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Things have been slightly awkward since the Charlotte incident yesterday. We have the race today and I just want to focus on that! "I'm heading to the paddock" I tell Charles waking him up slightly "what time is it?" I know he won't be happy "6, I just want to get a head start" I say and he opens his eyes to give me a look "are you avoiding me?" I shake my head "no, I just want the best start to the race" he nods "okay then, I will come see you before the race" I nod and stand back up. I walk out of the hotel room and sling my backpack over my shoulders.

"Okay George, let's get our heads down, next is Sainz" I say and focus on the data and other cars around the track. "2.2 seconds" I inform George and watch as he makes his round the track gaining a few tenths on Sainz. My eyes flick over to see Charles is in P3, let's hope he can catch Bottas. I focus on the data and make sure I'm ready if George needs any information "final 5 laps" I tell him and he hits the confirm button and I know he just wants to focus. I see him "Sainz 0.5, 5 tenths" I tell him "copy" he starts pushing aware that his tyres don't need looking after now. I watch and after 2 laps George is trying to get past Sainz and I am holding my breath. He goes round the corner ahead but Carlos tries to get ahead and clips George's front left tyre and it sends George spinning into the barriers at high speed. "George are you okay?" I ask quickly over the radio and I get no response "George, please confirm if you are okay?" I ask again and look at Marcus in panic "George?" I ask again and he still doesn't respond. I see the Marshall's arrive at the car and they help George climb out of the car. I feel my heart calm down, his radio must have been damaged.

After about 20 minutes George walks into the garage. I left the pit wall to make sure I was there when he arrived back. "Oh my god are you okay?" I ask holding his shoulders at arms length, which probably looked ridiculous as I am much shorter than him! "RoRo I'm okay, I could hear you asking but I don't think my end was working!" I shake my head "I was so scared" I wrap my arms around my brother "I'm okay!" He kisses the top of my head before the rest of the team come to talk to him. The race ended like 15 minutes ago and now I know George is okay I look over at the standings "Charles won?" I ask no one "he did" Marcus confirms and the joy I feel that my brother is okay and Charles won the race is ridiculous. "I'm going to go congratulate him, I will be back for debrief!" I tell George who just pushes me out into the pitlane. I practically sprint to Ferrari and I see Mia "hey! Congratulations!" She smiles "is George okay?" I nod my head "that's great! Are you looking for Charles?" I glance over her shoulder "yeah I am actually" she leads me towards his drivers room "he was getting changed last I knew" she tells me and I knock gently on the door "am I okay to wait in here?" I ask her and she nods "of course you are, I will send him your way if I see him" I thank her before swinging the door open.

"Charles?" I manage to blurt out before scrambling behind me to open the door. I felt like I couldn't breathe "Rosie? Shit, Charlotte get out of the way" he starts making his way towards me but I manage to throw the door open and I turn on my heel and run through the garage. I need Jake, I scan over all of the Ferrari mechanics till I see my best friend "Jake!" I shout and he looks over with a smile before it drops when he sees my expression. I keep walking out of the garage knowing that Charles will follow me. "Rose what's wrong?" Jake asks once we are in the pitlane "he was with her" he looks confused "her?" He asks and I hear footsteps approaching us "Mon Ange! Please let me talk" I shake my head and Jake turns around to face him "leave her alone! you've done enough damage" he tells him blocking him from reaching me "Mon Ange please" I shake my head before walking back to Williams. Jake jogs behind me "what happened Rose?" He asks and I try to hold back my tears "she was sat in his lap, they were kissing and his hands were up her shirt, I only assume if I hadn't arrived they would've been fucking" I tell Jake breaking down as I say what I saw.

I walk into the garage and straight to George's driver room "RoRo I'm coming! Sorry!" He says not really taking in my appearance. Jake follows me in and I collapse to my knees "what is happening? Jake?" George is really confused "he was with Charlotte" Jake tells him and George looks furious "he was what?!" Jake shakes his head "cheating prick" George says and goes to storm out of the room "stay" I croak out and he looks at me and he softens "oh Rose" he drops down and wraps his arms around me "why does this keep happening to me? Why aren't I good enough?" He squeezes me tighter "you are incredible, they are the idiots!" He tells me and I take a deep breath "it doesn't feel like that" Jake sits next to me "he is a complete idiot! I'm so sorry" he says wiping a tear from my cheek. I look down at see the time on my watch "we need to get to debrief" I say and George looks surprised "Marcus can run it, you can stay here" I shake my head "I'm coming! Let's go!" George sees he isn't going to win and I pull myself together. "Thank you Jake!" I tell him and he wraps me in a hug "wanna stay with me?" I nod "could you get my stuff?" I pass him my key card "of course! See you later" he kisses the side of my head before jogging out of the garage.


