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Lunch with Kelly was beyond lovely, it made me realise how fake some of my supposed friends are. We chatted about life at home and life in F1, she was more interested in me than my brother and it was really refreshing. The afternoon in the garage flew by and before I know it my phone is ringing and I see that it's Lando I quickly answer "I'm outside the back of the garage" he tells me as soon as I answer "I'm coming, sorry I didn't notice the time" I say as I'm quickly throwing papers and my laptop into my backpack "okay see you in a few" he hangs up. I look around and notice most of the garage is already gone but Adam is still tinkering with elements of the car "see you tomorrow Adam" I say as I pass him "bye Rosie" he responds as I'm walking out to the paddock. I spot Lando immediately and notice Ella is with him "there you are" he says beaming at me as I walk over "sorry I was analysing tyre deg and time slipped away" I see Ella roll her eyes "Hey Ella, sorry I didn't stay out last night" she plasters on what is clearly a fake smile "it's okay Soph said you weren't feeling 100%" I nod my head just as I feel a presence behind me "hey Mon Ange" I turn to see Charles sending me a grin "Hey! Good day?" I ask and see Emily scowling from behind him "it was actually, yours? Don't tell me you've only just finished" he questions and Lando answers "I had to call her to remind her she was meeting me" he tells Charles and I roll my eyes "you work too hard, I'm sure some stuff could've waited till tomorrow?" Charles asks me studying my face "I just like to be as prepared as possible" he nods "what time did you get here this morning?" I know he is about to tell me off "6" I mutter and his eyes widen "but it's 7pm now, Lando please get her home" he pushes me into him "that was the plan" he jokes and takes my hand "see you guys tomorrow" he tells the group "see you, I will make sure you don't stay this late tomorrow" Charles threatens "I promise I won't" I say waving as we walk away "you okay?" Lando asks as we make our way out of the paddock gates "yeah just a long day" he looks at me suspiciously "did something happen between you and the girls?" I grimace "nothing major, they just made some comments last night about us, that's why I took myself home" he stops me "what did they say?" I shrug trying to play it off "just they can't understand why you would want to be dating me" his features turn angry "well I sure as hell wouldn't want to date them! Are they trying to impersonate Barbie dolls?" I can't help but giggle at that comment "Lando don't be mean" he squeezes my hand and we head to his car "I'm not but they are going to have to get used to it as I'm not going anywhere" I can hear the sincerity in his voice "right now I really don't want you too" the smile that lights up his features is like none I've caused before "I genuinely mean this Rosie"

It's race day, this weekend has absolutely flown by, me and Lando watched Avengers on Thursday evening and we laughed and joked the whole time and barely watched the movie. It was the most fun I've had for a while and I am spending the evening with him tonight. We've had a decent weekend so far, George qualified P14 which is a really great result for the team and really shows how much progress we are actually making. "Morning" I call out randomly as I walk into the garage "Hi Rosie" I look and see Marcus at the desk next to mine "Morning Marcus, anything I need to know?" I ask and he shakes his head "nothing has changed since last night, weather is staying as predicted so we will be following the usual strategy" I nod my head loading up the data from the weekend "could you take a look at this" I ask Marcus showing him the data which to me looks like George is breaking too late into turn 11 "George needs to break earlier, turn 11" he responds backing up my suspicions, I add it to the list in my head of what to tell George.

I'm sat at my seat on the pit wall waiting for the 5 lights to go out "should be a straight forward race" I say to Claire who nods "hopefully both cars make it home" she tells me and I nod pushing the talk button "right George, head down and please try to stay out of trouble?" He laughs "I will try my best" I go quiet knowing that the race start isn't a time for me to be talking. I watch the action unfold keeping a close eye in the data and the tyre wear "look after these tyres George and we can make this a one stop" he confirms and I keep my focus on the tyre deg. Lap 33 rolls around and I know his tyres are dead "box box box this lap" I say "confirm" he responds and I turn in my seat to watch the pit stop "3.3 seconds you will being coming out behind Magnussen" I inform George as I watch the pit exit. The rest of the race went past without a hitch and George crossed the line in 15th "p15, great job" I say over the radio to George "it was hard work out there today, thanks everyone" he says and I jump off of my chair and head into the garage "great job" I say to the mechanics as I walk over to the computer gathering data and key information for our debrief later on. "Great job with the pit stop call" Claire tells me and I grin "he is good with his tyres" she agrees "he is definitely future world champion material" and I feel my heart swell with pride "see you for the debrief" Claire says as she heads out to a waiting interview with Sky Sports. I'm scrolling through data when I hear that George has entered the garage. I spin in my chair and see some of the mechanics giving him claps on the back. His eyes drift to me and he walks over "good job" I say pulling him in for a hug "thanks Rosie, you weren't too bad today" he jokes and I punch him in the arm "ouch" he yells and I hear laughter "will you two ever not bicker?" Soph asks coming over giving George a quick hug before pulling me in for one "well if he stopped being mean perhaps I would" I say causing her to roll her eyes "go get changed George we need to be out in the media pen in 5" she shoos him away "I feel like I've barely seen you! Have you left the garage at all?" Soph complains at me "I did stay a little later than I should've last night, Charles will give me a right telling off if he knew" Sophs eyes look at me curiously "he told me off the other day when Lando was waiting for me "you do work too hard" she agrees shaking her head "well I need to be taken seriously" I explain just as George walks back over causing Sophia to shift her focus  "oh good, let's get this finished and then Rosie can have you" Soph remarks to George "have fun" I say turning my eyes back into the data.

