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I knock gently on Charles' front door, he knows already that I was on my way. I wait a few seconds and the door opens and I see him, smiling at me "Hey mon Ange" he greets me "Hey!" He gestures and I walk in realising  how this apartment still feels like my home. I spot bags in the corner of the hallway "did I stop you from going somewhere?" I question and he frowns "actually that is all of your stuff, I thought you would want it so I was going to drop it with George tomorrow" oh Charles "I'm sorry" I say and he shakes his head "no more of that, we need to focus on our future not get ourselves stuck in the past" he tells me and I completely agree with him. I am done feeling upset over something that will become ancient history, hopefully. I follow him into the living room and I realise that I feel beyond awkward at this moment "come here" Charles tells me as he sees me loitering in the doorway. Earlier I was full of adrenaline and now I'm starting to feel the awkwardness of it all. I walk to the sofa and take a seat beside him and he looks at me "things feel awkward, did you want to talk about how you are feeling and hopefully we can figure out a plan for the future" he asks and I nod knowing that once we have this talk things will feel better "okay so I feel strange being back in your apartment after everything that has happened" I start "Well firstly it is your apartment too, and for me its the first time it has felt like home since before we left for that race weekend" he tells me and I feel deep down that he really didn't intend anything with Charlotte. "I'm sorry that I feel awkward. I know that I've missed you more than I wanted too at the time, my feelings for you haven't changed, I just felt hurt and I wasn't sure how to cope in this world without you" he smiles at me softly "so you still love me?" He asks and I nod "More than you could ever know" I tell him and before I know it he has scooped me up into his arms and it all feels right again. I snuggle into his neck and his fingers trace over my back. I let myself relax into his arms and it feels like it did earlier when I decided to forgive and forget.

After a few moments of cuddling I pull away and look up at him, his eyes meet mine and I have to pull myself away from him. "Where do we go from here Charles?" I ask and I feel him shrug "well I believe that should be completely your decision" he tells me and his response assures me that he truly is happy that I am here with him. "I don't want us to fall straight back into how we were before, I told Alex that I would rent a place with him in the UK" he nods "okay, i understand that, I know that I need to earn your trust back and I will Mon Ange" I nod. "I think it will help with work as well, I can't hide out in Monaco forever" he smiles "I know Rosie, that's what we shall do then, although I will request that when we are both free we visit each other, whichever way that might be" I nod in agreement "absolutely, I think I'm far too dependent on you, I have been since Lando cheated on me, since I lost Jules and perhaps becoming more independent will help us both?" He lets out a sigh "I wouldn't change how much I have been there for you and I wouldn't want to ever not be there when you need me" he has supported me more than he will ever know. "So going forwards we are together, just living apart and focusing on ourselves a little bit more" he nods "so I officially have you back?" I grin "I'm all yours Leclerc just don't go breaking my heart again" he pulls me onto his lap and kisses me "I promise I never will"


My alarm sounds at 6am, It's the Thursday of the weekend and I know Rosie likes to be in early. Rosie, I roll over and see my beautiful girl. If you had asked me last week if I felt that she would ever come back to me, I would've told you no. I thought I had genuinely lost her forever. I am slightly upset that we wont be living together but I agree it might help us and we are both together every weekend. I am planning on asking her if she will stay with me every weekend. I stroke the hair out of her face and she stirs "morning" I say softly and she smiles "hey you" she snuggles into my chest and I wrap my arms around her, savouring every second. "We need to get up" I tell her reluctantly "I know, It is Monaco after all!" She pulls away and stretches her arms above her head "In what bag will I find my shampoo?" She asks with a joking tone "the carrefour one I believe" I joke back before I get out of bed as I speak and she follows me with her eyes as I head into the hall to grab her stuff. I rummage through the bags to find her Williams shirt and a fresh set of underwear as well as her shampoo and other toiletries. I walk back into the room and hear the shower already going. I peep around the corner and see Rosie lounging on the doorframe "Wanna join me?" She asks and my body moves before my mind catches up.

