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"Charles we need to go now!" I say waiting impatiently by the door "okay, I'm coming" he shoves his phone in his pocket and rushes over to me "let's go!" He says and I swing the door open. It's Thursday, media day for all the drivers and a day in the garage for me. "You feeling okay about today?" Charles asks me as we reach the elevator "you've asked me this already" I say with a laugh "I'm just concerned" he assures me and intertwines his fingers with mine. After last night I'm not sure what we are moving forwards but I'm also not sure I'm ready for that conversation. We wait in the lift to reach the ground floor "I'm really excited, I feel like I've lost part of my life so I'm happy to be back" I say and he sends me a blinding smile, this boy is it for me. I won't loose him, I can't.

"I will see you later Mon Ange" he tells me kissing the side of my head. I nod "I will be here all day!" I gesture to the Williams garage and he smiles "of course" he wraps me in his arms and I realise I don't want him to go "have a good day" he tells me unwrapping his arms "you too" I say and force myself to walk into the garage. I hear the mutterings and chatter of the mechanics as I walk through. "Rosie?" I turn at my name and see Adam "Hey!" I say walking over "you are finally back!" He states cheerfully! I've missed him "I am, I've missed it!" He nods "we've all missed you, it hasn't been the same" I glance over and see Marcus waiting patiently for me "can we grab lunch later?" I ask him and he grins "I will message Jake!" I nod and walk over to my chair. I sit down and I feel calm, for the first time in months. "Hey Rosie" Marcus says and I look up at him "Hey! Sorry for ditching you!" I joke and he smiles "it's good to have you back, no one deals with George like you" I laugh "if he wasn't my brother, I wouldn't" I shrug causing him to laugh "how have you been?" He asks me seriously "I've been better but I'm keen to focus on this season and get back to living!" He nods "well let's catch you up on winter testing, although knowing you I probably don't need to tell you anything" I pull out my iPad "I've made notes!" He chuckles "I expected nothing less!"


All anyone wanted to ask me about today was Rosies return to the paddock but I haven't even got to check in on her yet! I walk into the garage immediately scanning for her but I can't see her anywhere. I start to panic, what if this was too much for her?! "She is having lunch with Adam" Marcus tells me clearly seeing the panic on my features "oh cool! Thanks man" I say and practically sprint out of the garage. She wasn't doing well when we all visited in Monaco. I've given her space but I know I need to help her settle back in. I walk into hospitality and the sight in front of me warms my heart. She is sat laughing and joking with Adam and Jake who stands out in his Ferrari kit. I feel my heart rate slow as I see that she is okay. I walk over and the chair scrapes as I sit down "Hey guys!" I say shooting Rosie a smile "Hey man! Think we stand a decent chance this weekend?!" He asks and I nod "absolutely!" The confidence since testing has been huge! "Ferrari are looking on form" Jake interjects and earns himself some fake scowls in his direction and he holds his hands up in defeat. Rosie hasn't really said anything "how's your morning been RoRo?" I ask her directly and she smiles softly "it's been good to be back!" She says and I can see some of the sparkle she usually has when talking about racing behind her eyes.


We all finished up our lunch, George stealing some of mine! I head back to the garage first wanting to get a head start of tyre wear strategy for this weekend. As I'm cutting across the paddock I hear a familiar Australian accent call my name "Rosie!" I turn to see Daniel jogging lightly over to me in his Renault team kit "Hey Riccardo" I say as he wraps me up in his arms lifting me slightly off of the floor "How you going? Good to be back?" He asks and I nod "I'm good, how's the new team?" I ask and he grins "it's good Rosie! Different from Red Bull that's for sure" he tells me "missing max?" I ask jokingly "I mean a bit for sure, but Nico is pretty fun" he tells me and I laugh recalling all of the jokes him and Max used to make in the paddock. "Well I will let you get back to it!" Daniel drags me out of my thoughts "yeah! See you around!" I say and he gives my cheek a kiss before jogging back towards Renault. I've missed this, being surrounded by all the people I care about and who care about me.

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