Chapter 22

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Billie's POV

I went to sleep last night right after bri got off of me, she was very intimidating. I think she went to the store, so I'm just sitting in Finneas room. I wrote this song called I love you when I was scared to tell bri that I loved her, I was gonna tell her through a song.

Well I guess we seen how that turned out. The song is called 'I Love You.' I think it's a great song, but I'm scared to put it out. "Bil honestly I think It's a great song, bri would love it. I don't see why you're so scared about it." Finn said.

"That's the thing finn, what if she doesn't like it, and I would just be making a fool out of myself." I looked down. "Billie I'm sure she will love it just lets finish the song and release it." Finneas said. I nodded slowly.


We finished the song and now it's just time to put it out. I already posted on my Instagram saying that I was putting out a new song. "You ready?" Finn asked. I slowly nodded, he pressed the publish button and I sighed in relief. 

"I'M HOME!" I heard bri yell. I quickly ran downstairs and  tackled her in a hug. "Hi baby, miss me?" she asked softly. "yes very much." I mumbled. "So I got this job interview." she said. "Wait really? What for?" I pulled away from the hug. 

"Well uh drawing actually." She said shyly. "Oh, who are you drawing for?" She smiled widely and I looked at her confused. "You actually." She said softly. "Holy shit no way." She nodded. I smashed my lips to hers and picked her up and spun her around.

"Ok baby put me down!" She squealed. "So this means your gonna be coming on every tour with me?" I asked excitedly, "Well I don't know about every tour, but I'll let you be great." She smiled. "This is amazing, I have a surprise for you."

 I said quickly remembering that I just put a song out for her. "Okay, what is it." I grabbed her hand and led her to my room. We sat on the bed and I opened my laptop and went to the song. I played it and bri listened closely..

After the song was done I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes. "Is this about me?" She asked shocked. "Yea." I said quietly. "Baby I love it, I love you." I smiled and she kissed me. "I love you too." I blushed.


It's currently 11:54 pm and bri is sleep, so I bought her a Lamborghini and I'm gonna pick it up tomorrow, but I'm going to do a little prank to make her mad. I'm gonna ignore her the whole day. I just hope this goes well.

(The next day)

I woke up and bri was just waking up to. I almost forgot that I would be ignoring her today. I already told everyone and they wanted to join in so I guess everyone is ignoring bri today. "Good morning baby." Bri said. I just got out of bed and went to my closet. 

"Okay." She whispered. I got an outfit and went to the bathroom and took my shower and brushed my teeth and got ready for today. Bri did the same thing and just got on her phone. "Billie you have an interview today right?" Bri asked. 

I didn't answer, I just grabbed my keys and left out the room. I saw Finneas and Claudia and smiled at them. They nodded and we headed to separate cars. Bri got in after a while and we headed to the place for my interview.

"Why aren't you talking to me? Did I do something wrong?" bri asked as we arrived at the place. I just simply parked the car and got out. I heard her sigh. I walked in the building with bri following behind.

I got in and I was immediately pulled away leaving bri with Claudia and Finneas.

Brianna's POV

I don't know why billie is ignoring me. I don't know what I did for her to ignore me. I tried to talk to Claudia and Finneas, but they ignored me to. I became sad and frustrated because one I didn't do anything to billie or and two she literally asked me to come to this interview.

So I don't know why she is ignoring me. I got up and went to the bathroom ordering me an uber and just sitting in the bathroom until it arrives. I saw it arrive and I walked towards the door as billie was doing her interview. 

I saw her look at me with a confused facial expression. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the building. I got in the uber and the driver said where to. I told him billie's address and we began to drive.


I made it to billie's house and now I'm just sitting on the bed and watching tv. It's been an hour now. I heard the door open and I just continued to watch tv. Billie walked in and I cut the tv off and walked out of the room going to the park.

When I arrived I just sat on the swings swinging slightly. 

Billie's POV

When I walked in bri turned the tv off and left out. I wonder where she's going. "Hey billie, I think you should talk to her now." Claudia said. "I was going to, but she got up and left when I walked in." I turned to look at  her. "I already went to go pick up the car it's in the garage." I said.

"She just walked out without saying anything?" She asked. "Yeah." Claudia just stared at me. "Well then go find her." I nodded and walked back out.


I eventually found her at the park she always goes to when she's sad. I walked over to her and sat on the other swing. "can we talk?" I asked softly. "Now you wanna talk to me." She mumbled. "you know it's really hard ignoring you all day." I said softly.

She didn't say anything back. "I was ignoring you for a reason. Do you wanna know why?" I looked at her, she was just staring at her feet. "No." She said quietly. "Whatever your reason is take it and go home." She mumbled.

"But it's really impo-." She cut me off, "Bil I don't care if you were ignoring me because you had a surprise for me, that's so not cool." She got up and walked away. Well this is gonna be hard. I quickly got up and followed her.

"Bri please I'm sorry, but if you just hear the reason wh-." She cut me off again. "I don't care about your stupid reason billie! I was ignored all my life and for you, Claudia and Finneas to ignore me is really low of you billie, you know how I feel about that shit!"

Tears streamed down her face as she yelled. "And for one moment I actually thought it was me, I thought I did something to you, but I've been the perfect fucking girlfriend and this is the thanks I get! I've been through hell billie! hell! I don't understand why you would do this to me! what did I do?" She sobbed.

I hugged her even though she tried to push me away. "No no no baby, I'm sorry ok? You didn't do anything wrong, I was ignoring you because I was gonna surprise you with a car." "A c-car?" She sniffled.

"Yeah see, here's the keys."


A/n: Hey guys, how are you? I will not be uploading because I  have a test to study for. Sorry for mistakes stay safe love you.!

1298 words

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