Chapter 18

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Billie's POV

I woke up and got some clothes and took a quick shower, and brushed my teeth. I put some shoes on and my rings and chains. I went to go wake Claudia so we can go find bri. "Claudia wake up, we have to find bri before my interview." I whispered in her ear.

Yes I have an interview, I have like 3 today. She groaned but got up anyway. She knew this was important to me. "Cmon hurry." I rushed her. "Billie, your forgetting I didn't bring clothes." She said sleepily

"Oh cmon I'm sure you got some clothes left over in finneas's room." I pushed her to finneas old room and she looked through some drawers. Sure enough she found some. She went to the bathroom and what felt like years she finally came out ready.

I ran to the door grabbing my keys. "Billie make sure your back in time for your interview." My mom said. I yelled ok and ran to my car. Claudia finally got in the car, "Finally." I mumbled . I started the car and we just drove around to a couple places.

We went to her favorite restaurants, stores, we even went to Kaden, Isabella, and Kevin's house. She was no where, well she wasn't in the places we searched. I gave up hope when we searched the whole mall. 

I sat on the curb and cried, Claudia was trying to get me to move because of pap, but I didn't really care. I care about bri and how she's doing. "Billie cmon we have to go." "What if she's dead." I sobbed.

"I'm sure she's alive and well billie, but we have to go." She pulled me towards my car and I got in the passenger side. I gave her my keys and she drove back to her house to pick up finn.


I just finished my first interview, I wasn't really there though I kept zoning out. I was thinking about bri the whole time. I miss her, I wanna hug her and kiss her, but I can't do that because she's not here.

I began to sob and finn hugged me. Claudia had explained everything to him already. "I miss her finn." I said between sobs. "I know billie, we all do. I'm sure she'll come back, just give her time." I sniffled and just laid on his shoulder.

We made it to the place for my second interview and I was drained. My mom gave me some eyedrops for my eyes and we went in the building.

Brianna's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at it and it was Kaden. I ignored it and got out of bed. I grabbed my car keys and put my shoes on and headed back to billie's house. I know she's probably worried about me.

I was just giving her time to think, and I was giving myself some space. I drove to her house and noticed nobody was there, luckily I have a key. I walked in and went straight to billie's room so I can shower. I grabbed some clothes and went into her bathroom.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth and put some fresh clothes on. I laid in billie's bed and watched some tv.

Billie's POV

I just finished my last interview and now we're on the way home. I cried the whole way though, I just wanna see bri again. I wanna tell her I love her and I'm here for her. We got home and I went straight to my room.

I walked in and saw bri sitting on my bed watching tv. She looked at me and smiled. I ran to her and tackled her with a hug. "I missed you so much." I said. "I miss you too." She said softly. "I'm so sorry I didn't say anything, I just didn't know what to say." Bri looked at me and smiled.

"It's ok billie, I left so you can have time to think." I hugged her again. I pulled away and gave her a kiss. She smiled and looked down. I cupped her cheeks and gave her a passionate kiss which turned out to be an make out session.

I pushed her back on the bed and straddled her waist. Someone came bursting through the door. "Hey billie mom said- oh my bad." Finneas said. "What the actual fuck finneas, you always do this." I groaned and got off bri.

I heard her laugh and I shot her a glare, She quickly stopped and looked away. "I'm sorry I didn't even know she was here." He shrugged. "No dude you just don't want me to feel good." I sighed. "I do not wanna hear about my sisters sex life." I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked. "Mom said we're going to taco bell and she wanted to know if you wanted to come." I rolled my eyes. "I was gonna 'come' before you bursted through the door." I mumbled.

Brianna hit me in the arm, "Ow, what was that for." She glared at me and I slumped against the headboard. "No finneas she's good, but I do want two bean burritos no chees just beans." Bri smiled. 

He nodded and walked out of the room closing the door. "So, can we talk now?" I asked. "Uh billie you are aware that you were the one who kissed me right?" I rolled my eyes and shoved her playfully.

"Shut up bozo, I just missed you." she rolled her eyes playfully and sat up. "Yes we can talk my luv." I smiled and sat across from her. I sighed and grabbed her hands. "Baby, you know I'm here for you right." She nodded.

"And you can talk to me about anything." She nodded again, "So can you please talk to me now." She sighed and squeezed my hands. "Baby, its just...I don't know I just feel worthless and these voices, well my head keeps telling me things, and cutting myself helps me escape."

"Do you remember what you told me when I was cutting myself?" I asked her. "Yes." I nodded, "I want you to do the same thing." I smiled. She smiled and shook her head, "Ok billie, but I'm not hurting you." I shrugged.

"And you're not hurting yourself either so...either hurt yourself and hurt me or not do it at all." I shrugged. She sighed but nodded, "Oh and from now on I'm gonna go to the bathroom with you." I smiled, I don't see anything wrong with that one.

"What billie you can-." I cut her off. "I don't care, and instead of giving each other our razors I'm gonna give them to my mom." I got up and went straight to the bathroom. She followed me and was telling me I couldn't do this to her. 

"Mamas I'm just trying to help you, it's for the best. For both of us at that." I grabbed the rest of the razors and went to my mom room, bri right behind me. I knocked on the door softly and my dad opened it. "Oh hey billie, your mom's sleep what do you need." He asked.

"Can you take these." I held out my hand with the razors in them. He looked shock but nodded. I never gave my razors away, i would always keep them, but seeing all the cuts on bri's legs it just didn't feel right to have them. I wanna be there for her, I wanna be strong for her.

I can't do that If we're both doing the same thing. He closed the door and I grabbed bri's hand. "You're gonna stick with me today." Bri shrugged, "I don't have a problem with that one."  I smiled. I walked towards the kitchen and saw Claudia and Finn.

"Hey guys." I said. They turned and looked at me. "Hey billie, hey bri." Claudia said. She then paused. "Wait bri!" She squealed and ran to her, she tackled her in a hug as bri smiled. I hope that's a real smile. "Don't ever leave me again or I'll kill you." Claudia said seriously. 

"Woah ok, sorry." They were still hugging, but I wanted bri to myself today. "Ooookay enough hugging MY girlfriend."

 I pulled Claudia away from bri.


A/n: Hey guys how are you? Sorry for mistakes, stay safe love you.

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