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It feels surreal that I'm now the girlfriend of the boy who used to take the piss out of me growing up! He never showed that sort of interest before but I know I had little crushes on him growing up! We've decided to keep it to ourselves for a little while just till we have fully settled into it before we get media and our friends and family butting in. Can't be forever though or I will start to think he doesn't want to! We have a week in between now and Baku next weekend and Lando has asked if I want to stay with him for a few days. I know I need to go into Williams today and tomorrow at the very least but I should be able to work on some stuff remotely whilst I'm with Lando. "Come on George! Or I will leave without you" I yell from the bottom of the stairs "I'm coming!" I hear him yell back and I decide it's best to head out to the car. I grab my keys off of the side and unlock my Golf.

It's about an hour to The Grove and as usual me and George had a playlist on and we screamed along the whole drive. As much as he pisses me off most of the time I couldn't imagine my life without my brother. "See you at 2?" I check and he nods heading towards the Sim as I follow the familiar route to the garage. "Morning" I yell out and I get pulled into a hug from Jake "Hi! How have you been?" He questions and I smile "alright, just slept a lot, the jet lag kills me from China" he laughs at me "I'm sure George loved the company" he jokes "well I cook him dinner most nights so I feel like we are equal!" He rolls his eyes "fair enough" Jake says before getting called away back to the car, they are practising pit stops. I watch for a few minutes before heading to my desk "Hi Marcus" I say taking my seat next to his "Morning Rosie" I load up my laptop "we are loosing too much time in the straights, what can we do?" I question and we dive into ideas and data.

Monday and Tuesday flew by and before I know it my throwing my bag into the boot, I told George that me and Lando are now official and he seemed happy about it "behave! Don't do anything stupid" he warns me and I pull him in for a hug "I will be home Saturday so you can't miss me too much" he shrugs "I will enjoy the peace" he informs me "of course" I nudge his ribs "drive safely please" I nod my head and climb in the drivers seat waving before I peel out of the driveway.

It takes me just over and hour to arrive at Lando's house. I pull in the drive way and spot the familiar Papaya Clio on the driveway. I switch the engine off and climb out of the car, I pull the boot open and lean in to grab my bag when I feel arms around my waist "I'm so happy you are here" Lando tells me and I spin in his arms placing my lips on his "me too" I mumble "was the drive okay?" He asks and I smile "it was okay! It's not overly far from home" I explain and he grins "sleepovers more often then!" He celebrates before leading me into his house. I haven't actually been here before, I've seen it on FaceTime but this is my first invitation to come over. "Not gonna lie it's nicer in here than I expected" looking around and seeing how clean it is "I did tidy up before you arrived" he blushes as he leads me into the kitchen "tea?" I nod my head and he pops the kettle on "it's surreal that you are sat at my kitchen table" I laugh "we've known each other for a years and it's taken this long for me to visit your house, I don't know whether or not to be offended" he laughs "well I'm George's best mate not yours, he's been here" he tells me "well that's fair I suppose"

We've been chilling just catching up when my phone starts to ring and I see it's Soph "am I okay to take this?" He nods "of course" I step out into the kitchen "Soph? Are you okay?" I ask quickly "I am, sorry I didn't mean to panic you" my heart rate decreases "that's good! I'm at Lando's so I can't have a girly chat I'm afraid" she goes quiet "you are at Landos?" I'm getting confused "yeah I'm staying till Saturday" I explain when I hear a knock at the door "Ella said she was headed to Lando's this afternoon, I just wanted to see where you guys are at before putting her in her place" my heart sinks and I find myself walking towards the door "Ella I've told you I'm seeing someone, you know I'm seeing someone" I hear Lando pleading with her "she's here" I whisper to Soph "shit, stay on the phone" she tells me "but Lando we had something special" she whines "I'm sorry Ella but you knew it wasn't more than sex, I have explained that to you enough" he is sounding frustrated "I got the job with McLaren to see you" she complains "and I found that a bit much, nothing has been going on with us since last year, I'm sorry if you didn't know that" he tells her and I feel relieved that it was that long ago. I walk over to the door feeling my anger at her bubbling under the surface "hi Ella, you okay?" I question stepping behind Lando "oh Rosie?" She looks confused "I wasn't expecting you" she says and I improve my glare "I could say the same" I retort and Lando grabs my hand "Rosie" Soph hisses down the phone and I hang up. "Right Ella you need to go, I'm not sure what you were expecting turning up at my house" Lando starts and she interjects "well you said you had plans with your girlfriend this weekend I just assumed they were with me" she complains and I start to get concerned "go home Ella" Lando says firmly but with a gentle tone she seems to debate with herself and then she says "okay, see you Monday" she comments looking directly at me before turning on her heel and walking up the drive.

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