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Summer break is fast approaching, which also means my wedding day is fast approaching too! It feels crazy to me that its 3 weeks away now. We decided to get married in Monaco, Pascale is pretty much organising the whole wedding and I couldn't be ore grateful. Ive realised recently that as much as I'm excited for the wedding the only thing I want to do is marry Charles. I don't care about the colours of the flowers or the napkins and I think Pascale knows that too. Her and my mum have been speaking and I know that she will help make decisions that I will love. I throw my backpack on my shoulder and jump out of Charles Ferrari that he has for this weekend in Hungary. I look over at my Monegasque and he locks the car "How are you feeling today?" He asks me and I know he is concerned "Just a little out of breath, the doctor said this would happen" I remind him "Okay, well take things as slowly as you need" he reminds me this time and I'm even more grateful for working with him now. We wander to the paddock gates and I can feel myself struggling to take deep breaths "Can we slow down?" I ask him and he immediately stops "I'm sorry mon amour" he takes my hand and we make our way to the Ferrari garage.

I settle into my data analysis and Roberto bounces some ideas off of me as we work. Feels like Williams again, we have immediately slipped into a working routine that works for us. The morning slips away and the drivers arrive back for their break before the track walk. I see Charles walk in and I get my iPad ready as he likes to do a track walk every weekend so I will be joining him today with Roberto. He walks over to me "Hey! Have you had a good morning?" I ask him and he nods "it's been okay, Mia was gentle with me today" he jokes and she laughs from behind him "you had t easy, you're welcome" she jokes "he is all yours till 3pm" she tells me and I nod "Right time to go to the track" I tell the boys and we head out to the pit lane and walk along the barriers till we get to a gate. Charles always likes to go from the starting grid. As we walk it becomes harder for me to keep pace and Roberto notices " Are you okay Rosie?" He asks and. Charles' eyes flash to mine and I decide he probably needs to know as he will be working with me "Uhm Roberto, there are a couple of things you should probably know now that we are working together" he nods but looks at Charles in confusion "Okay, so I have cancer, terminal, I'm going to get worse" he frowns "I'm so sorry, whatever you need from me let me know" he says and I nod at Charles "with the bad news over we also have some wonderful news, We are having a baby" Roberto claps his hands together "oh, that is wonderful" he says giving us both a hug "are you announcing it or are you keeping it quiet?' He asks and I realise we hadn't really thought about it "After the wedding" Charles says and Roberto nods "Okay then, my lips are sealed" he assures us and we continue on with our track walk at my pace.

Once we are back in the garage Charles is taken by Mia to his press confernce, he told me that he is paired up with Seb this week so he is quite happy about that. I pull up last years data from qualifying and try to see where we might struggle so that Charles knows what to expect throughout the lap. I rake my eyes through the numbers for the next couple of hours and after it hits 5pm I decide to head across to hospitality for what now has to be a decaf coffee "Did you want a coffee Roberto?" I ask him and he grins "Double espresso please" I let him know that I will be right back. I walk across the paddock attempting to not get in anyone's way. It's the end of the work day for a lot of team personnel across the paddock so its a busy time to run across. I look about and spot George a few meters down "GEORGE" I yell and he jumps before looking over in my direction. We haven't really spoken since I told him everything and I'm worried that I am going to lose my brother during the time that I need him the most. He excuses himself from the conversation that he was in and jogs over, he immediately wraps me in his arms "Hey Ro, I was thinking you weren't here this weekend" he jokes and I shake my head "Can't get rid of me, good day?" I question and he nods "Are you getting a coffee?" He asks and I nod "Come to Merc with me and we can have a catch up" he says wrapping his arm through mine. Leaving no room for argument I walk with him into his hospitality building "What you having Rose?" He asks "Decaff Cappuccino please" I say and at the mention of Decaf his eyes drift down to my stomach before a smile crosses his features. He gestures for me to take a seat and walks over to the counter. After a couple of minutes he is back "Here you go, no sugar right?" He checks and I nod. "I'm really sorry for how I reacted the other day, it wasn't fair on you. I cant lie I'm completely gutted to be losing you but I am really happy that you are making me an uncle again" he tells me and a huge weight lifts off of my shoulders "Thank you George, that means more than you know! It might not be a decision that you agree with but it is my decision and I'm sticking with it as I get to become a mum" he sips his drink "How's Charles, Ive heard mentions of a wedding?" He asks me and I can't help the massive grin that crosses my face "Actually I was hoping to have a chance to speak to you about that" I start and he locks eyes with me "Mum and Pascale are planning the wedding, It is going to be in the second week of summer break" he smiles "I'm really glad that you are gonna get married still" He tells me and I realise what I need to ask him "Well, I was hoping that you might be my best man?" He looks confused "Don't you usual have bridesmaids?" I nod "Usually, but my best friends are all boys except Soph and I want you up there with me" He claps his hands together "I would be honoured to be your best man, who are you having as bridesmaids?" He asks "Well, Jake and Adam are going to be what I'm referring to as my best people for the wedding" he shakes his head laughing "You really are something else Rosie, what about Soph?" He asks and I think for a second "She is gonna be my maid of honour, someone has to help me pee in a stupid dress" he chuckles "yeah, I love you but I'm not doing that"

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