Chapter 24

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Billie's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. I opened my eyes and there was a bright light so  I quickly shut them. I groaned as the headache got worse. "Guys she's awake." I heard my mom say. "Mom, can you turn the light off." I mumbled. 

I don't know why the hell these hospitals have the light right in your face when you wake up. "Sure." I heard her say. She turned the light off. I opened my eyes and looked around but I didn't see Bri.

I began to panic. "Hey hey hey, what's wrong." Finneas asks. "W-where's bri, I-is she ok?" They all looked down. "She's um in surgery, they don't know if she'll survive." Claudia said the last part quietly.

I looked at the ceiling not knowing what to do or say. I don't know what I would do without her.

(5 Day time skip because I'm still lazy.)

I got released from the hospital, but bri hasn't. I've been visiting her a lot though. Like right now I'm bringing her taco bell. Bri is a little paranoid, but I can excuse it. She hasn't really been herself either.

I walked into the room and she jumped. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She smiled. "It's fine bubba, come here." She made grabby hands. I smiled and walked over to her giving her a hug and a kiss. 

"I brung you food." I held up the bag. "Thanks baby but I'm not hungry." She frowned. "But you haven't ate anything in 2 days." She sighed. "Billie I'm fine." I stared at her. She's  lying, why is she lying to me about how she feels.

I sat down on the chair. "You don't have to lie to me ya know." I said quietly. I put the bag on her little table thing. "Please eat." I mumbled. I got up and went to the bathroom.

Brianna's POV

Truth be told I hadn't ate since the whole time I was here. Billie just doesn't know it. I can tell that she's really worried about me, I just wish she'd worry a little less. She comes back out of the bathroom and looks at the bag.

I just look at the ceiling. "Bri you have to-." I cut her off growing frustrated. "What if I don't wanna eat, what if I can't eat. You can't just expect me to get shot then want to eat billie, that's not how getting shot works!" I snapped.

"I just wish you would understand that." I wiped my tears and looked back up. She stared at me blankly. "I just wanna go home." I whispered. Billie scooted closer to me and carefully hugged me. 

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this." I hid my face in the crook of her neck. "I wanna go home." I repeated. "I know baby, just a little longer." She whispered. "I wanna go now." I whispered as tears streamed out of my eyes. 

"I know baby." She kissed my forehead. "This isn't fair." I sobbed. "We can go home soon, I promise." She held her pinky out. I sniffled and wiped my tears, and intertwined our pinkies together. 

(A month time skip because I don't have a plan for this story anymore)

Billie's POV

I woke up to bri just sitting up and staring at the tv. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Baby are you ok?" I said while scooting next to her. "No." Was all she said, she tilted her head slightly and furrowed her eyebrows. 

She squinted her eyes. "What's...wrong." I interlaced our fingers as I grabbed her hand. "I wanna come out to the world." She said quietly. I thought about it for a second. I mean if my management got a problem with me coming out then fuck them.

"Then let's do it." I said as I looked at her. She looked at me with a shock expression. "But your manage-." I cut her off "Fuck them, this is my life. Why should they be able to control it." I shrugged.

"But I don't wanna ruin-." I smashed my lips to hers and pushed her back on the bed. Carefully getting on her lap to straddle her. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I snapped a picture then pulled away. 

"I'm gonna post it if that's ok with you." She smiled and nodded. I posted it and put the caption as. 'This girl is the love of my life, we've been together for a year and a couple months now and I am proud to call her my girlfriend, she has been there for me through rough times. So here's us coming out to the world I love you.' Then I put her @.

I looked down at her and she had the biggest smile on her face. This past month has been great. Bri gunshot wound healed a lot faster than expected. Meaning we can sex again. I threw my phone on the bed and leaned down and kissed her again.

I went down to her neck and sucked on her sweet spot She let out a quiet moan and her hands went to my hips. I went to the rim of her sweat pants and asked for permission. She slowly nodded and I began to pull her pants down.

I rubbed her clit as she arched her back a little as a small moan came out of her mouth. I pulled her underwear down and opened her legs a bit. I did a bold swipe up her slit and she grabbed my hair and pulled me closer.

"Billie please just fuck me already." She mumbled. I chuckled. I began to suck on her clit as she let out small moans. Without warning I shove three fingers into her. "Fuck billie." Her back arched instantly as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. 

"Its ok." I whispered. She let out loud moans as she tugged on my hair. I went at a fast pace and she arched her back even more. I curled my fingers while hitting her g-spot. "Fuck, I-i'm close." "Hold it for me baby." I said lowly. 

She threw her head back once more as she let out a long moan. I went faster at an inhuman speed and I can tell she was losing it. "Look at me." She opened her  eyes slowly and looked at me.

"Now." I whispered. She let out the loudest moan and came on my fingers. I helped her ride out her high then cleaned her up. She panted as she tried to catch her breath. "You good mama." She nodded.

I went to the bathroom and ran some bath water. "Cmon." I helped bri to the bathroom although she can walk perfectly fine. She took her shirt off then got in the tub. I sat next to  her on the floor.

"Can you get in with me?" She smiled. I nodded and took my clothes off. I got in and sat in between her legs. 

We finished with our bath now we're taking a shower. I was washing my hair when I felt bri start to suck on my clit. "Fuck." I threw my head back then leaned against the wall. she sucked hard while flicking her tongue. 

I grabbed her hair and moaned. "B-bri wait." she didn't stop she shoved two fingers in me without warning and I let out a loud moan, arching my back a little. she went at an inhuman speed as she curled her fingers. 

My legs started to shake as I couldn't stand up anymore. I felt a knot in my stomach. "Hold it." bri said. I closed my eyes and moaned loudly as she added another finger going knuckle deep. "Oh fuck." I moaned as she added another finger.

I started moaning louder as I began to squirt causing my knees to go weak and making me fall a bit. bri used her free hand to help me hold my balance. She did one more thrust while curling her fingers and I came. she helped me ride out my high and cleaned me up.

"I didn't tell you to cum." She said lowly. I watched terrifiedly as she cleaned her body and then stepped out of the shower. I quickly clean my body then step out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around me then slowly walked out into my room.

I gulped, "I-I didn't mean to cum without permission it kinda just-." "shut up billie." I quickly shut my mouth. My face heating up as she stared into my eyes.

"Your punishment starts tomorrow, put some clothes on and go to bed." 


A/n: Sorry for the long chapter, stay safe love you.!

1457 words.

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