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I have a feeling deep in my gut that this isn't something easily cured, that it is something that is going to change my life. I walk through the streets of Monaco alone, Charles had to fly out to Maranello late last night due to issues that needed his immediate attention. My doctor called me earlier and said that I needed to come in to speak about my test results, that it wasn't a conversation to be having over the phone. I arrive outside of the doctors office and take a deep breath before pushing the door open and stepping into the reception area. The woman working looks up as I enter and greets me "I have an appointment scheduled under Rosie Russell" I say and she nods and tells me to wait and he will call me through in a few moments. I can feel my hands shaking and I know that I must look like a complete mess right now and I don't know how to keep my emotions in check. A few minutes later I'm called through and the doctor greets me kindly as I sit at his desk "Bonjour Rosie, Merck d'être venu, je vows ferai savior maintenant que ca ne sera pas une conversation facile" (hello Rosie, thank you for coming in, I will let you know now that this wont be an easy conversation) I feel sick, this is serious, I am such an idiot. I cant find my words so I nod and luckily he takes that as a gesture for him to continue "nous avons vos résultants de l'échantillon que j'ai prélevé et je suis vraiment désolé mais cela montre que vous avez un ostéosarcome, une forme agressive de cancer des os" (We have your results from the sample i took and I'm really sorry but it shows you have osteosarcoma, an aggressive form of bone cancer" at the word cancer my heart drops, never in any of my thoughts did I think that I might have cancer. I can't find my french and I end up speaking to the Dr in English "Right, okay, what does that mean?" I ask and he looks at me sadly "You will need to have further tests but cancer of this type is fast spreading and you said in your previous appointment that you have been having symptoms for some time now" this is my fault "But we need to find out more before you jump to worst case scenario okay Rosie, is anyone with you today?" I shake my head thinking of Charles in Maranello already "Is there anyone you can call to come and collect you?" I nod "Yeah, I can ask Arthur" He nods not knowing who Arthur "Okay, so I have booked you an appointment at the hospital for Monday, will you be able to attend?" I shake my head "I will be in Italy" he nods "Okay I have your other address on file so I will book your appointment at the closest hospital to you in Italy and the receptionist will call to tell you the details this afternoon" he informs me and I realise I need to call Arthur to come and get me "Okay, thank you" I say standing up before pulling out my phone and dialling the right number.

I wait outside the office staring down the street, how did this happen? I thought life had been difficult before this but now my own body is out to get me. After about 5 minutes Arthur pulls up and I immediately climb into the passenger seat. He looks at me concerned and I shake my head at him before he steps his foot on the accelerator and heads towards my apartment. It is completely silent the whole journey and though I am grateful for him being here, he is the wrong leclerc, I just want Charles. My mind suddenly becomes determined to see him and I pull up the flights leaving from Nice today and see a flight in 2 hours and I immediately book myself a seat on the flight. Arthur looks over at me and I realise that we have pulled up already "Are you okay?" He asks me and I shake my head "I have had some bad news from the doctor but I want to talk to Charles first" I explain and he frowns "I get that, but we are family now and I am here for you if you need me" I give him a quick hug and then I think "Would you be able to take me to the airport?" He looks confused "I'm going to Charles, I just need to grab my passport and a few bits, my flight is in a couple of hours" he nods "Absolutely, I will wait here" he confirms and I rush up the stairs and I walk through the apartment in a daze trying to locate everything I need. I start throwing my make up and charger in my backpack, I have most of my stuff in Maranello anyway.

"Thank you for bringing me to the airport" I tell Arthur as I climb out of the passenger seat "No problem, have a safe flight" he says and I dash into the airport. I head straight to the security line and suddenly I feel worried, about telling Charles that I'm sick, I don't know yet how bad it is yet. How do you tell the person you have just agreed to spend the rest of your life with that you have cancer? I take my seat on the flight and try to switch off, its only an hour and a half flight so it's not long. I put my AirPods in and put on Coldplay, my absolute comfort music and attempt to focus on the lyrics instead of my racing thoughts.

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