Chapter 13

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A/n: I'm using my laptop right now because my phone is dead, so if your using a phone to read this and the pg's are long my bad.

Billie's POV

"Excuse me what!" I yelled. I literally just got off tour, what's this dude problem. "Billie, calm down." Finneas said. "Calm down? CALM DOWN? you want me to calm down, we just got off of tour, what makes you think I wanna go back on tour. It was already dreadful!" I yelled. Bri squeezed my hand. I sighed. "Baby how about we go get some fresh air?" Bri asked. I nodded.

She stood up and I got on her back, she walked out of the room and went outside. She sat me down on a bench and she sat next to me. Bri hugged me and i let a tear slip from my eyes. "It's just so tiring." I whispered. "I know bil, but you get to see all you fans happy." I lean my head on her shoulder and sighed.

"yeah, I love to see my lil babies happy." I smiled at the thought. "So go on the tour for them, and me." Bri said. I nodded. She got up and I got on her back. We walked back in the building and we sat down. "She said she'll do the tour." Bri said. "On one condition." I said. "And what's that?" Danny asked.

"Bri has to come with me." Bri moved on my lap, I guess so she can get comfortable. I whimpered quietly. "Sorry I forgot." She whispered to me. I nodded letting her know it was ok. "I don't know bil." He said. "Then I don't wanna go." Bri opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off. "If you don't wanna go I don't wanna go."

She sighed defeated and just stayed silent. "Billie you can be without brianna for a couple of months it's not that bad." Finneas said. "finn if claudia couldn't come on tour with us how would you feel?" I felt myself getting angry. "Well I'll be upset of course." He replied.

"EXACTLY SO HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL WHEN BRI CAN'T COME ON TOUR WITH US!" I yelled. Bri turned to me and held my hand. "Baby calm down if I can't come I promise I'll Facetime you everyday." She said softly.

"No I don't wanna see you through a screen I need you there with me." I buried my face in her neck and cried silently.

Brianna's POV

It sucks to see Billie like this. Maggie was looking at us and she had a sad expression on her face. Finneas had a shock expression. I comforted billie as she cried. "Please come with me." She said quietly through her tears. I sighed and looked at Danny. I rubbed billie's ack as she held me tighter.

"Okay look, If I don't come obviously she's not gonna be herself on stage. She's not gonna wanna go out and explore around and stuff you guys do on tour." I didn't hear billie crying anymore so I looked at her and she was sleep.

"fine you can come, just don't distract her from her work." He said. I nodded. I picked up billie and headed to my car. I put her in softly so I don't wake her. I got in the car and headed to my house. I figured Billie doesn't wanna talk to Finneas right now.


Billie woke up about an hour ago. She's just been zoning out. "Baby? She said quietly. I looked at her and hummed. "Are you gonna go?" She said softly. I smiled and nodded. She climbed on my lap and hugged me. I hugged her back. "I love you." She said, "I love you too."

I moved my leg a little and I heard Billie whimper. "Sorry, didn't mean to." She kissed me passionately. "It's ok, but I still blame you." She climbed off my lap. I rolled my eyes, "Well if you would've just listened we wouldn't have this problem right now." She huffed and rolled her eyes and i heard her mumble "Whatever."

"You wanna say that out loud?" I raised my eyebrow. "N-no, I-I didn't say anything." I pushed her back on the bed and got on top of her. I heard her gasp. I put my hand on her neck and applied light pressure. "Did you have an attitude with me Billie?" She didn't answer, so I applied a little more pressure.

She let out a quiet moan. "Answer me." I said softly. "N-no I-I didn't have a a-attitude." She said quietly. I started to grind on her and i heard her whimper. "Speak up." I whispered as I grinded harder. "N-no." She said more clearer than let out another whimper. "Thought so." I said lowly and grinded harder.

She squirmed and tried to push me away, but I slapped her hands away. "B-bri please, I-I'm sore." She whimpered again. "We don't get attitudes, understand?" She nodded quickly so I would stop.

"No baby use your words." "I-I understand." I got off her and she let out a shaky breath.

Billie's POV

I sighed. "I-I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I told bri, she nodded. I then realized that I couldn't walk. "um I uh need help." I said quietly as a blush came on my face. She chuckled. She got out of bed and carried me to the bathroom. She closed the door and I pulled my pants down to pee.

Once I was finished I pulled my pants up, and then washed my hands while sitting on the toilet. "BRIANNA I'M DONE!" I yelled. She opened the door and picked me up. She walked in the room and sat me on the bed. "Hey bil?" I was zoning out again thinking about how basically bri just made me a submissive. "BILLIE!" she yelled snapping me out of my daze.

"Oh uh sorry what?" She looked at me like I was stupid. "Billie let me see your arm." She said out of no where. I didn't wanna show her though, I had been cutting again and I didn't wanna tell her. "W-why." I said quietly. "Billie." She sighed.

"Just let me see your arm." She scooted closer to me. I scooted away from her. "W-why do you need to see it, there's nothing on it." I said nervously. "Billie, I've known you since we were in kindergarten, pretty much our whole lives, and you think I don't know when your hiding something from me?" I gulped.

"I-I'm sorry." I whispered. I didn't mean to lie to her, I just don't want her to know. "And what are you sorry for?" I froze. "I-I don't know." I said quietly. I started to play with my rings, a nervous habit of mine. "You do know...let me see them Billie." I stayed silent.

She came in front of me and in between my legs. She lifted my head up so I can look her in the eyes. "Let me see." She whispered. I slowly showed her my arms and she sighed when she seen them.

"Why are you hurting yourself?"


A/n: Hey guys, how was your day? So quick question, Should I do double uploads everyday or just keep on with the single uploads? Anyways stay safe I love you.!

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