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Winter break has absolutely flown by, not that I have done much. Charles has been great just letting me stay at his, not expecting too much from me. It's now time to get back to work, I've been in contact with Williams, especially Marcus during the break and they want me to come back in my full capacity as George's race engineer. I was dubious to begin with but now I know that it will give me a purpose and hopefully help me to get back on track.

"Ready to go?" I hear Charles shout from the lounge "yeah, give me one minute" I quickly run through my packing list in my head before swinging my pack pack onto my shoulder and I wheel my case with me out of the bedroom "ready!" I tell him and he gives me a smile. I couldn't be more grateful for how patient he has been with me, I know he has wanted more for a long time now and I'm hoping that soon I will be able to tell him how I felt when I first got my memories back. I want to give myself to him but I know I'm not myself at the moment, as soon as I'm feeling ready I will tell him my feelings.

We drive in comfortable silence to Nice, our flight leaves in around 3 hours time. I tend to enjoy flying and I'm looking forward to getting back in the garage and helping George do the best he possibly can this year. I missed Winter Testing, Marcus ran point on that but I've been analysing the data over the last few weeks and I think we are in a good position to be fighting for points every weekend. Whilst I've been away there have been some changes including George's teammate who is now Nicholas Latifi, I'm looking forward to meeting him properly. "You okay Mon Ange, you've been kind of quiet" Charles asks running his hand down my arm before taking my hand "yeah, just thinking about this weekend" he smiles softly "you are the best at your job, you are going to be great" he reminds me and I can help but fall even more in love with him.


I can't lie, I'm nervous, nervous to have Rosie back in the paddock. She has spent winter break practically holed up in the apartment. She hasn't been spending all day in bed anymore since I got everyone over to visit but she still just seems to be going through the motions instead of actually living. Like she is stuck and can't get back into real life. I know she is more than capable at her job so I'm hoping it can bring her some much needed distraction from the negative thoughts in her head. I'm holding out hope that she will still choose me but I'm struggling.

We walk through the airport hand in hand and I find it reassuring. There have been passing moments of affection everyday and we share a bed at night now as it helps with her nightmares. "Charles?!" I hear my voice being called and I turn to see Charlotte Seine, a close family friend "Charlotte, oh my god! It's good to see you" I step away from Rosie to give Charlotte a hug "off on another adventure?" I ask her and she laughs "Milan, Prada fashion show! Take it you are going to Australia?" I nod "first race of the season" she smiles "well I'm sure you are going to get on the podium" she tells me encouragingly "that's, that's the goal!" She grins "it's really good to see you, perhaps we can go for lunch when you are back?" And I nod "that would be great" she kisses both my cheeks "perfect! Message me!" She says as the flight to Milan is called "see you soon" she waves and I find myself really looking forward to seeing her again. I shake my head with a smile before noticing Rosie isn't stood with me.


I couldn't bear to see them flirting in front of me so I decided to head straight to the gate. I walked away from the pair and Charles didn't even notice. My stomach dropped at his excitement in seeing her, perhaps I have pushed him too far away. I knew his patience would run out eventually. I sat facing the runway and let myself get distracted but the planes taking off. Each one going to a different destination, a different adventure.

"Rosie!" I hear Charles shout my name and my heart sinks "hey" I say casually "why did you go? I was worried!" He tells me angrily "oh I didn't want to interrupt you" I answer back in a clipped tone "just tell me where you are going!" He tells me and I nod before turning my attention back to the planes. My heart breaks and I feel hollow. I thought it was bad enough loosing Juliette but now I know Charles is slipping through my fingers it's worse. I suddenly feel really alone.

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