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Burning, I feel like my eyes are burning. I blink a few times my vision adjusting to the light. I start coughing. I feel like absolute shit, what's happened?

"Rose?" I turn my head slowly a spot George? Accept he looks older? "George?" He grins at me "I can't believe you are finally awake" surely I haven't overslept, last I remember were in Spa for the F2 championship which he is currently leading? "What's going on?" I ask and his face softens "you were in an accident Rosie" my heart sinks "at the track?" He shakes his head "you haven't been at the track since Monza" well now I'm really confused "but we're in Spa" he frowns "Spa was a few months ago" he states starting to look extremely concerned "how long have I been asleep?" I question "just over two months" well that doesn't make any sense "oh" is all I can reply before an unfamiliar man bursts into the room "Miss Russell" he addresses me before he walks over "I'm Dr Jones, I've been your physician since you were admitted" he explains and I relax slightly "what can you remember of your accident?" He asks as he shines a light into my eyes "I don't, last I remember we were in Spa, F2 race" he looks over to George who shakes his head "okay, what was the date?" He asks whilst pulling on a blood pressure cuff "26th August 2018" why is he asking me this, I hear George let out a sob "okay Rosie, I have a few things to catch you up on" I nod my head "okay so you were in a car accident, you sustained damage to your brain, liver and lungs" he pauses and I nod "you were on a ventilator for 7 weeks before you started to breathe on your own" I nod again "however there were a couple of complications, firstly Rosie it's 13th November 2019" I let out a gasp "it can't be" he nods sadly "it would seem you have acute amnesia" I feel my heart sink, so I can't remember the last year or so of my own life "what was the other complication?" I ask the doctor who looks over at George who just gives him a subtle nod "you were 26 weeks pregnant when you lost the baby, around a month after your accident" my heart breaks but I'm unsure as to why "I was pregnant?" I ask George "you were, a little girl" I frown "why can't I remember?!"


It's been a couple of hours since Rosie woke up and my parents are sat with her. Charles was supposed to come today but I called and let him know about her condition and we decided it was best to reintroduce people slowly. I can't believe she doesn't remember the last year and 5 months of her life. So much has happened in that time, when I told her I was in F1 she squealed so loud and told me how proud she was but she was more confused when I told her she was my race engineer. She has hardly said a word about the baby but then she didn't even know she was pregnant. I need to message Lando really but I feel like this isn't a conversation to have over a text! She hasn't asked for anyone but mum and dad, I know Charles was really hoping she would wake up and they could continue where they were headed but it seems like she might need to start all over again!


George said he would wait for me outside her room, I know she doesn't remember the last 18 months but surely she will be pleased to see me regardless? I walk down the horribly familiar corridor at a considerable pace, I've never felt this desperate to see someone in my life, I've missed her smile, her infectious sense of humour and they way that one look from her can make me feel! I spot George "Hey" I say as I approach "Hey Charles, good drive?" I nod my head "yeah just feeling rather nervous" he smiles "she will remember everything in time so don't worry too much" I give him a grin as he swings the door open. My heart catches in my throat "Mon Amour" i mutter and her whole face lights up "Charles!" She holds her hand out for me and I grab it as fast as I can manage "I've missed you" I say even though I know she won't remember our time apart "it's really good to see you" she tells me with a grin "I've got a bit fed up of only seeing Russell's" George snorts "sure you have" he jokes. Her attention turns back to me "tell me everything" she demands "well a lot has happened Mon Amour" she nods "like the baby" the realisation hits me that she doesn't remember that Anthonie is gone "that among other things" I confirm my voice dropping off at the end "what? What's happened?" I glance at George who looks concerned "well at Spa this year we lost Anthonie" her whole face drops and the tears fall almost immediately "how?" She chokes out "an accident, he was gone almost immediately" she lets out a heart wrenching sob "oh my god" she mutters as I hand her a tissue off of her cabinet. All I want to do right now is hold her like I never had the chance to when we first lost him "he is being remembered, everytime me and Pierre drive" she nods "I won that weekend, I dedicated it to him" she grins "you won?" I nod "I'm at Ferrari now" she tries to look enthusiastic "I'm really proud of you" she tells me and my heart swells "thanks Mon Amour"

We spent all afternoon talking about the races she has missed and about how beautiful Anthonie's funeral was. This is really difficult, I left out all of the drama with Lando and her living in Monaco. Hopefully she will have some memories back by the time she sees him. "Time to go guys" a familiar nurse tells me and George "well we will see you after Interlagos" George says wrapping her into a hug "I will make sure I'm watching, make me proud" she tells him before releasing him only to pull me in "keep pushing Charles" she whispers in my ear sending involuntary shivers down my spine.

Brazil - Sunday

This is it, race day! George came to speak to me on Friday letting me know that Rosie is awake, only she doesn't remember the last 18 months. I see this as an opportunity, she doesn't remember the fights and the past relationship we had so perhaps we can try again. I was a complete idiot to let her go, especially now.

I jump out of the car on the grid in preparation for the national anthem. I spot Charles ahead "LECLERC" he spins on his heel to face me "Oh Lando" he says and I can't help but want to slap his pretty face "George told me about Rosie" he nods "it's been tough but she will get there, she will remember" I laugh "I'm okay if she doesn't, gives me a second chance" I see Pierre shoot me a look from beside Charles "not going to happen" he states and I glare at him "I don't think that will be your choice mate" and suddenly the fury I have been expecting washes over his features "why Lando? You cheated on her, pushed her away and rejected your own child" at the mention of Baby Jules my heart breaks "that's not fair" i mutter but he is on a roll "no what isn't fair is your treatment of her, back off, let her heal, let her be happy" he steps closer at this point "it will be her decision" anger covers his features again "I won't let you hurt her again"


What is he trying to achieve? If it's pissing me off then he has done a bloody good job! "Come on guys time to go" Pierre nudges my side "leave her alone" I firmly tell him as I turn to walk up the grid. What a dickhead! Pierre taps my shoulder "Dont let him get to you" he tells me but I can't let go of the anger bubbling under the surface.

Off the line Verstappen had a great start! he made an ideal getaway from pole to lead comfortably into Turn 1. Vettel was aggressive, meanwhile, moving sharply right to cover off Hamilton. But the newly re-crowned Mercedes driver had enough confidence to hang out around the outside and claim P2 through the Senna 'S', as Vettel slotted in behind him

Further down the order, My plan to scythe through my midfield rivals from 14th on the grid was halted briefly on the opening lap by bloody Lando Norris, who, having been passed by me in Turn 11, cheekily nosed back ahead into Turn 12, I couldn't let this happen, I put my foot down knowing I had an advantage up the hill to move permanently ahead. Then I had to get my head down, I moved easily past Pierre Gasly for P6 by Lap 10.

I focused on getting past Vettel for fourth. But there were then shades of Turkey 2010 as Vettel got back ahead on the run down to Turn 4 and jinked slightly over on me. My front wing tagged Vettel's rear-left tyre, causing enough damage to take both of us out. My whole body ached from tensing up due to the collision. I jump out of the car and see Seb just behind me, I don't want to say something I regret. I walk back to the pits knowing that my afternoon is going to be filled with team talks and arguments. I know I was pushing too hard but Lando had really got under my
Skin and I wanted to prove that I'm the better man. My thoughts drift to Rosie and the fact that she was watching! I just want things to be how they were before the accident, I miss her!

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