Chapter 15

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Billie's POV

"it's ok." I held her tightly.  "That's not how I see you I promise." She mumbled. Well that's a relief. I pulled her away from me and kissed her passionately. It took her a second, but she kissed me back. "Baby I love you and I know you didn't mean it." I said softly.

"I love you too, sorry again." I pecked her on the lips. "Baby it's fine ok." She nodded. "Wanna go out to eat?" I asked, "Yes, but you have to let me pay." She said sternly. "But-." "No buts, bil seriously." I sighed and nodded.

She grabbed two sets of clothes and I looked at her confused.  She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom. "Baby slow down, I just started walking again." I told her. "You'll be fine." She shrugged. She closed and locked the door and I just stood there like a lost puppy.

She came over to me and pecked my lips. I smiled and looked down. She took my shirt off and I gasped at the cold air hitting my skin. She pulled down my pants and I just watched her. "We're gonna take a shower together." She finally said.

I nodded. I took off my bra and underwear and just stood there, watching bri do the same. I looked at her body and she still looked kinda skinny. I turned the shower on and stepped in. Bri got in after me and she helped me wash my hair, I also helped her wash her hair.


We got out the shower an hour ago. No we didn't do anything, I'm to sore for that and I don't know if Bri's ready or not. I don't wanna push her so I'm not gonna ask her right now or ever for that matter. 

I grabbed my keys and we headed out after getting ready. I played some music and Bri was singing quietly to herself. I wonder why she doubts herself on singing. I should ask her at the restaurant.

After a 7 minute drive with Bri singing to herself and me singing to my music we finally made it at the restaurant. We got out the car and I wanted to hold Bri's hand I was just scared about pap. 

We walked in and the lady began to speak, "Hi, how may I help you ladies." Bri chuckled and I playfully nudged her. She quickly stopped and looked down. "Yeah uh reservations for Billie." I said. She smiled "Right this way."

We followed her to our booth and she gave us menus as we sat down. "Would you guys like anything to drink." She asked. She was staring at Bri though. "Uh yeah can I get a water and she'll have..." I studied her for a second, "A sprite." 

I looked at Bri and she smiled. I guess I got it right. The lady nodded and walked away. I looked through the menu while bri just stared at me. "aren't you gonna look for something to eat?" I asked her.

"Not hungry." She shrugged. "Baby you need to eat something." She sighed in frustration and picked up her menu. I rolled my eyes, but quickly stopped myself. "Did you just roll your eyes?" She asked.

"What? No I-I didn't." I said quickly. "Your lying." I gulped. "I-I'm sorry." I said quietly. "I'll let it pass for right now." She closed her menu and so did I. I fiddled with my promise ring . Sometimes bri can be hot while being intimidating and it turns me on.

I try not to close my legs so she won't notice. The lady came back over and smiled at bri. She handed us our drinks and slid bri a napkin with a wink. Bri looked at the napkin then back at the lady. She had no emotion on her face.

She got up and sat by me. The lady just looked at her while I looked confused. "Go ahead..." she looked at the napkin, "Aliza sit down." I'm guessing that's her name. The lady sat down while smiling. She smiled at her "I wanna show you something." She said quietly to Aliza.

She quickly nodded. Bri looked around and I was still looking confused.  She cupped my cheeks and kissed me, I was surprised at first, but of course I kissed her back. My clit began to throb and I let a quiet moan slip.

Bri pulled away and I squeezed my legs closed. Bri turned to Aliza and smiled. She had an angry look on her face, "Oh and can we get another...waiter." She said. I was still trying to get my clit to stop throbbing. The lady got up and walked off. Bri went back to the other side.

"Baby." I said quietly. She hummed in response while taking a sip of her sprite. "Y-you did something to me." I whispered. She looked at me with a confused face. She looked down and her face went into realization.

"Jeez Billie your always horny." I sighed, "This is all your fault." I whisper yelled. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, we'll go home after we eat ok." "No baby I can't we hav- well I have an interview." She sighed.

Then her face lit up. She smirked at me and I furrowed my eyebrows. The waiter came and I put my head on the table. I need to do something. "Are you guys ready to order?" She asked. "Uh yeah, Can we get 20 bean burritos, no cheese, just beans." "Would that be all?" I'm guessing Bri nodded.

I heard the lady walk away, but I kept my head down, I was over here struggling. Bri grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom. She pushed me in a stall and locked it behind her. I crossed my legs as the throbbing grew more intense. 

Bri took something out of her bag and walked over to me. "Uncross your legs." I did as told, but that just made it worse. She pulled down my pants along with my underwear. I gasped as the cold air hit my clit.

"B-baby what if someone hears me?" She chuckled. "I'm not finna fuck you in a public bathroom Billie, that would be embarrassing." I sighed in relief. "Then what are you doing?" She didn't answer me so I just let her be.

I felt something enter me and I let out a quiet moan. Bri pulled up my underwear and pants. "What is it?" I asked her. "It's a vibrator baby, just go with the flow and I'll help you out, ok?" I nodded.

When I started walking it felt weird. We sat back down and I adjusted in my seat. "Baby, It feels weird." I whispered. "It's supposed to." She whispered back.  Our food came and we begin to eat while talking about random things. By the time we were done eating I forgot about the vibrator until I felt it turn on.

I gasped and shut my legs. "T-turn it off." I whispered to her. I let quiet moan slip. She turned it off. I sighed in relief and adjusted myself. She paid and we left the restaurant.


We're at my interview and I was answering questions. "so Billie the fans wanna know when is the next album coming." The interviewer said. I was finna answer, but then I felt the vibrator go off. I covered my mouth fast. 

They all looked at me confused. I grabbed onto the chair. "uh s-sorry about that, I-I just almost gave out some information." I chuckled. My grip on the chair tightened as she turned it on the highest setting. "Uh I-its coming...soon." I had to shorten my answer as I was going to let out a moan.

I felt my legs began to shake. No no no no please don't tell me I'm about to. I felt a knot in my stomach and I did my best to hold it in. I felt an funny feeling. I was about to squirt. "Are you good?" The interviewer asked. 

I put my hands over my face and threw my head back. I sighed, "uh y-yea I'm fine. I-is there a b-bathroom here?" The interviewer nodded and paused the interview. I practically ran to search for the bathroom, but I was to late.

 I started squirting and I fell to the floor. 


A/N: Hey, how are you guys. Did you eat today? Sorry for the long chapter I just kept writing and writing. Anyways sorry for mistakes, stay safe Love you.!

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