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What an uneventful weekend, we drive this track for winter testing and it isn't the best for racing! George did well getting a P11 so Rosie is quite cheerful. It's incredible to think we are travelling home together! I was worried when I asked if it was too soon but so far I don't regret my decision. I am trying to leave the motor home to go get Rosie so we can catch our flight home "Hey Lando" I look up from my backpack and see Ella leaning in the doorway, things have been a bit off since she arrived at my house the other week. But I've tried really hard to be nice! "hey Els I thought I was done for the day?" She nods "of course, I just thought I would come say bye" I smile "thanks for this weekend, as always" I say attempting to brush her off but she steps into the room resting her hand on my arm "well you make it an easy job!" She says with a laugh "I try!" I can hear the awkwardness in my laugh "I also wanted to let you know that I'm here, when you decide Rosie is a waste of time" my eyebrows furrow "I'm sorry?" I feel my anger rising "you will see, have a good flight" she says strutting out of the room, I need to talk to Zak about her.

I can't believe she said that about Rosie, I feel my anger lingering under the surface as I walk quickly down the paddock. I spot her stood outside Williams with George and I can't help but smile, here she is, waiting for me! My whole mood brightens "Hey guys" I say as I approach and Rosie flings her arms around my neck "I've missed you" she tells me and George makes a gagging noise "I might not oppose this but I don't need to see it" he tells us and Rosie steps away "sorry" she mumbles shooting me a wink which surprises me. "We had best get going if we are going to make it to the airport" George comments and we follow him quickly out of the paddock towards his Mercedes which he has for the weekend.

"It's good to be home" Rosie says as she steps through the front door and I can't help but smile that she is calling this home already! "It really does! It's been oddly a long weekend" I agree and she nods "I don't think being in Barcelona for testing helps how long that weekend feels" I laugh "absolutely" she grins at me "I'm gonna put laundry on, do you want me to throw your stuff in too?" She asks gesturing at my case "that would be great actually" she wheels my case with her into the kitchen. This is a whole new dynamic for us, having her here after a race weekend. "I'm gonna make steak for dinner" she tells me as she jumps up from filling the machine "perfect, can I help?" She nods grabbing the ingredients from the fridge, yes McLaren make sure my fridge is full "you can chop some stir fry veggies" I nod pulling out a chopping board and a knife.


This feels beyond nice, it's different doing normal couple things together but a good different. I pop a fun playlist on and we both get to work making dinner "right you are in charge of cooking the veggies" I say passing him some sesame oil "well we might starve" he jokes as he puts everything into the wok and I turn my attention to cooking the steak. It smells incredible as I sit down at the island with our plates "this is just what I needed" Lando says starting to shovel his food into his mouth and I can't help but giggle. He rolls his eyes at me "I'm hungry okay" he shrugs and I just continue to finish my dinner. He grabs my waist under the pretence of taking my bowl to the sink and I lean into him "you moving in is the best choice we've made" he tells me and my heart flutters "I love you" I say "I love you too" he kisses the top of my hair finally grabbing my plate.

"I'm gonna stream on twitch did you want to join me?" I shake my head "I've got some data to analyse so I can be home tomorrow" he nods "well if you finish up and I'm still streaming just come find me" he kisses me forehead as I settle down on the sofa with my laptop. I have spent the past 2 hours going over the data from winter testing and last weekend trying to make some predictions for the Monaco weekend when I realise I'm not taking anything in anymore. I email across what I've managed and shut the lid of my laptop. I can hear Lando chatting away upstairs so I head upstairs to see what he is doing. His door is ajar and I can see the screen, looks like COD? I knock gently and I realise he can't hear me and I attempt to sneak up on him. I place my hands on his shoulders and he screams "ROSIE" I am cracking up to the point where I can barely breathe "yes chat I know" I look up to see Lando reading the comments coming in "yeah she is really pretty" I blush "wanna say hi?" He asks me and I come into camera view "Hi chat" I say and see the comments going crazy some of them are lovely and some are very negative "well she has to put up with me all the time now" Lando responds to a comment about us living together. I try to brush off the negatives "it's hard work" I joke and Lando shoots me a playful look "you wouldn't have it any other way" I shake my head and take a seat on the spare chair and decide to just watch him doing his thing.


Ugh why is she everywhere? He isn't supposed to want her! I know he wanted to be with me before she came along and ruined everything. I know he has feelings for me, he just chose the easy option. I'm not going to let him go.


This is it time to go to Monaco! Charles has offered for me and Lando to stay with him which should be fun "COME ON WE NEED TO GO" I yell up the stairs hearing Lando crashing about "IM COMING" he shouts back and then I hear his feet on the stairs "I couldn't find my phone charger, but then I remember it's in my streaming room" I laugh and how disgruntled he looks "come on then! To Monaco we go!" I say taking a seat behind the wheel in my golf. "It's weird being driven to the airport" he tells me and I laugh "well I have the bigger car" I joke as I pull out of the drive way. It's a couple of hours to the airport from ours and we spend most of it singing along to his playlist "I'm moving up and down, side to side, like a rollercoaster" he say head banging to the music "you should do this with Carlos!" I say knowing how close he is getting to his teammate "great idea!" He agrees with a grin on his face.


"Hey guys!" I spot Charles waiting for us in arrivals "Hey Lechair" he rolls his eyes at my childhood name for him when I couldn't pronounce Leclerc properly "good to see you guys" he tells us and leads us towards his car "Mumma and Arthur are really looking forward to seeing you Rosie" he says and it leads me to remember why Monaco is my favourite "I have been looking forward to it too" I tell him and he grins "they will love to meet the guy who stole her heart too" he tells lando who looks nervous "as if the Russell's aren't enough" he jokes and we settle into chatter as Charles drives us to Monte Carlo. I take it all in, this has always felt like home away from home. Charles pulls into his underground parking before we all head up in the lift. He unlocks the door and the familiar sight of his apartment greets us "you never change" I say noticing how it looks exactly the same "nothing wrong with that" he tells me as he leads us to the spare room "this is you guys" he tells lando who has been quite quiet "thanks mate" he says opening the door and setting his suitcase next to the bed "see you later for dinner?" Charles asks me "thanks Charlo" I say giving him a quick hug.

I lay back on the bed and the atmosphere is a bit awkward "you okay Lands?" I ask turning my head to see him "yeah, just strange to see you so at home here" he tells me "well I did used to stay here twice a season" I say in an attempt to explain "did you and Charles ever date?" I can't help the fact that I burst out laughing "he is family, never" I say taking his hand in mine "I love you Norris" I tell him and he gives me a smile "I love you too" he says pulling me in for a kiss.

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