How did I let this happen? How?! "Charles what's the problem? You are with me" Charlotte comments and I feel my anger surface "I'm an idiot Charlotte! I should've stopped you the second you started kissing me! I've treated her exactly as Lando did" she laughs "you don't actually love her do you?" She asks and I glare at her "with all of my heart, I'm such an idiot" I say slumping down onto the bench in my room. "Get out, I never want to see you again" I tell her and she frowns "we both know that isn't true, see you in Monaco" she says and she walks out of the room. What on earth possessed me to not push her away? What was I thinking? I wasn't! Fuck!

Debrief goes slowly and I am eager to find Rosie at our room and beg her to listen to me. "That's all! See you guys at the factory" mattia finishes up and I have never left a meeting this quickly. Especially after a race win! I jog down the paddock avoiding talking to anyone but unfortunately Lando stops me "you are in a hurry Leclerc?" He says and I turn to glare "anything to do with Rosie crying in the pitlane earlier?" Of course he saw, typical! "None of your business!" I tell him and he laughs "looks like you aren't any better than me after all!" I feel my anger rise "you know nothing Lando" I say and turn on my heel and keep heading towards the exit. I need to find Rosie! She needs to listen to me!

I open the door to the hotel room and I see that all of her stuff is gone? What the actual? How? She was in debrief too? Fuck! Where would she go? I think George? Alex? Jake? Adam? She would stay with anyone of them. I walk out of my room towards George's room. I knock heavily on the door and after a few seconds it swings open "is she here?" I ask desperately "no, and even if she was I wouldn't let you anywhere near her!" He tells me "George, it was a mistake, Charlotte kisses me" he frowns "you have made her feel worthless, you and Lando have treated her like crap" he is right "I know but I love her" he shakes his head "you don't treat people you love like that" I really do love her "I fucked up okay, I know but I need to talk to her" he lets out a sigh "she is with Jake, but if she doesn't want to talk to you, leave her alone" he tells me and I nod.


I am curled up under the duvet in Jake's room. Why am I not good enough for the people I fall for? Why do they always find someone else? I know it's different with Charles, I've been difficult but he told me in the airport she was just a friend and then yesterday that she was his ex and then that they were together when I didn't have my memories. It's so messed up! A knock sounds loudly on the door and I look at Jake "it might be George" he suggests getting up to open the door. I don't move from my spot under the covers. "Charles, what are you doing here?" Jake asks angrily "George said she was here, please let me speak to her" Jake looks over his shoulder at me and I nod "okay" he relents and let's Charles in the room. I still don't move, when I see him my heart breaks more. "Mon Ange?" He asks gently and squats down next to my head "I can't" I tell him and he looks broken "I fucked it okay, I never wanted to hurt you, she kissed me and I should've pushed her away but I got caught in the moment" I don't recognise him anymore "but you did, was I supposed to never find out?" He shakes his head "that's not it, I am so in love with you Rosie" he can't be "you wouldn't have been with her if you were" I tell him and he frowns "we've been through a lot and she was there for me, but I don't want her that way! I only want you" I look at Jake and he comes and sits on the bed next to me "Charles, I don't know what to say, I thought we had made it through all of the crap but this just proves we haven't and we weren't ready to be together" I say feeling my heartbreak as I speak "I can't be with you, not after this, I've been treated like this before and I won't be an idiot again" he grabs my hand "let me make this up to you" I shake my head "I can't Charles, we are done, please leave" tears fall down his cheeks and I fight the urge to wipe them away "please let me prove that this isn't me! That I am the man you thought I am! Please Rosie" I shake my head "I can't right now, maybe in the future" his eyes light up "it's always been you Rosie, it always will be! Give me a chance. She kissed me and I don't know why I responded" he tells me and I want to believe him "give me time" I say and he nods "okay, but I'm not going anywhere" he tells me standing "are you coming home?" I shake my head "I need time" he nods and walk out of the room. Jake pulls me into his arms and I break down.

Should she take Charles back?

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