chapter 10

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Brianna's POV

We've been at Billie's house for a while now. I ran some bath water for billie like a minute ago and now she's in the bathroom. I should probably go ch- "BABY!"

I hear billie yell cutting off my thoughts. I ran to the bathroom and saw her sitting in the tub. She looks like she's been crying, well she has, but I mean as of right now. "What's wrong baby?" I asked softly. "Can we talk after I get out, please." She says quietly. "Of course."

She smiles. But I can tell it's fake. I go to sit next to her. "What's wrong my love?" I ask her softly. She sighs. "It's just, I don't know I feel like I triggered something in you because you've actually been raped before and I'm over here being a big baby when she didn't do anything to me...yet at least."

She looked like she was about to cry. "Baby...I love you so much and I promise you didn't trigger anything. And it's ok to act like that you were scared and upset you weren't overreacting. Just know I'm here for you always."

She smiled a little. "I'm going to go get some ice cream ok?" I told her. She nodded. "Your clothes are on the bed so I'm going to close the door so your mom or dad doesn't see you...naked."

She chuckled "okay." She said softly. I pecked her on the lips and walked out the bathroom. I put my shoes and jacket on and headed out.

Billie's POV

Brianna just left and I'm putting on my clothes. I walk downstairs and see my mom. "Hi mom." "Hey Billie, how was the party?" I thought about it for a while. Should I tell her? "It was uh ok."

She stared at me for a second. "Okay, I'm glad you had fun, if you didn't eat it's some burritos in the fridge. I'm going to bed goodnight." I
Smiled "goodnight mom." She walks upstairs and I go straight towards the fridge.

I find the burritos and heat them up. These are going to be good. I went back to my room and started looking for a movie for me and Bri to watch.

While I was scrolling my phone rang. It was the same unknown number that Q called me from. I decided to ignore it and keep looking for a movie.

After a while bri comes bursting in my room with Taco Bell and ice cream. "Surprise shawtyyy!" She yells. I laugh. "Baby keep it down my mom and dad are sleep."

She chuckled. "Sorry, here I got us some ice cream, Taco Bell and I got you some takis." I smiled when she said takis. That's when I remembered something.

"How did you go to the store?" I asked. "Uh I took my car, why?" "What's your dream car?" She stares at me for a while. "Uh i don't really know, a Lamborghini I guess, or a G-wagon." I nod.

"Thanks for the takis." She smiled. "Your welcome my luv." I pulled her to the bed and pecked her lips.she giggled and sat on the bed.

"So I found a movie for us to watch if your down." I told bri. "Yeah that's cool, what movie is it?" She asks. "It's called 'Sleepover' it's supposed to be funny, the preview was funny so." She shrugged.

We're in the middle of the movie when I feel a hand on my thigh. I look over and I see bri just sitting there watching tv like she isn't doing anything. She slides her hand up a little and i tense up.

I wanted to say something but I couldn't form a sentence. Her hand went up some more and it was right by my core. I try my best not to give her the satisfaction.

She puts her hand in my shorts and rubbed over my clothed clit. I grip the sheets and try my best not to moan. She starts rubbing faster and I threw my head back.

"F-fuck." I moan out. She stops and I try to breath regularly. "Baby we can't my parents are here." I told her. She started rubbing my clit again and I threw my head back once more while gripping the sheets even tighter.

"O-oh shit." I shut my eyes. "You gotta be quiet baby." She whispers in my ear. I shook my head "n-no I-I can't...fuck." She rubbed faster and I let out a quiet moan.

"You gotta be quiet." I nodded. She took her hand out and I caught my breath. "Baby I can't be quiet you know that." I told her.

"Well I guess we just won't do anything until your parents leave again." She shrugged. No I don't want that my parents leave again in two months. I can't wait that long.

"No baby that's in two months I can't wait that long." I whined. "Then are you going to be quiet?" She asks. I nod. She pushes me back on the bed gently. "You sure you wanna do this?" She asks.

I nod. She pulls my shorts down and I lay back on my back completely. "Damn Billie I didn't do anything yet, your dripping." I chuckled. "Sorry mamas." She pulled down my underwear and I looked to see what she was doing.

She sucked in my clit and I let out a quiet moan. She stuck two fingers in me without warning. "F-fuck bri." I whispered. She thrusted in and out of me while sucking on my clit.

I moaned quietly. I felt a knot in my stomach. "B-baby I-fuck I'm gonna cum." I whispered. She added a third finger. "Let it out."

I accidentally moaned really loud and released on her fingers. She cleaned me up and I caught my breath. "You didn't do as told." She said quietly. "W-what did I do?" She threw me some underwear.

"You weren't quiet." She said. "Well I-." She cut me off. "No I don't wanna here it billie, your punishment will be in the morning right now I'm tired." I gulped

"But baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I said. I don't know what she's gonna do but I know I'm gonna have to beg for her to stop tomorrow. "To bad Billie go to bed." She cuddled up to me.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

I woke up to bri shaking me. "Yes?" I said. "It's punishment time, also Finneas and Claudia are here so you should be quiet." She said. I thought she was joking until she had this serious look on her face.

"But baby-." "Nope I don't wanna hear it." She said while grabbing something. "I said I was sorry, I didn't mean to moan that load it's just I-." She cut me off by pushing me down on the bed.

She had...handcuffs? Where the fuck? "W-what are you doing?" I asked. "Give me your hands." I held my hands out and she handcuffed me to the bed.

"B-baby I don't know." "Do you trust me?" She asks. As of right now no, but I won't tell her that. I nodded. "Words luv." I gulped. "Y-yes." She smiled.

She then pulled out a vibrator and pulled my underwear down. She put it on the highest setting, then put it inside me and I threw my head back. "Now I'm gonna leave this here, I have a couple things to do then I'll be back to take it out, be quiet." She said.

"Shit." I moaned quietly. After a while I felt a knot in my stomach and I came. My clit was sensitive. I felt something but it wasn't a knot in my stomach. I then started squirting.

Brianna's POV

I walked downstairs casually. "Hey guys." "Hey." Finneas and Claudia said. Me and Claudia are going to the store. We then heard a loud moan and everyone looked at me.

"Don't worry she's fine." I said. Me and Claudia then head out.
A/n: sorry for mistakes stay safe love you.!

1360 words

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