Chapter 6

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Billie's POV

(⚠️Smut warning⚠️)

"Please bri." I begged once more. "Billie no." I whimpered as she rubbed my clit. I tried pushing her hand away but she slapped it. I moaned quietly.

I know how many inches that strap is because I'm the one who brought it. It's 12. She slowly entered me and I moaned and arched my back. She started pounding in me.

I grabbed the bed sheets as she went faster. Tears started coming in my eyes. I started to cry from the pleasure. "I can't take it." I tried pushing her away but it didn't work.

I felt a knot in my stomach. "Fuck I'm gonna cum." I moaned. "Not yet." "Bri please I can't t-take this!" I yelled/moaned.

I started to moan really loud and I started squirting. "FUCK!" I moaned. She went faster and I couldn't hold it anymore. "PLEASE!" I yelled. My legs started to violently shake, I started to cry more as my grip on the sheets tightened. "Let it out." She said.

I moaned really loud as I released on the strap. She helped me ride out my high before cleaning me up. I was still shaking as I tried to catch my breath.

My clit was so sensitive. Bri grabbed my legs. "Bri please no stop, I'm sore." I begged. "This is the last one Billie." "Please bri I can't take it." I begged.

She opened my legs and I whimpered. She started rubbing my clit and I tried closing my legs but she pushed them back open. "Fuck Bri please." I whimpered. As she went faster.

She shoved the strap on inside of me and my back instantly arched and my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I grabbed the sheets.

I moaned loudly as she went faster while pounding inside me. I started crying and my body started to shake. I moaned louder as she went faster and faster.

I moaned loudly as I started to squirt causing more tears to spill out of my eyes. I felt a knot in my stomach. "I-I gonna-." I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Don't." She said as she went faster. More tears came out of my eyes and my body violently shook. "Please bri." I moaned. I tried to push her away as I couldn't take it anymore.

She slapped my hand away and I whimpered and moaned. "Alright let it go baby." My body shook and I grip the sheets tighter and arched my back more. Tears still streaming down my face.

I released and moaned really loudly. She helped me ride out my high before cleaning me up. I whimpered as she cleaned me as my clit was so sensitive.

(It's over)

"Stop please no more." I begged. "Baby chill out I'm just cleaning you up." She giggled. I curled into a ball as my body still shook violently. I finally caught my breath and tried to wipe away my tears, but more just fell.

Bri kissed my forehead. "You ok baby?" She asked. "Y-yeah I-I'm ok." I said truthfully. "I'm gonna go run you a bath ok." I nodded.

After a few minutes she came back with a towel. "I won't put your clothes on because your just gonna have to take them off again." I nodded. She wiped my tears and kissed me.

She wrapped the towel around me and picked me up bridal style. We walked to the bathroom and she sat me on the sink. She unwrapped my towel and I looked at her.

"I feel like a baby." I mumbled. "Your my baby." She said while picking me up and putting me in the tub. She took her bra and panties off before getting in with me.

"Can I please you next time?" I asked. "Sure bil." She chuckled lightly. She grabbed a towel and started washing me up. She went between my legs and I whimpered and closed my legs.

"You ok?" She asked. "Yes it's just sore." "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Ok I'll be gentle." I nodded and slowly opened my legs. I held her hand as she washed down there.

Finally done she helped me with the shower part and she got out and wrapped a towel around me. She picked me up and put me on the sink.

"Ok I just got u an oversized shirt with some underwear is that cool?" She asked. I nodded. I put the shirt on and Bri helped me with my underwear. She sat me on a bean bag so she can change the sheets.

She put the new ones on and came over to me. She picked me up and put me on the bed. "I still feel like a baby." I mumbled. She laughed "well you the one who picked 3." She shrugged.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Do you want another round?" She asked. I shot my head towards her. "No no no I'm sorry." She smirked and got in bed.

I really need some ice so I can go to my interview tomorrow without people talking about how I walk. "Uh baby could you like uh.." I paused to embarrassed to ask.

"Get you what?" She asked while getting under the covers. "Can you get me some ice." I mumbled. She laughed loudly. I rolled my eyes.

"Sure baby I'll get you some ice." She laughed again and then got up and walked out of the room. I sighed.

Brianna's POV

I walked downstairs to get Billie's ice. When I got to the last creaky ass step (like why stairs gotta be so creaky) everybody's head turned towards me.

I mentally slapped myself for forgetting the last stair is creaky. "Uh hey guys." I said awkwardly. "Can you guys do that at your house next time." Finneas asked. "Dude you don't even leave here." I rolled my eyes.

"Good point." He shrugged. "I thought I told you girls about being loud. Maggie said. "I know Maggie I'm sorry I told her to put she never really listens anyway." I rambled on.

She sighed. "Yeah I get that but can you guys make sure we're not home." Patrick said. "Sorry patty it was her idea." I shrugged while going to the freezer.

I grabbed some ice for Billie and walked over to Claudia who had a large grin on her face. I hugged her "hey Claudia." "Hey, have fun?" She asked.

"Duh." I laughed as I walked upstairs. I walked into the room and Billie was just sitting there...blushing? "Why are you blushing bil." I laughed.

"Because they heard us." She said lowly. "Well I told you to be quiet didn't I." She nodded and looked down. I handed her the ice and she took gracefully and put it in between her legs.

I laughed at her and laid down. I turned on the office and I saw Billie smile.

It's now 1:24 am and Billie fell asleep against the headboard with the ice on between her legs. I grabbed the now melted ice and put it on the nightstand.

I pulled Billie down so she could lay down. I put the cover over her. She snuggled into me and I smiled. Her phone lit up indicating someone texted her.

I shook her lightly. "Bil someone texted you." She groaned "who is it." She rasped out while turning the other way.

"Uh I don't know it's your phone." She sighed. "Baby that means look." She mumbled. I grabbed her phone to see who it is.


Angel💞: hey bil, Ik we haven't talked for a while but I was hoping you could come to my birthday party

"Uh it's someone named angel, she wants you to come to her birthday party." I put her phone back down. She sat up and looked at me.

"Did you just say angel?"
A/n: hi everyone, uh I hope your day is going good. Sorry for mistakes, stay safe. Love you💗.!

1340 words

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