Chapter 2

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Brianna's POV

I looked towards where I heard my name. And so did Billie. I saw the person I did not want to see. Jayla. She began walking over to us and I looked at Billie. I guess she saw me panicking because she stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Hey bri." Jayla said. "Hey Jay." I said nonchalantly. "What do you want?" Billie asked. "I just want to talk to bri, is that cool?" She asked.

"No it's not cool last time you tried to talk to her you told her something that made her upset and she was about to beat your ass." Billie said. She rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure she can speak for herself." She said.

Billie looked at me and squeezed my hand tighter. "What do you want Jay?" I asked. "I actually wanted to talk to you alone." She said. I got nervous. I looked at Billie and gave her a sign that it was ok.

"I'll be in the car." She said before walking away. Jayla walked closer to me but I stepped back. "Oh cmon bri no need to be scared of me." She said. "Scared of what?" I looked her up and down.

She scoffed. "Whatever dude, I came here because I knew you come here when your sad and since you didn't give me your number I just came here everyday." I rolled my eyes.

"Ok but what. Do. You. Want." I said. "I came here to do this." I furrowed my eyebrows and she walked closer to me. She was about to kiss me. I was frozen. She almost kissed my but Billie came and punched her.

"Yeah I know she's sexy but keep your lips to yourself because she's mine." Billie said. I was still frozen in shock. Jay was laying on the ground holding her nose.

Billie turned towards me and shook me. "Baby snap out of it." She said. I didn't know I was crying until billie wiped my tears. "I'm sorry Billie I should've pushed her away but I was just fro-." She cut me off.

"Baby stop it's fine." She hugged me and I broke down. I just wish I had a normal life. I saw Jayla get up and I quickly tapped Billie. She looked at me then behind her. Jayla threw a punch but Billie ducked pulling me down with her so I won't get hurt.

She got up and pushed Jay on the ground and got on top of her and started beating her up. I went to pull her off. "Billie no." I pulled her off and she had so much anger in her eyes.

"Look at me baby." I told her. She still had her fist balled up. "Cmon look at me." I told her. She slowly looked at me and her face softened. "Go wait in the car ok." She nodded and walked to the car.

I looked at Jayla and she only had a few scratches and a bloody nose. I put my hand out for her and she grabbed it. "Jesus Jay you ruined the moment...go home and stop coming here for me because I don't want to see you." I said bluntly.

She looked at me with so much hurt in her eyes. "Whatever." She mumbled and walked away. I sighed. I just wanted to go to the park and clear my head.

I can't even do that. I walked to the car where Billie was and I saw her looking at her hand. I grabbed her hand and she winced in pain. "Sorry sorry, I'm just trying to look at it." I told her. She nodded. I looked at her hand to make sure it wasn't broken.

"It's not broken, but you do need to put ace bandages on it." I said while carefully putting her hand back in her lap. "Damn didn't know you were a doctor." She said.

I laughed. "Cmon bil I'm not letting you drive." I told her. "And I'm not letting you drive dragon." She argued. "Billie if you don't want that hand to be broken I suggest you give me the damn keys and switch spots with me."

Billie's POV

Well shit, forgot about her short temper. I handed her the keys and switch spots with her. I sighed and stared out the window. "Just please don't wreck it." I said quietly. I saw her nod and she pulled out of the parking lot.

Bri's an amazing driver but I do this to everyone when they wanna drive my car, which I never let them do.

We're currently in the bathroom wrapping my hand up. I know I might be over dramatic for punching her but I wasn't gonna fight her until she tried to punch me. "Ow mamas that hurts." I told her.

"Sorry maybe if your dumbass would stay still then it wouldn't hurt." She said. Her and her short temper is getting on my last nerves. "Ok miss anger issues." I mumbled. She stopped.

"What was that?" She asked. She looked hot but very intimidating. "N-nothing." I said quickly. "Thought so." She began wrapping my hand again.

After saying a bunch of ow's and wincing in pain she's finally done wrapping my hand. "See all you had to do was be still." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah whatever." "Cmon let's get ready for bed." She said.

I followed her to the room and we both grabbed some pajamas. "Can I take a shower first because you spend hours in there." I begged.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "I mean you can always come with me, and what did I tell you about doing that." She sighed. "Sorry." She mumbled.

I walked out of the room and walked to the bathroom and took my shower.

I'm done with my shower and so is bri. Right now we're eating dinner with my mom and dad. They can back home early. Me and Brianna finished and put our plates in the sink. "Thanks for dinner mom." I said. "Thanks for dinner Maggie." Bri said.

"You're welcome." She said. We both walked upstairs and plopped on my bed. I turned on the tv. "Wha do you want to watch?" I asked bri.

"Uh can we watch...good girls." She asked. "What's that?" I asked while searching for it. "Uh it's this new show I started watching, if you don't like it then we can watch the office." She said.

She's so caring. "No baby I'm sure I'll like it." She nodded and cuddled up to me. I pulled the cover over us as I started the show.

Brianna fell asleep and I'm just watching this show. It actually is very interesting, but the office will forever be my favorite show. I looked at bri and she looked so peaceful sleeping. Her lips were slightly parted as quiet snores escaped her mouth.

I admired her for a few minutes before deciding that I'm not going to sleep anytime soon. I carefully slipped away from bri and went downstairs.

I looked through the fridge for some burritos and I finally found some. I heated them up and began eating. My phone started ringing and I was confused because who's up at 1:23 in the morning. And it's a no caller ID. (No caller ID-italic/billie-bold)
Hey baby miss me
Yup it's me
What the fuck do you want
I see you paid my cousin a visit
Who's your cousin
No she paid me a visit actually
Don't care, you must miss me if your hanging around my people
Nope I'm in a happy relationship
You know you miss me
I really don't and I really don't want to talk to you so bye
Ight babygirl just know your still mines and I'll make sure of it

Before I can say anything he hung up. I sighed and walked upstairs and got in bed with bri again. But for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about what he said.

What did he mean he's gonna make sure of it?
A/n: hey guys how are you? It's going to be a lot of drama soon. Anyways hope you like this chapter, sorry for mistakes stay safe love you😍.!

1356 words

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