Chapter 20

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Brianna's POV

I took my clothes off and got in with her, her back was against my front. "Mamas." She said quietly. "Yeah." She sighed. "I-I have to tell you about someone." She seemed nervous about it. "Uh okay, afterwards or right now?" She shrugged.

"Actually could it be afterwards I kinda just wanna sit here with you." I smiled and nodded.


We got out the shower like a minute ago, billie's drying her hair right now. After she was done she sat on the bed in front of me. She tensed up when she opened her mouth to say something. I grabbed her hands and gave her a comfortable smile.

"Billie, it's ok. Now what did you want to talk about." She loosened up a bit but she was still tense. "I- well it's about my ex." I gave her a confused look and she took my silence as a sign to continue talking. "His name is uh Q or 7 or Brandon..." She trailed on,

"Uh what?" She sighed and squeezed my hands. "His friends called him Q or 7 and his real name is Brandon." She explained. "Oh, continue." She gave me a small smile then carried on. (A/n: I don't think he abused her in real life, but we're gonna go with it.)

"He uh...he used to abuse me." She paused, she took a deep breath before continuing. "He used to take me to these stupid parties and he would...cheat on me, but when I "cheated" I would get a punishment, like...punched in the stomach or thrown into a wall." She continued.

When she said that my heart dropped. "W-why are you just now telling me this." She looked down and I saw a tear rolled down her cheek. "I-I never told anyone because I was afraid to." She said quietly. I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

"He uh u-used to have sex with me if I came home to late, and that's how I lost my virginity. Well basically rape me I guess." My eyes went wide, "Billie what the hell." She looked up at me with more tears rolling down her cheek.

"I know I-I'm sorry just...please don't be mad at me." I squeezed her hands and moved closer to her. "Billie I would never be mad at you for telling me something, unless you cheated, but what matters is you're telling me the truth and what he did to you was awful and I wish you would've told someone about this. How old were you."

She stayed silent for a second before speaking. "I-I was 16 and he was 21 I think, but I didn't know that at the time." She said the last part quietly. "So when you came out to our school basically?" She nodded.

"Anything else?" She nodded. "Uh well, he called me like around some time of our anniversary and uh he said that I was still his and he'll make sure of it." I sighed, but before I could say anything billie cut me off. "Also Jayla is his cousin." She rushed out.

"What!?!" She flinched at my voice. "S-sorry I didn't tell you it's just I was scared. Please don't be mad." She whispered. I let go of her hands, "Come here." She crawled over to me and sat in my lap. "I'm not mad billie I just wish you would've told me earlier." She hugged me and I sighed.

"I-I know and I'm sorry." I rubbed her back and rocked us side to side. "It's ok baby, thanks for telling me." She nodded.

We laid down and just chilled, I turned on the office for her and she snuggled up into me.


We've been watching the office for a while now. I think billie fell asleep even though it's like the middle of the day, but I'll let her take a little nap. Someone knocked on the door, "Come in." I whisper yelled.

"Oh hey Finn." "Hey so uh me and Claudia are going to the movies, y'all down?" I nodded, "Sure just let me wake her up and we'll be down." He nodded and walked out and closed the door.

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