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"You okay to stay here?" Charles checks with me as my eyes scan the garage "absolutely" I tell him. He nods "okay, media duties usually end around 5, I will come get you for lunch?" I smile and give him a quick hug "sounds great, have a good day" he grins at me "you too Mon amour" I turn my attention back at the hub of activity in front of me. The smell of fuel and the buzz of voices around the garage, wheel guns screeching and wrenches turning, it's familiar, it's like coming home. I look over at the Ferrari team who are pouring over Charles' car, it's FP1 tomorrow and I'm currently hanging out in the garage till Charles is finished with his media duties. I thought that perhaps seeing a garage in action it might bring back some of my memories, but so far nothing.

I slowly stand on my feet and without really thinking about it I make my way out of the garage into the paddock. I let my feet carry me past people, drivers having interviews and a lot of team personnel rushing past til I reach the back of the Williams garage. I walk in with a feeling in my gut that this is where I belong. I walk into the main area of the garage and spot George's number on the side of the car to the right. I drift over and run my fingers across the cool metal "you can't be here" my eyes glance up and I see Marcus looking at me "Marcus?" I practically whisper and his entire face lights up "you remember me?" I nod but my attention focuses in on the chair nearest the pit Lane. Marcus doesn't stop me from walking over and I take a seat in the chair and I look out towards the track. My head is suddenly filled with memories of George, Marcus, data and talking over the radio during the race.

I suddenly have a splitting headache and I rest my head in my hands "Rosie, are you okay?" I look up at Marcus and I shake my head "it hurts" he looks really concerned and he pulls me to my feet "let's get you to medical, do you want George?" I shake my head "Charles" I manage to blurt out, my vision is fuzzy and I feel like I might be sick. I just about realise we are in the paddock before a person calls my name and I can just about make our papaya orange "RoRo?! What's happening?" I shake my head "I'm taking her to medical Lando" Marcus responds "please go away" I say gripping onto Marcus' arm like my life depends on it. "No I want to help you" I shake my head "you have done enough" my hand subconsciously goes to my stomach and I suddenly feel empty "you remember?" I try to look at Marcus "we are going Lando" he tells him and I feel him leading us away. I have black spots covering my vision and I feel my legs trying to give out "Max! Help!" Marcus shouts and I feel arms wrap around my waist "I've got you Rosie" then the whole world goes black.

My head feels heavy, I try to open my eyes and blink a few times to clear my vision. I am not in the garage, what happened? I remember entering Williams but that's it. Suddenly it feels like a floodgate has been opened and I see flickers like in a dream of my family, Charles and Lando and memories hit me like waves. One memory is repeating

We settle in bed as exhaustion is washing over me in waves. I stifle a small yawn "you can sleep mon amour" Charles tells me and I snuggle into his arms "I need you Rosie, more than I think I ever realised" suddenly I'm wide awake "I know and I'm sorry that it can't be now" he runs his fingers through my hair "when I lay my head to rest I hope it's always next to you, when you run, when you are gone, I will be waiting for you dear" he sings softly to me and I hold back tears as he is singing me one of my favourite songs "both of you" he tells me placing his hand on my ever growing bump "I don't deserve the love you give me" I mumble and he silences me by placing his lips on the side of my head.

He truly is my person, the man I wish to spend the rest of my life loving. He has been here even when I wasn't fully, oh how could I forget all of the moments we have shared, how supportive he was of my baby. My baby. I feel my heart rip apart, the joy I was feeling over Charles is replaced with pain. I gasp for air and that grabs the attention of George who is sat next to me "RoRo I'm here" He squeezes my hand and I breakdown, tears start streaming down my cheeks and I am struggling to breathe properly "Rosie, calm down" I shake my head "my baby" his arm is suddenly around my shoulders "oh, you remember" I nod my head, hearing my own sobs echo around the room "everything" I mutter and my hands go to my stomach feeling how flat it is. I can't feel anything but loss, just like when we lost Jules but worse so much worse.


I'm overjoyed that she has her memories back but seeing her grief brings me back to reality. "Rosie, you need to breathe, it wasn't your fault" her shoulders are racking with sobs and she shakes her head continuously "if I hadn't wanted ice cream" she wails and buries her head into her hands. I want to help her but I don't know what to do, she is feeling all of her emotions and I can't stop that. Next thing I hear is the sound of the door opening "mon amour?!" Charles launches himself across the room straight to my sister "what's happening?" He asks as Rosie doesn't move "she remembers, everything" it clicks in his head "oh no" he places his arms on hers and she breathes a little better "I'm here mon amour, I'm here" she looks up, tears still streaming down "she is gone" he nods "I know, and it hurts" she wraps her arms around him and I can see the concern on his features "is she hurt?" He asks me "no not physically, she went to Williams and her memories returned but Marcus said she had a migraine and went limp before he called to Max in the paddock who helped bring her here, by which point she had passed out" he nods "I'm glad she remembers but I didn't think it would be this difficult to see her grieve" I agree and it's breaking my heart all over again.


Its been a few hours of holding Rosie whilst she processes her pain. To her she only lost Juliette today and it's going to take her time to process her emotions, and I want to be the person to help her. I have been rubbing circles on her back and she is buried into my side. George has been sat on the chair occasionally asking questions to the medical team. "Mon amour, shall we get you back to the hotel?" She nods silently and I help her to stand, her hand gripping tightly on mine. "They have said she can have the medical car take her to the hotel" George tells me and I nod leading Rosie through the doors.

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