Chapter 12

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Brianna's POV

I woke up before Billie which is pretty unusual. I walked downstairs and saw Bella watching TV on the couch. "Hey where is everyone?" I asked. "Their in the guest room." she said while not taking her eyes off the tv. I nodded and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. After I was done making breakfast me and Bella ate and washed our dishes. As I was walking to the couch to watch TV with Bella I heard a thud. "you heard that?" I asked Bella.

"Yeah what was that?" I shrugged, "I'm going to go check." She nodded and scrolled through Netflix for another show. I walked upstairs to my room and saw Billie on the floor. "Billie how the hell did you fall." I laughed. "It's not funny I still can't walk." She groaned. I helped her back on the bed. "Well good morning." I said softly.

"Good morning baby." I pecked her lips. "I made breakfast, want some?" She nodded. I walked downstairs and fixed her a plate and got some juice for her. I walked to my room and sat the plate on the bed and put the juice on the nightstand.

"Thank you." She said. "No problem, I'm gonna go get ready and post on instagram." She nods and began to eat her food. I walked to the bathroom and I took a shower, and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I put on the outfit I had brung with me and did a little make up and grabbed my phone.

Via Instagram

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Love_bri: Long time no see, how y'all doing?
Claudiasulewski: beautiful💗
Queen_bella: hey bestie💘
User 1: are you and Billie still friends
Love_bri: yessirrr
Kevintofine: I'm wokeeee
Love_bri: i made breakfast
User 2: where have you been?

I shut my phone off and look at Billie who's drinking her juice. I just stared at her.

Billie's POV

I put my cup down and Bri was just staring at me. "What?" I asked. "nothing your just beautiful." She said. I blushed and looked down. "Thank you." I said quietly. "aww is the Billie Eilish blushing." I blushed even more. "S-shut up." She lift my head up and pecked my lips. "It's ok be soft baby." I blushed even more. "I'm not soft." She laughed, "Sure you aren't."

"Bri can you please help me to the bathroom." I whined. She laughed loudly. "Sure baby cmon." She helped me up and she helped me to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I used the bathroom and then washed my hands. She helped me back to the room and I sighed.

"Bri?" She looked at me and cut her phone off. "yes?" "Can we talk now, like I know your not ok, but you keep denying it." She sighed. "Uh yeah sure I guess." She turned her whole body against me letting me know I have her full attention. "First let me see your arms." I said. She hesitated for a second.

She showed me her arms and I saw 3 fresh cuts on her arm. "Brianna you know I won't push you, but you have to talk to me...please." She just looked down. "When did you do this?" She hesitated for a bit. "Two days ago." She whispered. I pulled her in for a hug. That's all I can do unless she talks to me.

"Baby I love you so much and I want you to know that I'm here for you, Ok?" She begins to cry silently. "I'm sorry." Was all she said. "Don't apologize baby, you did nothing wrong. Please talk to me though, I want to help you." She pulled away and looked me in the eyes. I saw so much pain in her eyes, and that hurt me so much.

"It's just, I wanna like let you please me, but I keep getting flashbacks and everything is so frustrating." She said "Oh baby if that's what's wrong I assure you we don't have to do anything if your not ready to." I held her hands.

"No billie that's not all." I look into her eyes giving her my full attention. "It's like every time I go out I feel paranoid and I also feel like I'm disgusting, I don't know I just don't feel like myself anymore." I saw more tears form in her eyes. This broke my heart.

"Baby I think your beautiful and although you don't think so right now your gonna get there, and I'm gonna help you get there. I'll be here for you, I'll be here to protect you, I promise you you're beautiful, and amazing and fucking talented." She gives me a weak smile. She hugs me and I hug her back tightly.

"we're gonna get through this together, ok baby?" I say softly. "Thank you." She whispers. "Always, just please stop hurting yourself. I want you to feel like you can come to me for anything." I felt her nod. Someone came bursting through the door. I looked and saw it was Kevin.

"Oh shit my bad, Uh me, Bella, and that Kaden dude is going to the store, so." I sighed. "Ok just...just get out." He closes the door and I hug Bri tighter. "I love you mamas." "I love y-you too." She said softly.


Brianna went to sleep about an hour ago. Kevin and Bella made it back, but Kaden had to go home. I looked at bri peacefully sleeping on my chest. She's so drained and I can see it. I just wish she could see herself like I do. I know that's going to take a while, but I'm willing to help. My phone starts ringing and I see its Finneas. (Finneas-italic/Billie-bold)


Hey bil, uh we have a meeting today

shit Finneas why didn't you tell me beforehand

I didn't think about it, why is it such a problem


What do you mean?

I mean Brianna fu-

Imma stop you right there, listen billie they said it's important so figure out a way to get here.

Ugh fine, whatever

I hang up and sigh. "Baby wake up." I whisper in Brianna's ear. She groans and pulls the cover over her head. "baby, I need to go to a meeting but thanks to you I can't walk, so I need your help getting there." She groans again and sits up. she puts her shoes on and I put my slides on.

She picks me up and carries me to the car. I sit there and wait for her to get in. She comes back and gets in the car with the keys. "Sorry I had to tell them where we were going." I nodded. I put the address in the gps thing and bri began to drive.

"Damn papi your a rare breed no comparing and its motherfucking scary tryna keep him cause I found him let a hoe know I ain't motherfucking sharing!" bri yells the lyrics to streets and I just look at her in awe. I smile when she grabs my hand and sings 'I find it hard to find someone like you.' She genuinely looks happy right now.

We make it to the place for the meeting and Brianna gets out and comes to my side and picks me up and we walk inside the building. I immediately hear Finneas laughing and I tell bri to follow his laugh. She does and we walk into a room. she sits me down on a chair and I pull her on my lap.

I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her shoulder. "Alright now that Billie's here we can began." Danny says. "So I'm going to get straight to the point, billie, Finneas you guys are going on a 1 month tour." I froze.

"excuse me what!"


A/n: Hey , sorry for mistakes. Stay safe love you.!

1348 words

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