Once we both manage to actually get ready and get out of my apartment. I take hold of  her hand as we navigate the streets which are teaming with fans. I stop for a few photos but I know Rosie will be desperate to get to the track to start properly on the weekend. She is quiet next to me and I look at her concerned and she smiles a bright smile at me and realise that she is just letting me interact with my fans without invading. I thank the group who have stopped me and focus my attention on getting my girl to the garage. "People really love you, everything you have achieved since arriving at Ferrari, I don't tell you enough how proud I am of you" she tells me and my heart swells. "Thank you Mon Ange, It means a lot coming from you" I squeeze her hand and we arrive at the paddock swipe gates. Both of us tap in and I grab her hand again as we walk through the paddock. It quieter than I was used to, my team will have a shock seeing me this early but I really wanted to walk Rosie to work! We wander past Ferrari to the back of the Williams garage "here we are" I shall spinning her around "Meet me later? 6pm" she asks and I nod immediately "I will be here, I love you, have the best day" I tell her and she grins "I love you too, see you later on!" She walks into the garage and I turn to go to my drivers cabin in the garage so that I can get some more rest before my day full of interviews.


I walk into the garage and Marcus is already sat waiting for me "Good morning Marcus" I greet him cheerfully "Hi Rosie, you seem to be in a good mood this morning" I nod "Yeah I had a good talk with Charles last night and we have figured things out" He frowns slightly before catching himself "oh, well I'm glad you are okay again" he tells me and focuses his attention onto his computer "right, well we need to focus on tyre strategy as I think that will decide the race" he nods "yeah, I will get started on that now" he says and I load up my computer bringing up the data from last year and comparing it to Baku. I try my hardest to not need to talk to Marcus as he seems to be in a mood with me. At 10.30 George comes into the garage, he bounds over "Morning, Ive just seen a certain Monegasque and he seems very happy" my cheeks go a deep red and I glance at Marcus seeing that his jaw is tense but he isn't looking in our direction. "Yeah, things are good, I am still moving in with Alex" his eyebrows raise "really? I thought you might stay here" i shake my head "I need to be in the factory and I think being less dependent on him can only be a good thing right?" George nods "Look, I'm happy as long as you are!" He tell me squeezing my shoulder before heading back over to Soph who sends me a wave and I know she will harass me for details later. After another hour of trawling through data I need a coffee "I'm going to hospitality, did you want anything?" I ask Marcus and he shakes his head "no, I'm good" I don't reply and just head out of the back of the garage and across the paddock. I walk over to the coffee stand and order my usual Soya Flat white and wait for it to be made. I look over and see the press conference on and it's Charles with Daniel. It seems to be lighthearted as Daniel is grinning but then when isn't he? I pick my coffee up off of the side and walk closer to the screen to hear the next question "So Charles we've heard rumours of a break up with your girlfriend Rosie Russell?" His face pales "we are still together and happy, sorry there isn't some more drama to tell you" he says and I breathe a sigh of relief "She took you back man, that's great" Daniel says from beside him and I see Charles panic "Yeah, we are all sorted" he gives a look to Daniel who realises now that he has said too much. I shake my head before walking back to the garage to continue to be ignored by Marcus.


Shit, come on Daniel! "Yeah we are all sorted" I say giving him a look and his features wash with realisation "Right moving on, what's the goals for the weekend guys?" The presenter continues and I go on PR autopilot for the rest of the conference. We say goodbye and head out "Man I'm so sorry!" Daniel says the minute we walked out of the door "It's okay mate, we just hadn't gone public with any of it" he nods "well I'm happy for you! I've always thought you were made for each other" he tells me and it feels good that no one is opposing us being back together. I walk back towards Ferrari with Mia and I see Lando immediately "Hey Charles" he greets and I decide to stop "Hey Mate, conference time?" I asked and he nods "how was yours?" He asks and I'm aware from his attitude that he saw "too many personal questions today just as a warning" I say and he smirks "I didn't know you had messed things up with Rosie" I feel rage wash over me "not like you, we are back together so it isn't any issue for you to be sticking you nose in" I say and his smirk falls "Look mate I'm happy for you both I genuinely am, I'm just not sure if it will last" he tells me and I frown before Mia pulls my arm to get me to walk away. 6pm and seeing Rosie couldn't come quick enough. She really does make any day better just by being in it.

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