Chapter 14

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Billie's POV

"Why are you hurting yourself?" She asked. I looked down and didn't answer. I didn't know what to say, I don't know why I did it, it was just a voice in my head telling me to. "Billie." she lifted my chin up and looked me in the eyes. "Why are you doing this?" My eyes began to water but I held the tears back. "I-I don't know." I said quietly. 

She sighed. "w-what caused you to do this?" I sniffled and wiped my eyes. "I-It was this voice in my head, I'm not crazy or anything it's just it wouldn't leave." I wiped my eyes again. "Okay. What did the voice say?" she asked softly. I hesitated for a bit.

She held my hands and I looked down again. "I-it said t-to cut m-myself., a-and that n-nobody cares about me." I sniffled. She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. "I want you to tell me every time you hear that voice, ok?" she said softly.

"O-okay." "also when we go back to your house I want you to give me all your razors, understood?" She pulled away and looked at me. "W-what no I need them." "no Billie, you don't." I sighed and felt more tears in my eyes. "But-." I started but she cut me off.

"No buts, your gonna give them to me." I sniffled and wiped my face. ''I don't want to." I said quietly. "Okay than." She took my arm and raised up my sleeves. I looked at her confused. "When we get to your house I want yo to cut me..." She paused and counted the cuts on my arm.

"I want you to cut me 4 times on my arm, okay?" I looked at her with a shock expression. "A-are you serious?" "The most serious I've ever been.'' She had the most serious expression on her face. I looked down at my fingers, "I-I can't do that." I said quietly. "So your gonna give me the razors?" She asked.

"Y-yes, just please don't make me hurt you." I wiped my face again. She nodded. "cmon lets get some sleep." She said. I nodded and crawled all the way on the bed and laid down. She laid next to me and I cuddled into her. "Hey Bri?" She hummed in response. "C-can we not go to anymore parties, please?" She looked down at me and smiled.

"Of course baby, whatever you want, but we still have to pack tomorrow for tour, so get some sleep." "Don't remind me." I rolled my eyes. She chuckled lightly and I closed my eyes. Brianna started humming and I guess she thought I was sleep. I slowly started to drift off to her voice.

I'll talk to her about singing tomorrow.


I woke up to Bri singing. I looked over and she was packing some of her clothes. "Baby?" I groggily rolled out of bed. I was standing up going towards Bri. WAIT, I'm walking? "Wow Billie you can walk now, good because your kind of heavy." I giggled and pushed her slightly. "Bri I wanna talk to you about something. 

She stopped packing and gave me her full attention. "What is it?" She asked. "Well it's have an amazing voice and you don't wanna use it? Why?" She looked at me with an blank expression. "I'm sorry I don't wanna become a celebrity and ruin my mental health even more."

She sighed and got up and walked out the room. I decided to finish packing for her, I know she didn't mean for her answer to come out like that, but it still hurt. Is that what she thinks I am?


I finished packing Bri's stuff like 2 minutes ago. I heard a soft knock on the door. "Uh come in!" Bri walked in with a guilty expression on her face. She also had tears streaming out of her eyes. I got up and hugged her, "Baby what's wrong?" I rubbed her back as she sobbed.

"I-I'm s-so sorry, I-I didn't m-mean to say it l-like that." She sobbed. I just hugged her while she cried. "It's ok." I said softly. "N-no its not, I-I should've never said it like that." She sobbed even more. 

"Baby really it's fine." I pulled her to the bed, and sat her on my lap. I rubbed her back comfortingly. "it's ok mamas, I know you didn't mean it." She sniffled and wiped her face. "It w-was wrong of me to say." She sniffled again.

"Baby look at me." She lifted her head to look at me. I smashed my lips to hers, she was shocked at first but then kissed back. "I love you so much, and I understand that you didn't mean it, ok?" She sniffled and wiped her face again.

"Ok?" She nodded and laid her head on my shoulder and sighed. I felt more tears on my shoulder and I just hugged her tighter. After a while I stopped hearing her silent sniffles and I stopped feeling her warm tears hit my shoulder meaning she was sleep. 

I sighed as I gently put her on the bed. Lately she's been emotional. Like if she accidently hits me she says sorry about a million times before crying. Every time I tell her it's ok she just says it isn't.

I don't know what it is, but I'm not complaining. I mean I hate seeing her cry, but she's cute when she's pouting. She looks like a cute little baby. I got up and walked downstairs. Her dad was just sitting on the couch. 

I wonder if bri told him we were going on tour. Maybe not because his new girlfriend has been everywhere with him. Not today though. "Hi Richard." I said softly. "Oh hey billie, didn't even know you were here."

I chuckled. "Did you know bri is gonna be able to come on tour with me." I smiled happily "nope, she never mentioned it, but then again she doesn't mention anything to me anymore." He shrugged. "Anymore?" I questioned.

I sat down by him on the couch. "Yeah when she was little she used to tell me everything, she was always to afraid to talk to her mom about stuff. That's how I was first to know when she got her period." 

"that's..." I trailed off, "Something." I finished. "why do you think she stopped?" I knew exactly why she stopped, but I wanted to see if he knew. "I don't know after her mom left she was always in her room, but then again I never really saw her because of work." I sighed.

"There's your answer." I said quietly. "What do you mean?" he asked. "You were never really home, that's why she stopped telling you things." I heard a loud thump, me and bri's dad turned our heads towards the stairs.

"Uh I think bri is woke, I should go check on her," He nodded and I got up making my way towards bri's room. I walked in, but I didn't see bri. "Baby?" I called out. I heard light sobbing from behind the door. I closed the door and there she was, sitting on the floor, crying her heart out.

I got on the floor with her and just hugged her, She probably still feels bad from earlier. I have to get home though so I can pack. "Shh baby it's ok." I don't know what's wrong, but I feel like I just have to comfort her and not ask any questions.

"I'm sorry." She whispered after a while of silence. "Sorry for what?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes.  "I'm sorry if I'm being annoying."

She then started crying again.


A/n: Hey guys, sorry for the late update, turns out I never finished writing this one, but I finished the draft for chapter 15, so I had to come up with something for it to match, anyways sorry for mistakes. Stay safe love you.! Oh and a big thanks to my bestfriend raven for uploading yd for me, I got my phone took.

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