Chapter 19

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Billie's POV

I pulled Claudia away from bri and grabbed bri's hand. I walked to the backyard and sat on the chairs and pulled her on my lap. She looked at me and smiled, "I love you." She said softly. "I love you too." I smiled. She put right leg on the other side of me and was basically straddling me.

"I don't know where this is going, but I like it." I said. "Shut up you goof I'm just going to lay down." She laughed. She put her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist. I did the same and just enjoyed the weather.

I looked down at bri and she was just playing with my chains. I lifted her head up and she gave me an confused expression. I smashed my lips on to hers and I rested my hands on her waist while hers were on my face.

I asked for entrance but she denied, so I slapped her ass and she gasped and I shoved my tongue inside. We fought for dominance, I won this time. It felt like forever since I've dominated her. She slid her hands under my shirt and I moaned quietly at her cold hands.

I pulled away as I started to get wet, "Baby, lets not. I'm already wet and if we keep going we gone be having sex out here." She laughed loudly and got up. She walked in the house and I saw her go upstairs.

I licked my lips and followed. I walked in my room and saw Brianna on her phone. I bit my lip and climbed on top of her. She put down her phone and smiled. "What are you doing eilish." She said lowly.

"nothing." I said softly. I kissed her and she flipped us over. "you gonna be quiet?" She asked. I nodded quickly. "You remember what happened last time you weren't quiet, you want that again?"

I shook my head. "N-no please." She slid her hand down my stomach into my pants. "Then you gotta be quiet." I nodded quickly. I felt her rub my clit and I moaned quietly. She pushed me back on the bed and I opened my legs.

She pulled down my pants and I watched her every move. "Your so wet baby." I smiled. "P-please." I begged. "Please what?" I sighed, "P-please do something." I whispered. "What do you want me to do." She raised her eyebrow.

"I-I want you to fuck me, please." I moved my hand down and started rubbing my clit. Bri saw and I don't think she was pleased with my actions. She smacked my hand away and I yelped. "I know you didn't just touch yourself." She said lowly.

I was gonna say something but she slapped my thigh really hard. I whimpered as I went to rub the spot she slapped, but she smacked my hand again. "Baby, you've been bad." I saw her eyes darken.

"P-please baby I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I said quietly. I was afraid of what she was gonna do to me. "I think you need to be punished." I quickly shook my head. "N-no I-." She slapped my thigh again and I whimpered.

She went to my closet and grabbed something. You guessed it, a strap on. I never seen that one before so it's probably new? "yes it's new, and its 12." I'm assuming she meant the inches. She handcuffed me to the bed and I gulped.

"Now billie, make a sound and you'll get another punishment got it?" "Y-yes." She smiled and kissed me. She pulled down my underwear and I let out a shaky breath. "Safe word?" She asked. "I- uh red." I struggled to get out.


She nodded. She put the strap on and opened my legs more. I gulped and prepared myself. She shoved all 12 inches in me and my back arched as my breathing quickened. I knew I would've let out a moan, but I didn't wanna be punished again.

She thrusted in and out of me hard, she went faster with each thrust. I let a quiet moan escape and my back arched even more. Quiet moans kept escaping as she went faster. I felt a knot in my stomach and opened my mouth to say something, but quickly closed it when I felt like a moan was gonna slip.

"F-fuck I'm gonna cum." I whispered. Bri went faster as my eyebrows furrowed and my mouth hung open, my back arching even more. I came and she helped me ride out my high. My back fell on the bed as I tried to catch my breath.

"It's funny how you think we're done." I looked at her scared. "w-what." "We're not done." she said lowly. "This time you can't cum until I tell you to." I gulped, but soon nodded. She grabbed a vibrator and my breathing became fast.

"I'm gonna put this inside of you, but I'll still be doing stuff. cool?" I nodded. "Remember the safe word if you absolutely can't handle it." I nodded, "Y-yea its r-red." She nodded and opened my legs.

She pushed the vibrator and I let a quiet moan slip. She turned it on the highest setting and I threw my head back while arching my back. "O-oh fuck." I moaned quietly. I soon felt her sucking on my clit. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I bit my lip to hold my moan.

I tried to close my legs absentmindedly, but bri pushed them back open. I accidently lets out a low moan and bri looked at me. I furrowed my eyebrows as I felt a knot in my stomach, my mouth hung open, but no sounds came out.

I wasn't going to tell her because she was going to tell me to hold it. She started thrusting the vibrator in and out of me as my back arched and I let out another low moan. I squeezed my hands in a fist since I couldn't grab anything because she handcuffed me to the bed.

She started sucking on my clit again and my legs started shaking violently. "O-oh fuck bri." I moaned quietly. she started rubbing my clit really fast while thrusting the vibrator in and out of me. My back arched more as tears formed in my eyes.

My whole body began to shake and I whimpered. I started squirting and I let a slightly loud moan slip. "Now." She said, I released and she helped me ride out my high. A string of curse words left my mouth as I tried not to moan.

She took the vibrator out and my back fell to the bed as I caught my breath. My body slowly stopped shaking as bri wiped the tears from my face. "You did a great job, now you disobeyed me at one point, but I'll let it slide. I sighed in relief.


She unlocked the handcuffs and I curled into a ball. "M-mamas." I said quietly. She hummed in response. I think she was cleaning the vibrator. "C-can I take a bath, p-please." She poked her head out of my bathroom and shot me a smile.

"Of course, give me a minute ok. How about you try to walk." I slowly nodded and slid to the edge of the bed. My feet hit the cold floor and I shivered. I got up slowly using the bed as support. I limped my way over to bri and she smiled at me when I sat on the toilet to pee.

"Your bath is ready." I wiped myself and flushed the toilet. I took my shirt, and bra off and got in the tub. Bri just sat there smiling at me. We made light conversation before I looked at her with a smile.

Brianna's POV

I looked at billie's cute face. She was staring at me and I stared back. "Mamas." I hummed in response. "Can- is it- Are you comfortable getting in with me?" She asked nervously. I smiled.

"Of course baby."


A/n: Hey guys, How are you? Sorry for mistakes stay safe Love you.!

1358 words

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