Chapter 17

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Billie's POV

She wouldn't tell me, what's so bad that she's not telling me? She still hasn't answered me. "Brianna." I wiped my face. "Yes." She said lowly. "What was it?" She started to play with her promise ring. I grabbed her hands.

She looked at me, "Billie I don't want you to be mad at me." She said quietly. "What could you have possibly done to make me mad at you." I said. She looked down. I intertwined our hands. "Bri you can tell me anything." I said softly.

She looked me in my eyes. She was about to cry. I looked down at her legs. I touched one of her thighs and she winced in pain. I furrowed my eyebrows. I let go of her hands, "Pull down your pants." I said quietly. "Billie please don't make me." She said, I saw a tear fall down her cheek.

"Baby." I sighed, "I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm trying to see what's wrong." She just looked at me, tears rolling down her face. She got up slowly and pulled down her leggings. As they went down further I started to see a bunch of cuts.

My eyes widen as I kept seeing more. She finally pulled them all the way off. She sat back on the bed and started to play with her ring again. I didn't say anything, I was just in disbelief. "Please say something." She whispered

I just stayed silent, I couldn't form a sentence. I watched as tears slipped out of her eyes. She put her leggings back on and put some socks on.

Brianna's POV

Billie just stared at me, not saying anything. I put my leggings back on along with some socks, I'm gonna just give her some time. I put my ugg slides on and walked out of the room. Maggie was downstairs which shocked me because normally she'd be sleep. "Hey bri, where are you going this time of night?" She asked.

"Oh I'm just going for a walk, and plus its only 9:50pm." She nodded and I put my jacket on and grabbed my keys. I closed the door and went straight towards my car. I drove to my secret place that no one knows about, not even billie.


I been at my secret place for a while now, billie wouldn't stop calling so I just shut off my phone. My place is not all that its just a small house, basically a cabin. It has a lake and a lot of trees. The only reason I found this is because I was just roaming around my neighborhood and I ended up here.

I don't think I was in my neighborhood anymore. I was roaming around because my parents were arguing again. I would only come here when I didn't wanna be found.

Billie's POV

I called bri 30 times, I know because it tells you how many times you called a person. The first 20 just kept ringing, then the last 10 went straight to voicemail meaning she turned off her phone. So I can't track her phone either.

I walked downstairs and saw my mom, which was shocking because she's normally sleep. "Uh hey mom?" "Hey sweetie wasup." I stared at her for a while. "Why are you up?" I asked. "Couldn't sleep, you?" "I never go to sleep at this time." She shrugged.

"Have you seen bri?" I asked. She looked at me with an raised eyebrow. "Did you guys get into a fight?" "No no no it's just she showed me something and I couldn't find the right words to say and I don't know." I sighed. "Well she said she was going on a walk, so no I haven't." I nodded.

"Thanks." I walked back upstairs and closed my door. I should call Claudia. (Claudia-italic/Billie-bold.)

Billie why the hell are you calling me at this time?
first off its only 10:25
Whatever what is it?
Uh bri's gone and I don't know where to find her and she turned her phone off so I can't track it and I really messed up and now she probably thinks I'm mad at her and I just real-
First off slow down, what happened, jeez your gonna make me wake up finn
Sorry, ok so uh Bri said she had to go to the bathroom and I said ok, but then she was gone for about an hour and I went to go check on her, then when she came out of the bathroom she had blood on her pants and I asked was she on her cycle and she said no.
Billie I'm gonna stop you right there, I'm gonna come over because finneas is starting to wake up and I'm not finna hear him complain on how I woke him up.

She hung up and I sighed. After a couple of minutes a very tired looking Claudia came bursting into my room. "The rest of this story better be good." She sighed and closed my door and sat on a bean bag. I began explaining the rest of the story to her and when I finished she just sighed.

"Billie why didn't you say anything?" "I couldn't find the right words to say, I was in shock Claudia. I thought she was ok, she was eating laughing and just doing great overall. I didn't know she was cutting herself, on her leg at that."

I sighed. "Do you know any places she could be?" Claudia asked. "Well, she goes to the park when she's upset, oh and sometimes she goes to the beach. She also has this secret place which I guess isn't secret anymore because I know about it." I paused for a second.

"oh and sometimes she just starts walking and she always ends up at a bridge." I finished. "Okay well then lets go look at all those places and see if she's there." I nodded and put  my shoes on, I grabbed my keys and jacket and we headed out.

"Mom we're going to find bri!" I yelled as I closed the door. I heard a faint ok before I got into the car and drove off. I went to the park first and we searched all around but she wasn't there.


We searched all the places I named, she wasn't even at her secret place. I sighed, "There's only one more place she could be." Claudia said hopefully. "And where is that?" "Home." I just stared at her. "We can go check, but her dad is back home so I don't think she would be there." Claudia shrugged.

"Wouldn't hurt to try right." I nodded. We got in the car and drove to bri's house. I knocked on the door and this weird looking lady opened the door. "Can I help you?" "Uh yes actually, is Brianna here?" I asked. 

"Nope." I nodded, "Thanks." I walked away and I felt tears forming in my eyes. I got in the car and cried. Claudia hugged me and I just cried. "I just want to see her." I sobbed. "I know billie, I promise we're gonna find her ok?" I nodded.

"How about I stay with you for tonight and we continue looking tomorrow, Sound good?" I nodded again, "Can you drive?" I sniffled. "Of course." We switched spots and I just looked out the window as Claudia pulled out of the driveway.

After a few minutes we made it home. Claudia slept beside me so I won't feel so lonely. "Are you sure we're gonna  find her?" "Yes billie, we'll do everything we can, now go to sleep." I nodded and pulled the cover over me as I drifted off to sleep.

Brianna's POV

I turned my phone back on to see 30 missed calls from billie, and a couple of text like where are you and I'm looking for you. I sighed and got in bed. I'll go back tomorrow, but right now I need some space.

I laid in bed thinking about billie. I slowly began to drift off to sleep.


A/n: Hey guys, how are you? Sorry for mistakes, stay safe love you.!

1350 words

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