Chapter 5

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Brianna's POV

"Where are we?" I asked Billie. "We are at my secret spot." She said. I nodded. "Cmon your gonna love the view." She grabbed my hand and I followed her outside. When I saw the view my mouth dropped.

And for a second I forgot about what happened today. "Baby this is beautiful." I say. "I know, I come here when everyone is annoying me...including you." She said. I laugh a little.

"I'm gonna go get a blanket so we can sit down." I nodded. Billie walked away and I sighed. Oh shit her presents.

I'll ask her can we go home in a few. "I got them." She was holding up two blankets. She sat them on the ground and we cuddled on the blanket and just enjoyed each other's company.

"Billie can we go to my house I have to get some things." I ask. "Sure, cmon." We got all of our stuff and got in the car. She began driving and I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep.

Billie's POV

I don't know what bri has to get but let's just hope her dad's girlfriend isn't there. I pulled in her driveway and shut the car off. I looked over and saw she was sleep. I gently shook her and she fluttered her eyes open.

"We're at your house." She yawned and unbuckled her seat belt. "Do you want me to come with?" I asked. "Actually yea, it's a lot of bags." A lot of bags? What does she need to get?

I furrowed my eyebrows but just nodded. She used her key and we walked in. She walked upstairs and I just followed her. "Uh just start looking around and you'll eventually start finding bags." She said. I nodded and started looking around.

Yeah she wasn't kidding. I found like 10 bags so far. "Ok baby that's all of them, we can go to your house now." She said. I nodded and we went to my car. We put the bags in the car and we drove back to my house.

We made it back and Finneas and Claudia is here and so is my parents. We went straight to my room and sat the bags on the floor. "Open them." She said.

"What?" I asked. "The bags they're all yours them." She said nonchalantly. "Okay." I said slowly. "It's for our anniversary baby just open them." She said.

I nodded and sat down as she handed me a bag.

Wow I already have everything but she never fails to buy me some new things. "Baby how much did all this cost?" I asked. "Don't worry about it." She shrugged. I sighed.

"Well since you wanna be like that I got you something too, and I'm not telling you how much it cost." I said. She shrugged.

"I don't want it." She said. "Yeah you do trust me, please mamas take it it's really special to me." She sighed but nodded. I pulled out the box the ring was in and gave it to her.

She opened it and her eyes began to water. "B-bil you didn't have to I-I already have one." She said. "Yeah I know but I wanted to upgrade it."

She hugged me "thank you so much." "You can repay me by sex." I told her. She laughed. "Okay." She said. "Wait what." I didn't know she was actually going to agree to it.

Sometimes she still has flashbacks from the ice cream situation, so I try as much as I can to ask for her consent. She kissed me and I kissed her back. Her tongue ask for permission but I denied.

She then squeezed my ass and I gasped causing her to shove her tongue in my mouth. I pulled away. "Wait lemme lock the door because I'm tired of Finneas walking in on us." I said. She laughed and nodded.

I quickly locked the door and went back over to her. I kissed her and it instantly deepened. I'm only a submissive for her and her only. Other than Bri I would never be a submissive.

She pushed me on the bed and straddled my waist. She kissed down to my neck and instantly found my sweet spot. I moaned and she sucked harder leaving a hickey.

She came back up to kiss me and I moaned in the kiss. She tugged on my shirt signaling to take it off. I took it off breaking the kiss for a second.

I helped her take her little two piece dress off. She pulled away and looked at me with a smirk on her face. "What?" I said out of breath. "Remember when you touched yourself." She asked randomly.

"Well yeah, but I didn't do it again." I was nervous of what she was about to do. "Doesn't matter you still did it." I gulped. She got off me and pulled my pants down. "Baby what are you doing?"

She didn't answer me. "Pick a number 1-5." She said totally ignoring my question. "Uh 3 I guess why?." "Cause that's how many times you'll cum no matter how many times you beg to stop understood?"

(⚠️Smut warning⚠️ )

I gulped. "I- uh yes understood." I said hesitantly. She came over to me and kissed me one more time. She unclipped my bra and started to suck on my boobs. I moaned and watched her every move. She went down and opened my legs.

"Wow your really wet." I blushed. She slowly took my underwear off and I squirmed because she was teasing me. "Stop squirming before I make your number 4." She said lowly.

I instantly stopped. She blew air on my throbbing clit and I moaned lowly. "Now mama you gotta be quiet since your family is here." She told me. I nodded.

She started rubbing my clit and my eyes closed as I let out a quiet moan. She started rubbing faster and my back arched. Without warning she shoved two fingers in me.

My back arched more and I moaned loudly. She then stopped. I panted "I said be quiet." "B-but I can't." Her fingers were still inside me.

"Well I guess we're just gonna have to hear complaints." She shrugged and resumed. She added a third finger and I moaned loudly and grabbed her hair as she sucked on my clit.

She added a fourth finger and I lost it. "SHIT BRI." I moaned. I felt a knot in my stomach. "I- ugh I- I'm gonna cum." I moaned out. "Hold it."

I moaned loudly and arched my back more as she went faster. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. "Shit shit shit." I moaned. "Please I- uh I- can't." I moaned.

"Don't Billie." I moaned loudly "BRI PLEASE!" I yelled/moaned. My legs started to violently shake as bri went faster. I was a moaning mess. My parents are gonna be so upset.

"Go ahead mama." She said. I moaned really loud and released on her fingers. She cleaned me up and licked her fingers. I curled into a ball, and tried to catch my breath. "What are you doing?" She asks.

"I-I'm trying to catch my breath." I said. "You said 3 Billie we ain't finished." "N-no I take it back I wanna say 1." I said. She shook her head.

"Can't change it billie." She went to the closet and grabbed something. It took her a while to come back out but when she did she had a strap on.

"Wait wait wait bri we uh can do something else like uh.." I tried to think of something. "No billie." She grabbed my legs and pulled me towards her. "Bri please I'm sorry. I-I'm to sore." I begged.

"To late billie, now stop begging."
A/n: hello everyone, how was y'all day? Anyways y'all know I don't proofread so sorry for mistakes. Stay safe love you💘.!

1339 words

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