Chapter 1

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(A/n- ok so it's been a year they're still 19 because they're birthday hasn't passed, Billie's fame grew bigger, ok now you can read.)

Billie's POV

Me and Bri have been together for a year now and in two days it's our one year anniversary. I'm so excited to show her what I got for her. Right now she's in the shower listening to music and singing.

Her voice sounds so beautiful but every time I try to convince her to start a career (like me) she just dismiss it and doubt herself. Brianna depression has been growing over this past year and all I want to do is help her.

I heard her music stop and so did the shower. I sat up and waited for her to walk out the bathroom. I wanna move in with bri like by ourselves. I love my parents and all but I want privacy.

Also I'm tired of being told to keep it down. It's not my fault I'm good at having sex. Brianna walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. "Hey baby, how was your shower." She sighed.

Brianna spends like an hour in the shower because she's overthinking and it sucks because I just want to help her. "It was ok." She said. She grabbed some clothes but before she could walk in the bathroom I grabbed her.

"Bil not now horny ass." She mumbled the last part. I rolled my eyes. "Baby I'm not even horny jeez. I just wanna talk to you." "Well can it wait please it's cold." I nodded and let her go.

She went in the bathroom and changed. She came back out with one of my oversized shirts on with some biker shorts. Her hair was in a messy bun and two strands hanging down in the front. (A/n:y'all know how Billie wear her ok.)

"Are you tryna get me horny or something?" I asked. She laughed. "Oh stop it billie this is..." she paused and looked at herself. "Ugly." She finished her sentence. I sighed.

"Baby I think your beautiful, why can't you see that." I asked her. "I don't know bil...I'm used to it, I was called ugly my whole life, even by you at one point." My smile turned into a frown.

I hate that I bullied her. "Baby I know and I'm sorry but your beautiful and I want you to know that." I walked over to her and hugged her from behind while she stared at herself in the mirror.

She leaned back into my embrace. "Thank you." She whispered. Bri has been mentally and physically drained and it shows. So I try to do as much as I can, but her stubborn ass doesn't let me.

"Our anniversary is in two days." She said. I pulled her to the bed and sat her on my lap. "I know, I can't wait till you see what I got you." I smiled. She leaned her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Bil don't get me anything seriously you've got me so much and I don't like when you spend money on me." She sighed. "Yeah and what do I tell you every time you say that." She sighed out of aggravation.

"You say 'I don't care I'm going to spend money on you anyway' then I say you don't have to and then you say 'I want to'." She sat up.

"Exactly so I'm gonna buy you something." I said. She got off me and groaned. Her attitude has also grew and she has short temper. It's only because she's tired but she won't let me help.

"Baby seriously don't." She said getting annoyed. "I'm going to." I said. She walked out of my room. "Where are you going!" I yelled as I followed her. "I'm going outside." She said

She stopped walking causing me to walk right into her. "And stop following me." "Baby can you please just rest, you and your short temper needs it." I said truthfully.

I been holding that in since forever. "My short temper?" She turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Please baby I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, but you have been a little angry and I just wanna help but your not letting me and I don't wanna argue with you again."

It's true I don't wanna argue with her again because that results in her not talking to me for a week, and it sucks. She sighed. "Billie I'm not trying to argue with you either but your making it so hard, and I do not have a short temper." She said.

"Baby trust me you have a short temper. Just last week we had an argument over a damn cover." I told her. She rolled her eyes. "Well maybe if your stingy ass would've shared we wouldn't have had an argument." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine whatever." I turned around and walked away. I don't have time for this.

Ive been watching tv by myself for 2 hours, and Brianna is just now deciding to come back. Right now we're home alone because my parents are on some type of business trip.

She came in and had her head down while she fiddled with her promise ring. "Baby?" She said quietly. "Yeah." I sighed knowing she feels bad.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you." She said. I got up and walked over to her and hugged her. "I know mama, just please get some rest and take a break from life, because your short temper is not it." I said softly.

She laughed a little. "Okay." She said quietly. She hugged me back and I kissed her forehead. After our arguments she always feels bad, well except that time where she thought I was being stingy with the cover.

I led her to the bed and we laid down. She cuddled into me and instantly fell asleep. She's been extremely tired especially with her trying to find a job and everything.

I try to convince her to take a break but she never listens. I guess today she decided to. I ran my fingers through her hair.

Brianna finally woke up and decided to come downstairs, I guess she was looking for me. Right now I'm eating and watching the office.

"Hey baby." I said. She smiled weakly and I held out my arms. She laid in them and that's when I knew she had been crying. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm just tired bil." Was all she said.

" know I'm here for you right?" I felt her nod. She sighed and sat up straddling me. "I wanna go to the park." She said quietly. I moved my food and sat it on the table. "Okay...are you...ok?" I asked.

She only goes to the park when she's upset. "Well no but I wanna get out of the house." She said quietly. "Oh ok, do you wanna talk?" I know Brianna doesn't like talking about her feelings so I don't pressure her to.

"Maybe...can we talk at the park though." She said. I smiled at her satisfaction with the park. She's like a little baby. "Sure." She smiled and ran off to go put some clothes on I'm guessing.

She came downstairs hella fast. "How did you- nvm cmon let's go." She ran out the door to my car. I'm thinking about getting her a new car. I just got to ask her what's her dream car.

We're at the park and I brought some Taco Bell for us. After 10 minutes of trying to convince Brianna to eat she finally gave in and ate.

We're now currently swinging on the swings. Brianna looks happier, I don't know what it is with the park that makes her so happy. But I like it.

I hope she feels ok though. She said she'll talk to me but never did. I won't push her though. I was about to ask bri what was her dream car when we both heard.

A/n: hey guys I hope you like the first chapter of this sequel. I didn't proofread so I'm sorry for mistakes. Stay safe love you😘.!

1356 words

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