Chapter 7

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Billie's POV

"Uh yeah I said angel, did i pronounce it wrong?" She asked. "No no you didn't it's just...Angel was my bestfriend and then when I got a platform she just kinda ghosted me." I said looking down.

It's true me and angel were internet bestfriends until one day we decided to meet up. It was an amazing time. She kissed me but at the time I told her I didn't like girls. I told her it was cool but she just started ghosting me.

"Oh well, I'm sorry she did that to you. You gonna go?" She asked. "Uh I guess, ask her when." I mumbled. I laid back down on bri's chest and sighed.

"She said it's tomorrow at 11:00 pm." "I have an interview at like 10:45 so we could go but I'll be a little late." "Ok, do you want me to tell her that or.." I nodded.

"I need to go back to sleep though, goodnight my love." I said. "Goodnight bil, I love you." Was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep.

I woke up to Brianna shaking me violently. I groaned. "What!?" I yelled in frustration. "Well someone's not a morning person." She said. "Obviously so fuck off." I told her.

I didn't mean it it's just I hate waking up. "Ok I'll do that once you get up for your interviews." She said softly and then walked out of my room.

"Shit." I whispered to myself., knowing I messed up her mood. I got up and looked for an outfit. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth.

I put my clothes on and then put a few chains and rings on. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone and my charger then headed downstairs to get my shoes.

When I got down there my mom was sitting on the couch waiting for me with my dad, Finneas and Claudia.

I saw Brianna sitting at the table eating some pancakes. I'm glad she's eating now, but she only eats once a day. I'll take it though it's better than her eating nothing.

"You ready to go bil?" Finneas asked. I looked at bri and she didn't even bother to acknowledge me. I sighed and nodded. They all headed out.

I walked over to bri and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Bye mamas I love you." I said softly. I know she probably might be overreacting but I would've felt the same way if she told me to fuck off.

"Bye." She mumbled. I sighed and walked out the door. I got in the car and Claudia knew something was wrong when I just stared out the window.

"Finneas I'm gonna go talk to Billie." I heard her say. I'm guessing he nodded. She came and sat by me and I just stared out the window. "Bil what's wrong?" She asked softly.

"I ruined bri's mood, and now she's mad at me I think." I said truthfully. "How did you ruin her mood?" She asked.

"I kinda told her to fuck off when she was trying to wake me up." I sighed. "Why would yo- nvm what makes you think she's mad?" I felt a tear slip out of my eye.

Claudia hugged me and I cried silently. "She didn't say I love you back." I whispered. Claudia stopped all her movements. "I didn't mean to say fuck off it just kinda came out, I just- you know- I'm not a morning person." I said.

Claudia sighed. "Billie just give her a little time you know she's been down a lot lately and has a short temper now." She chuckled. "You noticed it to huh?" I laughed softly while wiping my tears.

"Yeah, that bitch almost killed me because I spilt water on her on accident because SHE bumped into me." She laughed. I laughed "thanks Claudia." I said softly.

"For what?" "For cheering me up." She smiled and hugged me.

Brianna's POV

I know what your thinking, 'I'm overreacting she just doesn't like to be woken up' yea I get that, but it just kinda hurt my feelings. I put my plate away and decided to call Isabella and Kevin. (Isabella-italic/Kevin-slanted/Brianna-bold)

Hey bri
Hey girly
Hey guys, what you up to
Nun, just chillin
I'm about to go to the mall
Cool cool, so uh I was thinking we can have a sleepover in two days
That's fine but at who's house
Yeah we could
It could be at mine since I doubt my dads there
Okay, I'll get juice
I'll get the chips
Great leaves me with snack duty, alright I'll talk to you guys later

I sighed and walked upstairs. I went in the guest room and took a nap.

Billie's POV

I called bri like a thousand times to see if she wanted something from Taco Bell and to tell her to be ready for the party, but she didn't answer. I was panicking.

"Bil calm down she's probably just sleep." My mom said. I sighed. "Yeah your right."

I walked in the house and it was dark. My family wanted to go to a restaurant but I just wanted to see bri. So I caught an Uber home.

I cut on the light and put my keys on the kitchen table. "Bri!" I called out. I got no answer. I walked upstairs to my room opening the door slowly "Bri?" I whispered.

I didn't see her in there and my lights were off and nothing was touched since when I left. I turned my led lights on and walked in. I took my shoes off and sighed.

Did she leave? I walked to Finneas room and she wasn't in there either. I walked to my parents room and she wasn't in there. "Brianna!" I yelled again.

Still no response. I went to the bathroom and she wasn't there. I went to the guest room and there she was sleeping peacefully. I let out a sigh of relief. I thought she had left.

I walked in and turned the lights on. I started to stare at her. She looks so beautiful I don't see how she doesn't see that. "Stop staring bil it's creepy." She said with her eyes closed still.

"Shit you scared me." I sighed and sat at the end of the bed by her feet. "Bri?" "Hm." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tell you to fuck off it's just-." I paused for a second. She sat up and rubbed her eyes then looked at me. "It's just I'm not a morning person and I was having a good dream. But that's not the point."

She squinted her eyes like what I said just made no sense. "The point is that I fucked up and I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it I was just angry and ups-." She cut me off.

"Bil shut up for a second." I nodded slowly. I heard a noise coming from downstairs. "You hear that?" She asked. I nodded. She got up and I grabbed her. "Ow, damn heavy handed ass." She mumbled. "Sorry sorry, but I'm not letting you go down there."

She rolled her eyes. "Watch me." I sighed at her stubbornness and followed her. We both walked down the hall hand in hand. Brianna stopped.

"I love you too, and I accept your apology." She said. I hugged her before we heard the exact same noise again but louder. We walked to the states and I knew bri was nervous because her hand was sweaty and it was slightly shaking.

We both walked downstairs and we shopped when we saw who it was.

A/n: hi. Sorry for mistakes stay safe love you.!

1325 words

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