Chapter 11

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Billie's POV

"FUCK!" I moaned. My clit is so sensitive. I'm crying and so far I've came like 6 times and I squirted like 5 times. "shit." Never mind make that 6. I don't know where Bri is but I'm shaking and crying and I can't handle all this.

I know my parents and Finneas hear me but she probably told them I was fine. Well I'm not, I'm suffering over here. It feels good I'm just so sore. As I came again I closed my legs, but it didn't help.

I wanted to pull it out but she handcuffed me to the bed. Brianna walked in and I squirted as soon as she clothes the door. She smiled. "P-please t-take it out." I threw my head back and moaned.

I was out of breath, crying, shaking, my clit was sore, hell my whole body was sore. Bri shook her head. She put the bags down and came over to me.

I was thinking she's going to take it out. I was wrong...she started to thrust the vibrator in and out of me. I whimpered and more tears spilled out of my eyes.

"P-please stop." I whimpered/moaned. "Are you gonna listen to me next time?" She asked. She pushed the whole thing inside me. I was shaking violently I started crying even harder.

"FUCK!" I moaned. "Are you Billie." I tried moving away but she pulled my legs back. "Don't do that or I will leave this in." She said sternly.

"P-please I- fuck." I whimpered. "I-I'm sorry." I managed to get out. "You gonna listen to me next time?" She asks again. I nod quickly. I try closing my legs as I felt another knot in my stomach.

She pushed them back open and I came and squirted at the same time. I moaned loudly as more tears came out of my eyes and my body shook more violently. "Words billie." She said.

"Y-yes j-just PLEASE!" My back arched and I came again. She took it out and my back fell on the bed. I tried catching my breath while I was crying.

I wasn't crying because it hurt it was just to much. She rubbed my clit and I whimpered. "Now billie we are going to my house so we can have a sleepover with Bella and kev." I nodded.

I whimpered again as she went faster. "Your gonna behave right?" She asks. I couldn't say anything as quiet sobs left my mouth. I nodded again.

She went faster and I threw my head back as I moaned. "Say it billie." "Y-yes I'll b-behave." She stopped I cried. She grabbed the keys to the handcuffs and she took them off me.

I instantly curled into a ball and cried. "Now your gonna take a shower, don't worry I'll help you. Then we're gonna get some clothes for you then we're gonna head out, understand?"

I sniffled. "Y-yes." I whimpered as she picked me up. She put a towel around me and I cried into her shirt. "GUYS BILLIE'S NAKED SO DONT LOOK!" Bri yelled as she walked out of my room.

She sat me on the counter and I whimpered again. She turnt the shower on and made sure it was the way I wanted it. She turned towards me. "Are you ok?" She asked.

I nodded and put my arms around her neck because I know she was going to pick me up. She hugged me before she picked me up. "Billie your crying you sure your ok?" She asks again.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." She nods and picked me up. "Ow, careful." I told her. She sat me in the tub first before taking off her clothes to get in with me.

I wasn't gonna try to stand up because I knew I couldn't. She helped me wash my body and everytime she went in between my legs I whimpered.

"Billie." She said sternly. "I-I promise I'm just sore baby." I told her truthfully. Probably not the best to lie to her right now. She stared at me for a second then nodded.

She turned the shower off and stepped out. She wrapped a towel around her then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me and picked me up. She sat me on the sink and helped me put my clothes on.

We're at bri's house now. She had to carry me every time we walked somewhere. I'm currently sitting in the bed watching tv, while bri is out getting whatever the heck she said she was getting.

I don't wanna get punished by bri again. I just thought she wasn't gonna let me cu- my thoughts were cut off by the doorbell. "Fuck." I groaned.

I sent isabell and Kevin a quick text saying it's open. I heard footsteps and then that's when they walked in. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey bil you know you could've just came downstairs and opened the dang door?" Kevin said.

"Well you see I can't really do that right now." I said. I put my head down and blushed out of embarrassment. Isabella was about to say something when the doorbell ring again.

Isabella and Kevin looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Who is that?" They said at the same time. "Some person named Kaden, it's one of Brianna's friends she made, I told her I was cool with it as long as he doesn't out me to anyone."

They nodded. "Well go open the door." Kevin said. "Uh dude I literally can't even stand what makes you think I ca-." I was cut off by bri's voice.


I gulped. She walked in the room with an angry expression. "Baby I would've opened it bu-." "Hush Billie." I shut up immediately. Yeah yeah yeah call me weak and all that other stuff but if you just went through what I had to go through you'll be doing the same thing.

Kevin, Isabella and Kaden looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Did y'all bring what y'all was supposed to bring?" They all nodded.

"Ight cool, so no one ask Billie to do anything she can't walk right now." Bri explained. Everyone nodded. "Y'all can go downstairs and set up, Kaden can you bring me a cup of ice." She said. Kaden nodded.

Everyone left the room. Bri came and sat by me. "Now who's the dominant one?" She raised and eyebrow. "Y-you." I said. I am not going through that damn punishment again.

Kaden came up with the ice and handed it to bri. "Thanks, go help the rest." Kaden nodded. Well damn is she in control of everybody now.

She pulled my pants down and I tensed up. "Calm down billie I'm not gonna do anything." I was still tense. You never know she could be joking. She spread my legs and put the cup of ice right on my vagina.

I whimpered and pulled it away. Brianna looked at me with an raised eyebrow. "S-sorry I-I it's just sore." I told her try truthfully. "Billie you have to keep it on there." I nodded.

She put it back and I whimpered again. "You ok?" She asks. I nod. "Okay I'm gonna come back in a few minutes to get you, ok?" "O-okay." I said softly.

She walked out of the room. I sighed. Well looks like my dominant days are over.

After 5 minutes the ice melted, I kinda felt better. I was still sore though. Brianna came in the room while laughing. "Oh shit I forgot." She chuckled. I smiled, she looks so cute.

She takes the cup away and threw me some shorts. I carefully put them on. She lays down next to me. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Downstairs watching some boring ass movie." I chuckled. "I love you." She said.

"I love you too."
A/n: sorry for mistakes. Stay safe love you💗.!

1359 words

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