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I run down the paddock towards the medical centre and almost smack into Rosie in the process "Carlos?" She asks me immediately and I nod and she leads us down the paddock. She forces the doors open and goes straight to the desk "Carlos?" She questions and the woman takes in her team wear before allowing us access to the room he is in. I follow behind her as she softly knocks on the door. A nurse opens it and nods allowing both of us access "Rosie? Lando?" He manages to force out clearly in a lot of pain "Oh Carlos, I was beyond worried" she tells him going over and running her fingers through his hair, something she has always done to comfort people. "I'm okay, well I'm not gonna die" he attempts to joke and Rosie's eyes meet mine and I realise that he doesn't know "So what has happened mate?" I ask and he looks towards his feet "I've shattered my ankles, the impact forced the pedals up and the pressure was too much according to the doctor" he tells us and I see Rosie's face fall "Otherwise you are okay?" She asks him and he nods "You are just going to have to boss someone else around for a while" she laughs lightly "It won't be the same" she says and he nods "I know, should be all healed in about 12 weeks" she nods "Did you want us to come to the hospital with you?" I ask and he shakes his head "no, Isla is going to be here soon" Rosie nods and kisses the top of his head "We will stay til she gets here" she tells him firmly.

Once Carlos was on his way to the hospital we go back into the paddock, I'm gutted for my best mate, all we want to do is race and he is going to have a long recovery. I turn my head to look at Rosie who has been quiet since we left the room "Should I have told him?" She asks me "Not if you aren't ready" I tell her. We arrive outside her garage a few moments later "Wanna grab a coffee later?" I ask her hopefully "That would be great Lands, meet you out here? After Quali?" I nod and she smiles softly before walking into the Ferrari garage. How am I going to focus on Quali when all I can do I worry about Carlos.


Mattia grabs me the moment I step into the garage "Is he okay?" He immediately asks and I nod "He is but he has broken both of his ankles, 12 weeks recovery, he is on the way to the hospital now" I say and his face falls "That sounds awful, did he seem himself to you?" I nod "Just in pain, he will recover and be back before we know it" He nods "He is such a fantastic driver, the team will miss him" I know what he is saying is true "Okay well, our reserve diver is Giovinazzi, Can you head down to Alfa Romeo and speak with Fred?" He asks me and I agree turning on my heel to head out of the garage. Before I can walk out of the door Jake grabs my attention "Is Carlos okay?" He asks and I nod "He is but he won't be driving for a while" I say and he frowns "Well that sucks, where are you off to?" He questions "I'm going to get our reserve driver" he seems confused "See you in a bit" I tell him and take myself straight to Alfa Romeo. I'm caught at the entrance by a team member "Last I checked this isn't your garage?" He tells me smartly "I need to talk with Vasseur" I say and he frowns "I will go ask him, who are you?" I am not enjoying his tone "I'm Rosie Russell, Carlos Sainz race engineer, Binotto sent me" he seems taken aback "Okay, give me a few moments" he tells me storming into the garage. I wait patiently when Kimi walks over "Rosie?" He asks to get my attention "Hi Kimi, are you okay?" He nods "What are you doing here?" He asks me"Actually I've come to steal your teammate" he laughs before realising that I'm being serious "Oh, Carlos not good?" I shake my head "Broken ankles, wont be able to drive for a while" he nods "send him my best" he tells me before seeing his team principle headed our way "see you" he tells me walking off. "Miss Russell I believe we need to talk?" He tells me and I nod, he gestures across to hospitality.

After finalising everything, I'm now walking back to the Ferrari Garage with Antonio "Great to finally properly meet you" I tell him "You too Rosie, everyone speaks highly of you" I grin "I know it isn't the best circumstances but I bet you are excited to get behind the wheel of the Ferrari" I tell him "Absolutely, but I do wish Carlos the speediest recovery" He confirms and I nod gesturing for him to follow me. I notice that the team are working on getting the car back for Quali but I'm not certain on how much damage it sustained. I lead Antonio through to Mattia's office "Hello Antonio" he greets him and I notice that Charles and his engineer are in the room. Charles sends me a smile as I take the seat next to him "Right, this wasn't what we wanted from today but we are grateful to have you here Antonio and welcome to the team" Mattia starts and we all agree "Some slight changes need to be made, Charles, Rosie is going to be your engineer from now" I feel confused "Why?" I ask him "you are both familiar with each other and as you are still new to the team I would rather Antonio had more experience on his side of the garage as he needs to adapt quickly" I nod not mad that I am now working with Charles "Okie dokie, we all have a lot of work to do then" I say and Mattia nods dismissing me and Charles from the room. I follow him out feeling overwhelmed with everything going on, I'm worried about Carlos, I am now Charles' race engineer for the foreseeable and we have a new driver in what was my car for Qualifying in a few hours! Talk about a crazy day, this really takes the cake!

