Chapter 21

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Brianna's POV

It's been a day since billie's caught a fever. She's feeling a little better, but she's still throwing up. She's been coughing and sneezing. I don't know who she was around, but she caught a fever from it. Right now she's sleep because she was crying last night and didn't get any sleep.

She was crying because she couldn't breath due to her nose being stuffy. I heard a cough and turned to look at billie. Her eyes fluttered open and I gave her a warm smile. She gave me a small smile before coughing again.

"Do you want to take some more medicine?" I asked. "Yes please." I nodded and got up to go get it out the bathroom cabinet. I walked back in the room and gave it to her. She used her water from earlier to take the medicine.

(We're gonna skip two days later because I'm lazyyyy)

I woke up to billie sitting on top of me. "Billie get off." I groaned, "never." I sighed and heard her giggle. "C'mon baby I have an interview today and your my moral support so." She said dragging out the O.

"Fine fine, just give me a few minutes." She let out a small yay before getting off me and running off somewhere. Yes we're still at my house. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I got up and found an outfit and walked in the bathroom to do my morning routine.

I brushed my teeth and put my clothes on and walked downstairs. I saw billie watching tv and I just smiled. "You ready to go?" She jumped at my voice and I chuckled. "Don't scare me like that." She said.

"Yes I'm ready to go, we're stopping by taco bell after my interview though so c'mon." I rolled my eyes and put my shoes on and grabbed my keys and we headed out.


Billie's POV

We're at taco bell and bri jus ordered me 20 burritos, I love her so much. My fever is finally over and I'm so glad because I was tired of taking medicine. "Baby?" I said after a while. "Y- thank you, yeah" She handed me the bag to make sure everything was in there.

I nodded confirming that it was. "Uh so I was thinking." I said. "And what were you thinking about?" She looked at me as we came up on a red light. "I was thinking about this song." I said after a moment.

"and what is it about" I thought about it for a while. The light turned green and she started driving again. Should I tell her it's about her? "Uh it's just a song I've been working on for a while and I wanted your opinion on if I should release it or not."

We pulled into the driveway and she turned the car off. "Well I mean I would need to hear it for an opinion, but if it means a lot to you and you've worked on it for a while I feel like you should put it out." I nodded, a small smile coming to my face.

"Can we go in the house and make out now?" She laughed loudly and got out of the car. I walked behind her and we walked to my room. I closed the door and sat on the bed next to her. "That wasn't a no mama." I said lowly.

"Baby shut cho ass up and eat your damn burritos, goofy ass." I laughed as I pulled my burritos out of the bag. "I'm gonna go post on Instagram since I haven't been posting." She said I nodded and she left the room.

I was finna eat my burrito when bri came back. "What?" I asked as she stared at me. "I need you to take my picture." She said shyly. I rolled my eyes playfully, but agreed.

After a few minutes I got a notification saying bri posted for the first time in a while. I picked my phone up and went to Instagram to look at the beautiful pictures I took.

Via Instagram

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Liked by billieeilish and 15,940 others

Love_bri: Thank you for getting your lazy self out of bed to take my picture billieeilish

User 1: She's ugly
User 2: I think she's still using billie
User 3: Yall still on that using billie thing
billieeilish: your welcome my luv
User 4: omg billie's comment
User 5: Are you dating billie?

I laughed at the 'are you dating billie' comment. I wanna reply saying yes she is, but you know management and shit. I really wish I could just come out and announce that bri is mine. I love her a lot. "What you thinkin about?" bri asked.

"I just wish I could come out ya know? I mean most of the fandom already thinks I'm gay so It wouldn't really be a problem." Bri held my hand and I looked up at her, "baby don't stress over it, It's probably because management is homophobic pieces of shit. Now eat your burritos and lets watch the office." 

I smiled at her and nodded. 


Bri went to sleep and I'm bored out of my mind. I don't know what to do, yeah the office is interesting, but I wanna do something else. "Baby." I whispered in bri's ear. She let out a soft hum. I'm pretty sure she was still sleep.

"I'm bored." I whispered. "Then do something." She mumbled. I rolled my eyes, she can be so rude sometimes. I poked her in the side and she groaned, "Billie stoppp." I sighed, "But I'm bored." She din't say anything back so she probably went back to sleep, "Babyyyy." I whined.

"Billie it's 3 o' clock in the morning take your sexy ass to bed, damn." She pulled the cover over her head and turned away from me. I blushed at what she said and put my head down, starting to play with my rings. 

I sniffled to make it seem like I was crying so she would get up. She sighed, but sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Fine. What do you want to do." She said sleepily. I smiled and hugged her. "No, you don't get any hugs. You wanna make me get up and shit." she mumbled the last part.

"Wait wha-." She cut me off, "No, no hugs, no kisses, none of that." She said sternly. "No no no I'm sorry please." I begged. "No, now what do you wanna do." I crossed my arms and pouted, I didn't say anything to her.

She groaned, she got up and I looked at her confused. She came over to my side of the bed, "Stand up." She said lowly, I did as told and she just stared in my eyes. She wrapped her hand around my neck applying light pressure and I gasped.

"Loose the attitude." I quickly nodded, "No I want you to say it." Her eyes grew darker. "O-ok." I said quietly. She unwrapped her hand and pushed me on the bed. My breath hitched as my back hit the bed, making me bounce a little.

She climbed on top of me straddling my waist. I looked up at her and gulped, "Now like I said before take your sexy ass to bed, and billie I swear if you wake me up at 3 in the morning one more time I will not be so nice." I let out a shaky breath, but quickly nodded.

I have officially learned my lesson on waking her up.


A/n: Hey guys, how are you? Sorry for mistakes stay safe love you.!

1290 words

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