"Rosie! Can you help?" I see Adam struggling to remove a piece from under the car and I know he can't fit underneath "sure" I say laying on the board and wheeling myself under "what am I looking for?" I ask "the barge board is stuck on something" I feel around and pull out a piece of debris "I think I've got it" I say wheeling myself out holding what looks to be a front wing end plate from a Renault "well that would do it" Adam jokes "shall I return it to Ricciardo?" I joke earning a laugh.

The debrief was quick as it was a pretty uneventful race for us "we need to focus on breaking later into the corners but I know that will come when there is more trust with the car" I let both drivers know and Claire summaries before thanking everyone for a good weekend. "Got plans this evening?" George asks as we walk to collect our stuff "I'm seeing Lando" I say waiting for his usually over protective reaction "he did say earlier when we chatted on the grid" I had braced myself for something negative "not sure what we are doing" George nods distracted by pulling his backpack on "well I shall see you for breakfast tomorrow?" I nod my head stepping out of the garage "cool, 8?" He agrees before catching up with Alex as he is walking out of the paddock. I pull my phone out to message Lando when hands cover my eyes "surprise" I immediately recognise the accent "Charles" I shake my head to make him move his hands "great job today! P3" he grins at me "it was a difficult race" I laugh "we had a pretty straight forward one" he grins at me "easier when you are at the back" I whack his arm with my stack of paperwork "was that really necessary?" I shrug "don't be rude" he rolls his eyes "waiting for George?" I shake my head "nah Lando, he did message to say he was finished" I explain "oh I just went past him, he was messing about with Carlos" this information didn't surprise me as he told me how well they were getting along the other evening "I swear he is always messing about" Charles laughs "who is?" I turn to see Lando "you apparently" I tell him stepping into his outstretched arms. "Alright?" I hear him ask "yeah although I'm exhausted" I complain "let's get back then" he says and finally acknowledges Charles "congrats on your podium" he says giving him a fist bump "it wasn't an easy day" he tells him and Lando laughs "you earned it though and that always makes it that much better"

We walk through the door of his hotel room "wanna order room service?" He asks me dumping his bag at his feet "sure thing" I say sliding my trainers off and plopping myself on the end of the bed. He looks over at me before shaking his head "want something comfy to wear?" He asks and I immediately nod already feeling fed up in my Williams kit. He rummages around for a minute in his suitcase and hands me a mclaren hoodie and a pair of joggers "thanks" I say feeling slightly awkward before heading off to the bathroom to get changed.
I can't actually believe she is here again, I couldn't tell you the exact day I started falling for Rosie but it was definitely in the junior formulas. She was always bothering mechanics and engineers for the entire weekend. I was also surprised that George didn't threaten murder earlier when I mentioned we were having a another date. I snap out of my thoughts when the bathroom door opens and I see her stood there in my clothes, they absolutely drown her and that's saying something considering how short I am. "Look at you" I can't stop my eyes from raking over her figure and I notice her cheeks flush a delightful shade of red "I feel like a child" I try to hide a snigger at her disgruntled expression "nah, what do you fancy for dinner?" I ask in an attempt to distract her "ooo do they have fried chicken?" She asks walking over and leaning her head on my shoulder to read the menu "well that's not fair" I tease "I'm not a driver, I'm allowed to have more fun" she banters back "fried chicken for you it is" I say holding my hands up earning a giggle that causes my heart to skip. I can see how tired she looks and I can feel my adrenaline wearing off "movie?" I question gesturing to the very inviting looking bed and she nods climbing straight into the left hand side curling her legs under the covers. She is always really deliberate with her actions and I can't help feeling entranced by her. She looks up "are you joining me?" I nod jumping onto the bed causing a squeal to escape her lips "Lando!" She complains and I pull my laptop off of my bedside table "are we sticking with marvel?" I question "absolutely! Although I will make you watch Star Wars" she tells me knowingly "I had a very busy childhood" I try to defend myself "as did I Norris, following you lot everywhere" I roll my eyes "I didn't realise I had a stalker" I mess with her and she laughs "well you did eventually ask me on a date"

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