"Okay Charles, please focus on your entry to turn 3, it is costing you some time" I say over the radio as we prepare to send Charles out on his first run in Q1 "Okay Rosie, It is quite nice having your voice over the radio" he flirts and I have to stop myself from telling him off "I'm sure it is, now full focus, we are going out lap then push lap" I tell him and he laughs "okay, any other advice?' He questions and I look over at Roberto who is my strategist on this side of the garage who shakes his head "Nope, just do your best like you always do" I say muting my microphone so that he can focus on performing "Okay" he tells me and I hold my hand up counting down the 5 seconds till we send the car out, the tyre blankets are whipped away and Charles pulls the car out of the garage once my arm falls. I keep my eyes glued to the data as he makes his way around the track. He does well to keep out of the way of the cars on their hot laps and keeps us out of trouble "Seb behind on a push" I tell him seeing the Aston Martin approaching Charles at speed. He pulls out of the way with plenty of time to spare giving Seb a clean run into the corner "Perfect, now it is time for our push, you might meet some traffic in turn 5 but keep focused" he presses the confirm button and crosses the line and flies around the circuit. He is setting purple sectors but I see that the Mercedes of Lewis and my brother are yet to set a time. I tap my foot anxiously on the stool and see him cross the line with the fastest time. I know its only Q1 but Charles has spoken before about what a confidence boost it is to top the time sheets throughout.

"Right here we go Q3, we have topped the times throughout, head down, outlap then push lap" I say to Charles as he heads out of the garage "Okay Rosie, any areas of concern?" He asks "Just the exit of turn 3, George and Lewis will be the ones to take this from you, focus you can do this" I tell him "Thank you" he says back and I leave him to start his out lap "Max behind on a push lap" I tell him hoping that he can get out of the way and he does "Perfect, right time to push, we will be going out on a second run" I tell him as the track is going to evolve as the time ticks down meaning the fastest times will be towards the end of the session. He brings the car through at p3 as he got held up by Checo "Okay Charles P3 at the moment, Box Box" I say and. He brings the car straight in. I see the time and we have 3.33 left on the clock "Okay, I need a faster out lap from you if we are going to get to line in time "Okay, let's go" he tells me and we send him out of the garage. He does go quick on his out lap and manages to cross the line 4 seconds before the flag. I keep my eyes on the data and see that he will be the last one to complete a lap and we are currently still p3 with Lewis and Georgie ahead. I focus on Charles and he is setting purple sector one, green sector two and its now to the line. P1, he did it "CHARLES THAT IS POLE" I shout down the radio enjoying being able to share this moment with him "YESSSSSSSSSS! COME ON! Thank you Rosie, we make a good team" he tells me and I laugh "Who knew! Right please bring the car to the P1 spot, switch fully off and and remember to pop the steering wheel back on" I say "Where did Seb finish?" He asks me "P7, decent from him, You have George joining you on the front row with Lewis P3, Lando P4 and Daniel P5" I tell him "Woah, well I'm glad we managed to ace this, was it close" I look at the times "Extremely, thanks for working on the exit of turn 3" I tell him with a giggle.

"MON AMOUR!" Charles shouts as he enters the garage half an hour later "well done superstar!" I say and he wraps his arms around me kissing the top of my head. He then goes and thanks the rest of the team as Jake and Adam make their way over "That was amazing, we heard your radio, you both communicate so well" Jake tells me and I know he is disappointed that we aren't on the same side of the garage "Thanks! Anyone would think we are getting married or something" I joke and see the joyful expression on his face "You're still getting married?" He asks and I nod "Of course!" I say and Adam wraps his arm around my shoulder "Take it we will be bridesmaids" he jokes but its the best idea he has had "You absolutely will be!" I say and Jake grins "Well we are honoured!" He tells me kissing the top of my head before they get called back into their side of the garage. I turn to see Roberto grinning at me "You and Charles are getting married?" He asks and I realise I've put my foot in it "We are, no plans set in stone just yet through" I say trying to act casual about it "Well congratulations, and great work today, I think we are going to get along well" he tells me and I'm really glad he thinks so "Um Rosie, Lando is outside waiting for you, something about coffee?" Mia tells me and I jump up, shit I completely forgot!

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