting in the grass at the park, I was confused as my dad smiled me. "I don't really understand. Are we meeting them here?" I asked. He nodded, seeming excited. "We sure are! Her son is a little older than you and it may take a while for you to build a relationship with him but, knowing you as much as I do, I think it will be easy."

It's been a few months since mom was reported for child abuse and I've been living with my dad. I got to know him some more in depth and I recently found out he's been dating someone long before I moved in with him.

According to him, she loves to travel and she was recently divorced because the dude was practically married to his job. She has a good job and a teenage son. I haven't met them and dad hasn't met the son but that's what we're doing on this clear and warm Saturday evening.

We've been sitting here for about ten minutes, doing our own thing, and the wait suddenly came to an end.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around me and I was lifted up off the ground, only to be pulled backwards and onto a body. "Whoa!" I exclaimed.

We roll over so I was on the bottom and the body on top of me felt very familiar so I relaxed and started laughing, putting a hand on the arm over my chest.

I push myself and this 'attacker' up and I lift one arm while tilting my body. "Get off, you dork."

I heard a thud beside me so I look over to see my favorite red-haired sadist laying on his back, snickering. I sit down and watch him until he sits up. His gaze moves upward ahead and his smile drops quickly, as if annoyed.

Confused, I follow where he's looking to see a woman walk past. She had an expensive-looking dress on, long hair that had a hint of crimson, and forest-y green eyes.

She looked friendly and she walked around us before sitting down in the grass beside my dad. I was a little confused until the realization hit me like a brick.

"Dad's dating Karma's mom?!" I thought.

Memory 2

I was laying on my stomach on my bed, reading something from a tablet I was gifted by Karma's mom, when Karma suddenly kicked my door open, almost knocking it off the hinges. "NAGISA HOLY FUCK!" (I saw my chance at 'kicked my door' and I took it)

I almost fell out of bed and my tablet fell face down as I looked up at this distressed teen. "What? What's wrong?"




Memory 3 a few months before E-Class

"So you wearing a suit or a dress?" Karma asked, putting the dress shirt on. We were currently standing in a dressing room together, changing. "A suit, obviously. I'm a guy." I replied.

Karma shrugged, buttoning the shirt closed. "Well, it's all about your comfort, Nagisa. If you like a dress better than a suit, wear the dress. Our parents are getting married today. It doesn't really matter what you wear because I'll be one with the rings. You just have to stand there and look cute until the ceremony is over and mom gets drunk on wine and forgets what a table is."

Memory 4

"Should we... do something?" I asked, standing beside my new step-brother. Karma shook his head, careful to not knock off the ring pillow he was using as a hat. "Nah. She'll be fine. Your dad's got her"

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