Chapter 8

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Billie's POV

"Mya?!?" Me bri said at the same time. She turned and looked at us and smiled. "Wow Billie you finessed your way out of a break up." She laughed. I looked down embarrassed because I kinda did finesse my way out.

Bri caught on to my embarrassment. "No she didn't, now what do you want?" Bri asked. I squeezed her hand and she squeezed mine back.

"What I want is Billie." Bri looked like she was in thought. "Ok, gimme a sec to talk to Billie. Then you can have her." I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Excuse me what!" I yelled. Mya walked to the front room and sat in the couch. "Bri no! I don't want her I want you what are you doing?!? I said I was sorry I don't want you to fuck off baby I pr-."

"Bil shh I got a plan I'm not giving you up that easily bozo." I sighed in relief. "Act like you want her too." She shrugged. "What no!" I whisper yelled.

"Billie I'm gonna call the cops she just broke into the house basically." It hit me that that's a crime. "Ohh oh ok." She sighed at my stupidity.

"Ok Mya she's ready!" She yelled. I groaned. "I'm really not." I mumbled. "Ok good cmon baby we're going to my house." Mya said.

"Uh yea sure let me just get my stuff." She nodded.

Five minutes later. "Bil cmon what's taking you so long." Me and Bri were waiting on the police. We saw blue and red lights and I smiled. I hugged Bri so tightly.

"I love you so much and I don't want anyone else." I said. "Y-yeah bil i-I love y-you to but I-I c-can't breath." I quickly let go and smiled nervously. "Sorry." We walked downstairs and saw Mya handcuffed.

"Are you the one that called the police?" The police officer asked. Bri nodded. "Is she...with you?" He looked at me. Bri nodded. I saw Mya being pulled out of the house. "You can't do this, she's my girlfriend I didn't break in!" She yelled.

The police officer looked at me. "That's your ex or something?" He asked. "Nope just a crazy person." I said nonchalantly. He nodded and closed the door.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Wanna have sex?" I asked. Bri laughed loudly while walking upstairs. "Shut up billie." I laughed and followed her upstairs.

I walked into my room and sat next to her in my bed. "That wasn't a no." I said lowly. She rolled her eyes. "Cmon baby you said I can please you this time."

I whined. "Well I lied because I don't like being a bottom, I realized that throughout our relationship. Aren't we supposed to be going to a party?" She asked.

I looked at the time and it was 11:32. "Shit yea let's go." I got up and so did she we put some shoes on then headed out.

We're at the party and I'm looking for angel. Bri went to go get drinks. I finally found her. "Hey Angel." I said. She turned around and hugged me.

I smiled and hugged her back. She pulled away. "How you been?" She asked. "I've been good, u?" "I've been great." She smiled. "Happy birthday by the way." I said

She smiled. "Thank you." I started to look around for bri. "Who you looking for, you tryna get put on?" She said. I laughed. "Naw dude Uh I'm looking for my girlfri-." I stopped myself remembering I didn't tell her I was gay.

"Your what?" "My friend that's a girl, yeah." Nice save Billie. "Oh what's her name?" I hesitated for a bit. "It's uh Brianna." She nodded and put her finger up indicating for me to wait.

She got on her table and grabbed a mic from I don't know where.

Brianna's POV

This dude was trying to talk to me and then I heard. "Is there an uh Brianna here?!" Shit Billie must be looking for me. I raised my hand and she nodded. "Billie wants you!" I nodded and headed towards the girl.

I'm guessing that's angel. She's pretty, not as pretty as Billie though. I saw billie and I walked over to her.

"Wasup baby." I asked. "Nothing I was just looking for you I didn't know she was gonna do that." She sighed. "Baby?" The girl I'm guessing is Angel said.

"Oh uh yeah she calls me pet names, best friend things." I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm not your best friend I'm your girl-." She put her hand over my mouth. "Friend that's a girl we got it." Angel said.

I pushed bil off me. I scoffed and walked away. "No bri wait!" I heard Billie say. I kept walking. Why was she so embarrassed to say that I'm her girlfriend. Yeah I get that she doesn't wanna come out to the fandom and shit like that but why other people.

I walked to the bathroom and slid down the door. Is she embarrassed to be with me? I started to cry. That's when u realized I don't have anyone.

I know exactly what to do.

Billie's POV

I searched for bri all around this damn house and I can't find her. "Hey Billie wanna dance." Angel asked me. "Uh no not right now I have to find bri." I said truthfully.

She frowned. "Why does she have all your attention?" She asked. "Look angle I'm sorry if my attention is not on you, but to be fair we haven't talked in like 3 years so why you texted me out of the blue I don't know, now I have to find her before she does something stupid." I snapped.

She looked shocked at my sudden tone but nodded. "She's your girlfriend." She said lowly. "No she's not I'm straight it's just she's my best friend with depression and a really bad temper at the moment." I said while looking around.

"Depression?" "Yes depression now I have to go find her before she finds something." I ran off. I walked to Angel's room and saw the window open.

I looked out and saw nothing. I ran downstairs and outside and saw everyone standing there looking up with there mouths open.

"What are you guys looking at?" I asked. Nobody answered I felt a hand in my shoulder and I turned around. It was Angel again. "I don't know what they're looking at but come back inside it'll be fun." She said.

I was getting annoyed. "No Angel I have to find her before she thinks no one cares about her and tries to kill herself." I snapped. I took a deep breath. Calm down Billie everything is fine.

"Sorry I didn't mean to snap like that it's just I really do care about her like a lot, she's been through so much already and I can't see her in the hospital again." I said truthfully.

Angel looked shocked. "S-she's been in the hospital?" "Yes now could you please help me find her please." I begged. She nodded.

"Thank you so much, I'm sorry for ruining your birthday." I said. "No it's fine I understand now." I nodded and took a deep breath. "Hey calm down we'll find her." She said.

I nodded. I turned back towards the people that were staring at something. It looked like everyone from the party was staring up.

"Seriously what are you guys looking at?" I questioned as I walked out of the house and looked where they was looking.

I looked up and saw bri on the roof.
A/n: hey guys how was y'all day? Sorry for mistakes stay safe love you.!

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