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I'm getting married today. Today, I'm getting married. I roll over seeing Jake and Adam on the bed as I offered to take the floor, happy that they wanted to stay with me so that I wouldn't be alone.  I stretch my arms above my head reaching for my phone which is plugged in still. I tap the screen and see a message from Charles that came in just now with a picture f

Happy wedding day my almost wife, we are getting married today!

I can't help the grin that spreads over my face, he is everything that I have ever wanted

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I can't help the grin that spreads over my face, he is everything that I have ever wanted. My mind can't quite wrap itself around the idea that we will be saying I do in a few hours. I hear rustling from the boys and Jakes head pops over "Morning Rose!" He says excitedly "Morning Jake, sleep okay?" I ask him and he nods "Like a log, you?" I shake my head "Far too excited, or nervous I suppose. Feels like Christmas morning." He grins "that's a good sign, if you weren't nervous it would show that you don't care" He tells me and I know he is right "I'm getting married today" I say and he lets out a squeal "you are! And I couldn't be happier for you, after everything, you deserve this" he tells me and I can't help but feel beyond grateful for him "Thank you Jake, its been a journey and it hasn't really ever been an easy one" he nods "you have definitely faced an unfair amount of curveballs" he tells me and I laugh "Well it's got me here, with Charles and I wouldn't change that" and I mean every single word.

"You need to eat" George tells me pushing a plate of scrambled eggs over to me, he has only been here 20 minutes and he has been bossy from the minute he walked through the door. "I don't feel hungry though, my stomach is in knots" I say "Charles will be there, it will be beautiful and you will have the best day" Adam assures me from behind my brother, he passes me a mug of decaf coffee "Thank you" I tell him and he grins "We are all your best people today and you get to come first" he knows I hate being the centre of attention "Yeah I don't work well with this, all this fuss" I hear Soph walk into the room "I'm all set, you ready for make up and hair?" She asks and I take the chance to run away from the breakfast that I really can't stomach. I pad behind Soph into the bedroom and spot my wedding dress hanging off of the door "thank you for helping me out, I am not the best at make up" I joke and she laughs "I'm well aware, why do you think I offered to help" she tells me and she starts getting out different tubes and sponges before attacking my face with them.

"I'm all done, you look stunning" Soph announces before calling the boys in "GUYS COME LOOK" she yells and I hear movement from the living room. George is the first to barrel into the room and he wraps his arms around me "you look lovely, Charles won't believe his eyes" he says with Jake and Adam immediately agreeing with him. They are all dressed in their suits and they look fantastic "Right, out I need to help Rose into her dress" Soph orders and I stand up running my fingers over the fabric. I chose this dress last week, I couldn't decide on one the first time we went but I walked past this boutique in Monaco and it was there in the window and I knew it was the one. It almost felt good choosing it alone, there is going to be a lot of bad crap that I wont be choosing and I will have to face it myself but this was a choice I got to make for me, for this day. "There is a lot of buttons on this dress" Soph jokingly complains as she starts to get it ready for me to step into "I'm sorry!" I say as she pulls the material over my shoulders "It's perfect, I can't believe this is the first time I've seen you in it" She complains and I realise that no one had seen me in it before today.

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