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Here we are at Silverstone! One of my favourite tracks on the calendar! Considering I'm British it isn't my favourite but it is in the top 5! We've just arrived at the track, it's media day for the drivers and it's car set up day for me! It is one of my favourite days of the week due to being able to put the car together. "See you later?" Charles asks me "absolutely!" I feel guilty that I haven't told him about mine and Lando's talk back in Austria. We've been messaging a lot and I know my feelings are starting to grow! I haven't been rushing into anything as I know I still don't trust him 100%. I'm now 15 weeks pregnant and it's absolutely starting to show now! I am going to speak to Soph later about putting out a statement now Lando has accepted being the father. I don't want speculation ruining my friendships in the paddock.

I'm underneath the car when Jake tickles my ankle "what you doing RoRo?" I wheel myself out "some adjustments to the bargeboard" I say and he laughs "you just can't help but tinker can you?" I heave myself up and shake my head "nope! Actually what the time?" I ask him and he glances at his phone "3.30 why?" I rush over and grab my bag "I've got a meeting with Claire" he is understanding "you are starting to show!" I laugh "love you Jake" I rush across to the hospitality suite where Claire's office is. I knock on the door as she calls me in "Hi Claire, sorry I'm late I got carried away with the bargeboard" she laughs "no need to apologise Rosie, what did you want to speak to me about?" I take a breath "actually Claire I'm pregnant" her eyes widen "well firstly congratulations!" I smile "thank you" she sit forwards on her chair "do I know the father?" I nod "it's Lando Norris, I'm going to get Soph to craft a socials post for later today announcing it" she nods "well what a wonderful time for you both" I don't have the heart to tell her that we aren't together "well I assume you want to know what happens going forward?" I feel myself getting nervous "if you wouldn't mind" she smiles "absolutely! So it's Williams policy that you don't go with the track team from 23 weeks just due to the nature of the job" I nod my head feeling slightly gutted "do you know what race that would be?" She asks and I work it out in my head "Monza" she makes a note "okay so from then you will be factory based, is that okay?" I nod my head again "yeah absolutely fine, and I can stay will my due date?" She nods "which is?" I know this one "10th January" she smiles "perfect so you can finish this season" the rest of the conversation goes well and I leave her office feeling relieved.

Once I arrive back in the garage I see Soph and George leaning by my desk "there you are" George says pulling me in for a hug "I was talking to Claire" he pulls away "so she knows?" I nod my head and he looks relieved "finally people can know I'm going to be an uncle" I turn to Soph "I actually need your help, Lando and I had a really good talk in Austria and he is very excited to be a dad now so we want a socials post" she squeals "I knew he would sort himself out, I can get that done for you before the end of the day" I look up at George and he looks annoyed "you didn't tell me you spoke with Lando" I roll my eyes "I didn't tell anyone, we are going to give things another go" even Soph seems surprised "oh! Well I guess that's a good thing" George manages and I was expecting this reaction "we are just going to see how it goes" I explain and Soph gives me hug "I will support you no matter what" she tells me and I feel myself relax.

I finish up at the garage and see that Soph has sent me and Lando a joint message using the picture I sent her earlier and she has written a PR approved caption. Suddenly this all feels quite real, I walk down to Ferrari as I know I need to talk to Charles about this before I post. He knows I'm coming as we said we would drive back to George's together "Hey mon ange" Charles says as he approaches "ready to go home?" He nods and we walk through the paddock. He can probably tell something is up as I know I'm not talking as much as I usually would. Once at the car he unlocks it and we both climb in "what's wrong Rosie?" He asks me very seriously "I actually need to talk to you, Lando has stepped up and is prepared to be a dad" Charles face lights up "that's wonderful news!" I nod "we had dinner in Austria and decided to see how things go between us" his face turns into a scowl "seriously?" I feel my frown "well it's nothing official we are just talking" he seems to calm down "I'm telling social media about the baby tonight" he nods "cool!" Things are tense and a bit awkward.

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