Chapter 23

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Billie's POV

She just stared at me. "That's still not cool billie." I sighed and hugged her tighter. "I know mama and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings like that." She finally hugged me back. "Thanks for the car, but I don't want you to spend money on me." She sighed.

"I know I know." She let go of me and kissed me, oh how I missed this so much. It was a slow passionate kiss. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." Me and bri both pulled away and looked at the person who said that.

It was this girl with hazel eyes and long light brown hair. "Oh uh its ok." I smiled. "What are you doing out here?" Bri asked. "Oh uh my mom kicked me out. My name is Maleah by the way." Me and bri both nodded.

"Not to be nosy but what did you get kicked out for?" I asked. "Oh uh she found out that I got a tattoo and I drink." I nodded. "Well I have a guest room, you can stay for the night." I said. "Oh thanks, I would really appreciate it."

"before we go, what's your sexuality?" Bri asked. "Oh uh I'm straight, girls are hot and all I just wouldn't date one." Me and bri both nodded. "Alright cool lets go." Maleah smiled and we headed to my car.


I talked to my mom about the whole situation and she said she was fine with it. We let her have the guest room and me and bri went to my room. "So do you like your car?" She pushed me off the bed.

"Ow." I said quietly. "What was that for?" "For buying me a damn car." She rolled her eyes. I got up and climbed on top of her. "Oh cmon mamas you know you like it." I said lowly. I saw her gulp. 

"Dude shut up and get off me." She pushed me off. I chuckled, "cmon mamas lets sleep." I cuddled into her. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." She said.

(A month time skip because I'm lazy and don't have any ideas.)

"Hey straight girl." I called out for Maleah. "I told you to stop calling me that." Brianna started laughing. "You guys bully me and it isn't fair." She whined. Over time our friendship grew bigger. Me an bri's relationship is going great.

We were all sitting on the couch when the front door suddenly bust open. I snap my head towards the door and my smile quickly faded when I saw Q standing there with a gun. Maleah and Bri was frozen in shock.

"Miss me?" He asked. "Please Q. I'll do whatever you want just don't hurt them." I said while slowly walking towards him. I was motioning for bri to call the cops since she was the only one who had her phone.

"You remember when I said you'll be mine." I gulped but nodded. "So." He clapped his hands "here's how were gonna do things." He walked closer to me and put the gun right to my forehead.

I started shaking afraid of what he's capable of. "You're gonna be mine again, and since I'm nice Brianna over here can be with my dear old cousin Jayla." I closed my eyes as a tear drop fell. "Turn around and get a good look at her." He said.

If your wondering where my parents are, they are on a date currently. I slowly turned around. He put the gun on the back of my head. I mouth and 'I'm sorry' to bri. She looked at me confused. I quickly turned around and tried to get the gun.

I tackled him to the floor and we were now fighting over it. 

Brianna's POV

I watched in terror as billie tried to get the gun from Q. I was gonna get up and go help her but Maleah pulled me back. "Don't." She said as tears streamed out of her eyes. "LET ME GO!" I yelled at her.

"Bri you can't." I looked at her with so much anger. "YES THE FUCK I CAN SHE"S MY GIRLFRIEND I'M Not GONNA SIT HERE AND WATCH HER FIGHT FOR A GUN WHEN I COULD HELP!" She looked taken back by my tone.

I didn't care though, billie needed me. I quickly run over to them and help her. Before we got the gun from him he said something. "You know billie, this is all your fault." He pushed her off and she fell into a wall hitting her head.

I heard her groan. Maleah quickly got up to check on her, but Q pointed the gun at her. I was gonna take it away, but then he pointed it at me. I gulped, I've never been in this type of situations.

I only seen movies about it. I looked over to billie to see if she was okay. She was awake, but I can tell she was slipping in and out of conscious. "Please, take me or whatever, just don't hurt billie. She doesn't deserve any of it."

He looked at me. I walked towards him slowly and put my forehead to the gun with my hands up. "if your intentions was to shoot someone, let it be me. Ok? Just leave them alone." Tears streamed out of my eyes.

"I'm the one you want, I'm the one that stole billie away from you." His grip on the gun tightened, "Shut up." He mumbled. "I'm the one that made billie choose me, I stole billie's love away." he started to breath quicker. "Shut up." He said lowly.

"I'm the one that caused all the pain you had when you guys broke up, I was the one with billie for a year." He pressed the gun on my forehead a bit more. "I said shut up!" He yelled, I flinched at his voice.

I saw the police3 lights and he looked at me with so much anger. I looked over at billie, she was awake, but she wasn't. I don't know if that makes sense. "you called the cops." He said lowly. I didn't answer.

"Answer me!" I flinched "Y-yes." He looked over at billie. Then walked up to her. Maleah was just frozen. He lifted billie's head up. "Hey, you see your little girlfriend, say goodbye to her." He said to her. 

I was scared out of my mind, but if I have to die to save billie I will. He pointed the gun to me and shot. 

Billie's POV

I heard the gun. I quickly tried to gain my focus back I see bri lay on the floor. I see the cops come in and handcuff Q. I slowly crawl over to bri. I don't think Maleah is able to move, she's so scared. 

Bri was holding her stomach with blood coming out of her mouth. "No no no no no please baby girl stay with me." I put pressure on her gunshot wound to stop the bleeding. My vision went blurry again.

I quickly shook my head and blinked my eyes. She was trying to say something, but couldn't. She closed her eyes shut. "I-I l-love you." She said weakly. "I love you too, and that's why you're not gonna leave me ok." I saw her eyes fluttering shut.

"NO no no please!" The paramedics finally came over, taking her away from me. My hands were covered in blood. The last thing I heard was the paramedics say clear.

Then everything went black.


A/n: Hey guys, how do you like this chapter? "Sorry for mistakes stay safe love you.!

1261 words

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