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Baku was an eventful race for us, George managed to finish P11 but Charles crashed into the wall at the castle sector. I talked George through the race but I was concerned about my Monegasque friend down at Ferrari. I kept my focus on the race and felt immensely pleased that George stayed out of trouble. I knew I had a few minutes before I would need to be in the debrief so I rush down the paddock to Ferrari. I don't recognise anyone outside but then I spot Andrea "Hey!" I say to grab his attention "Rosie so good to see you!" He gives me a brief hug "you too! I was hoping to check up on Charles" he nods "let me grab him" he pops back into the garage and I loiter outside looking like a sore thumb in a sea of red. A few of the team members give me a strange look and I avoid eye contact but Seb then comes out of the garage with Britta "Rosie?" He questions and I grin at him "Hey Seb" he gives me a small hug "are you lost?" He questions me "I'm actually just hoping to check in on Charles" his expression turns sympathetic "he could use a friend" he tells me giving me shoulder a squeeze and I look up just in time to see Charles walking over "I had best get to my interviews good to see you" Seb tells me "you too" I say as the Germans take their leave "Hey Charles" I say wrapping him in my arms "Rosie" he breathes out "are you okay?" I ask him and he nods into my shoulder "just a stupid mistake, a rookie error" I knew he would be berating himself "it happens, perhaps you might need to take Baku out of your top 5 circuits" I joke in an attempt to cheer him up and it works. He pulls away laughing "I suppose I had" I smile at him "next weekend is a new chance" he nods "thank you for coming to check on me" he tells me "of course, you are one of my friends Charles and I know I need cheering up if I feel like I made a mistake" he nods "you can get quite grumpy" he pokes my ribs earning a squeal from me "oi! Well I just wanted to check in but I should get back for our debrief" he nods "thank you again" he hugs me lightly before I pull away "you know where I am if you need me" I say as I walk back towards Williams "of course, same for you" he shouts heading back into the Ferrari garage.

We arrived home from Baku on Monday and George drove us home from the airport. But today is Wednesday and the day I'm moving into Lando's "you sure you are okay with me going?" I question George and he nods "absolutely, he makes you happy why wouldn't I want that for you?" He asks and I shrug "I just thought you might miss the company" he has a knowing smile on his face "well actually Alex is moving in" my guilt seeps away "replacing me already?" He laughs "well you are the one leaving" he jokes and we both know how content we are with the new arrangement "am I still okay to leave some stuff here for the time being?" He nods "this is still your home Rosie" he says and I know he means it "let's get your stuff in the car, when will Lando be here?" He asks and I check my phone "should be about now actually" I say following him up the stairs to what was my bedroom "is lando bringing a van?" George jokes looking at the boxes on my floor "ha ha very funny" I say as George laughs. I don't actually have much to bring as I don't need furniture "do you think we are moving too fast?" I ask and he shakes his head "you guys are hardly home anyway and you stay together on race weekends so it's the most obvious step and it's clear he loves you" George reassures me and I calm down "you are right, I just don't want to regret this" I say as I hear a horn beep outside.

It takes us half an hour to load up both cars "I didn't realise you had this much stuff" Lando jokes "well I've left some stuff here" I say trying to justify the amount of boxes in the back of our cars "I'm just messing with you" Lando says kissing my forehead "ready to go?" George asks and I feel a wave of sadness wash over me "I'm going to miss you" I tell my brother and he looks down at me sadly "me too but we do work together" I reminds me and he pulls me in for a hug "I'm always here if you need me, that will never change" I reassures me "I know, same for you" he grins "right now off you go" he pushes me towards my car "look after her" I hear George telling Lando "I will" he says as I climb into my car missing out on the rest of their conversation. I wind my window down "love you bye" I shout at George "love you bye" he shouts back.

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