Chapter 16

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Billie's POV

I started squirting and I fell to the floor. I let out a moan that was louder than intended. I shut my eyes as I was squirting. I opened them to see bri looking at me smiling. I arched my back and my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I came.

I let out a loud moan and caught my breath. I looked down and my pants were ruined. "BRI!" I whispered yelled. "T-turn it off." I whimpered. She didn't. This felt like my punishment all over again.

I arched my back as I came again. She turned it off and I sighed in relief. "You might wanna clean up your mess." Bri chuckled. I looked to where she was looking and my eyes widen. "H-how am I gonna clean this." I whispered to myself.

Bri grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom. She pulled down my pants and underwear. She cleaned me up and I whimpered. "I-I don't have another pair of clothes with me bri." I sighed in frustration.

"That's why I brung some because I knew what I was gonna do." She smirked. She handed me some underwear, pants, and a shirt. "Are you gonna take the vibrator out." I asked her. She shook her head. I groaned and put on the clothes.

We walked back to where the interview was being taken place and I sat down. "You good now?" The interviewer asked. "Yeah I'm straight." I smiled. we continued with the interview.


The interview is finally over. Thank god because I was tired. Everyone was laughing at me because of my walking again. I got in my car and waited for bri. She finally got in the car laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. 

"Nothing, I was just talking to Claudia about something." She smiled. I nodded and turned the keys to start the car. I drove to taco bell because I was hungry. As I was ordering bri turned the vibrator on and I accidentally let out a moan. 

I shot her a glare and she turned it off. I apologized and continued to order. I turned towards bri "You want anything?" she shook her head. I nodded and told the lady that would be all. I paid and got my food. I drove to my house and we walked inside and went straight to my room.

I sat on the bed and pulled my pants and underwear down. I opened my legs a little and looked a bri. She furrowed her eyebrows. "Take it out." I told her. She rolled her eyes and walked over to me.

She took it out and I put my underwear and pants back on. I washed my hands and turned on the tv. I grabbed my bag of burritos and begin to eat them while watching the office. Bri suddenly sat up and stared at me for a second before speaking.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." she said quietly. I nodded and she got up slowly while taking something out of her pocket. I furrowed my eyebrows but shrugged it off. I continued watching tv and eating my burritos.


 It's been an hour and bri hasn't came back out the bathroom, maybe she's taking a shower? No, because she would've brought clothes with her. I sighed and got up to go check on her.

Brianna's POV

Billie doesn't know it, but I've been cutting a lot recently. Since I've been eating I just feel disgusting. I heard a soft knock and I jumped. "Baby are you...ok?" I heard Billie's voice. I wiped my tears "yeah I'm good." I replied trying to sound convincing. 

"'ve been in there for an hour though so you sure?" I heard her say. "Yeah I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute." I heard a soft ok and I heard her walk away. I sighed and pulled up my pants letting out a quiet whimper in the process. 

That's how Billie doesn't know, I make my cuts on my legs now. I washed my hands and cleaned the razor. I walked out and sat on the bed with billie. She looked me up and down and her face went soft.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you on your period?" She whispered. I shook my head. "Oh well did you just get off?" She asked. I shook my head again, why is she asking this? "Oh its just...its blood on your pants so." She said quietly. 

I looked down and sure enough there was blood, all where I made my cuts. I sighed and stood up and grabbed a pair of leggings and walked back to the bathroom. Before I closed the door Billie called my name. "Yes?" I said quietly. "Why don't you just change in here?" 

I mentally slapped myself. "Oh right forgot it was a bathroom in here." I laughed breathily. "No I mean front of me." She said quietly. She started playing with her rings. "Oh, uh I don't know." I said quietly, she sighed. "You can go change now." She whispered.

I walked to the bathroom that was in her room and cleaned my legs before putting my leggings on. I walked out and Billie was just staring at the tv, wasn't blinking, moving, or anything. I sighed knowing she's in thought about why I won't change in front of her and why there was blood on my pants.

I sat in front of her and crisscrossed my legs. She looked at me with teary eyes. I hugged her and she laid her head on my shoulder. "D-did I do something?" She whispered. I ran my fingers through her hair. "No baby you didn't." I sighed.

"P-promise?" She said quietly, "Promise." I whispered. "are you...not comfortable changing in front of me?" She pulled away from me. I looked her in the eyes, I saw that she blamed herself. "No baby that's not it, I just...I don't know." She looked down and played with her rings. 

"W-why was there blood on your pants?" She asked quietly. I sighed knowing I can't really come up with a lie for this one. But then one popped in my head. I had a band-aid on my hand from yesterday when I "accidently" cut myself.

"I uh cut my hand by accident and wiped it on my pants, I guess i just forgot." I lied. She looked up at me and looked me dead in the eyes with teary eyes. "Your lying." She whispered before putting her head back down. 

"Why are you lying to me?" She whispered as a tear fell out of her eye. She took my silence as a sign for her to keep talking. "What did I do for you to lie to me Brianna." Her voice cracked when she said my name.

I felt a huge load of guilt rush over me. "Please don't cry, I'm sorry ok...just please don't cry." I said quietly. "Why are you lying to me." She said quietly. She wiped her face. "What did I do, tell me so I can fix it." She sniffled. 

"Billie I promise you didn't do anything." "Then why are you lying to me." She put her hands on her face. "because you'll get mad if I tell you the real reason and right now billie...I don't need you to be mad at me." I sighed.

"Tell me then, maybe I won't get mad. You're making me mad by lying to me bri, how do you think I feel when you lie to me?" She looked at me. She scoffed lightly, "Are you cheating on me? cause if that's it I'm not mad I'll just be upset and hu-." I cut her off.

"What no! Billie I love you and only you and I'm sorry okay." She sighed. "Then what is it bri, I'm not understanding." I stayed quiet. I'm not gonna tell her. She'll be upset because she thinks I'm doing great. She's been so happy to see me "happy" and I don't wanna ruin that.

"I won't ask again...Why was there blood on your pants."


A/n: Hey guys, how are you? Sorry for mistakes, Stay safe love you.!

1358 words

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