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Once we leave the church and get into the car I arrived in with my dad, Lando is driving again "Congrats guys! That was beautiful" he tells us genuinely and I grin at my now husband. "Cheers mate" Charles says and grins at me "I love you" he mouths at me. We are driving through the streets of Monaco towards the venue for our reception, it is a laid back party mainly. Lando parks the car outside at the mini buses we hired arrive behind us with our friends and family spilling out towards the doors of the building. We decided that we were getting married in Monaco so that is Charles' so for the reception we have done an afternoon tea and made it very me. My mum designed the centre pieces with my favourite flowers and eucalyptus and we have Ferrari red dotted throughout the room as well. "Read to go in baby?" Charles asks from beside me and I realise that I've been in my thoughts for a bit too long "Absolutely!" I say and he jumps out before opening the door for me. He helps me out and I notice Lando loitering nearby in case I need an extra hand, but right now I want to be able to walk in with my husband.

We walk through the doors with Lando just ahead, I walk into the room and see all of the people that mean the most to both of us. We have around 50 guests and it feels intimate, just like we wanted. We named the tables after old F1 teams as a bit of a homage to our love of the sport. Lando takes his seat with Carlos, Daniel, Max and Alex on the Brawn GP table, I spot Seb with his wife Hanna as well as Kimi at the Bennetton table and my parents along with George, Soph, Jake and Adam at the Lotus table. We make our way over and sit with Pascale, Arthur and Lorenzo as my Dad stands up to make a speech "Now that we are all here together I just want to thank each and every person here for coming to celebrate my daughters wedding today, we couldn't imagine a better person for her that Charles and he is forever part of our family now. I also just wanted to say a few words about the people we wish could be here today. They would be beyond proud of you both for how far you have come and how much you are achieving. I know that Jules and Anthonie would have been the happiest people to see you two together. Charles, I had the pleasure of meeting your father during one of the many race weekends we attended and I know how proud and impressed he would be with you" I turn to see Charles looking as emotional as I feel, I have Jules and Anthonie's race numbers sewn into my wedding dress as I wanted them with me today. "Enjoy this party and congratulations to Rosie and Charles" my dad finishes and everyone cheers.

  I walk over to my mum and dad who both engulf me into a hug "We don't tell you enough how proud we are of you, we are beyond lucky for having you as our daughter. Thank you for bringing Charles into our family and for bringing us our grandchild" mum says and I know that she is finding today as emotional as me. After a couple of minutes George joins us "you actually did it Rosie, you tricked someone into marrying you" he jokes with me and I punch his arm playfully "Alright!" I say and he grins "I'm made up for you both, genuinely!" He tells me wrapping his arms around me "I'm getting the impression that Arthur is slightly desperate to speak with you" George tells me and I look over seeing him talking to Charles whilst gesturing over to me. I laugh lightly and excuse myself walking over to Arthur and my husband "Arthur!" I shout just before I reach him and he holds his arms open "you are officially my sister!" He cheers and I know I've always been close with Arthur but it does feel good that we are officially family. Charles is shaking his head at him and he sees me looking at him and I see his expression change to one much softer.


Arthur is beyond excited that Rosie is officially part of our family now, they've always behaved just like siblings and its really nice that we have actually gotten ourselves to the point that they are. I shake my head at my brothers behaviour and I spot Rosie looking at me. I cant help but feel overwhelmed that this amazing woman is my wife, my forever. She laces her fingers through mine and leads me towards the table with Pierre and Esteban "Hey Guys" she greets at they both grin at her before Pierre gives me a thumbs up. I know he wasn't sure that this day would happen for us after he found out that Rosie is sick. He was buzzing when I asked him to be my best man this weekend. Esteban speaks up "Congrats man, was a beautiful ceremony" he says and I thank him before a hand lands on my shoulder and I turn my head to see Seb "Congratulations! She decided to actually marry you" He jokes and he doesn't need to remind me how lucky I am "she did! I was never in doubt though" I tell him and he nods "Me either, you could tell from what she said in her vows how much she loves you" he tells me and I cant help but feel proud of the person that she is and the person she has helped me become.

The day went by fast and I have decided that I would like to have a little bit of time alone with my wife. I walk over and steal her from Jake and Adam. "Where are we going?" She asks as I lead her out of the door. I smile to myself as we walk down the coastal path, she has changed now into an evening dress as she didn't want her wedding dress to get damaged by drinks and food. She still looks absolutely stunning in olive green. Her hand is wrapped in my own and we arrive at the spot where some significant moments have happened for us. She looks out across the waves before kicking her heels off and stepping into the water. I can see the goosebumps run up her arms as she adjusts to the temperature. I walk behind her wrapping my arms around her waist, her hands coming to rest on mine which are brushing over our bump. She is everything to me "I love you Rosie Leclerc" I tell her and she lets out a giggle "I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that" she tells me and I give her a squeeze "thank you, today was everything I've ever imagined" she tells me and I know that I cant take any credit "you deserve the world and I am going to do as much as I can to give that to you" I tell her and she turns in my arms slamming her lips onto mine.


We start the walk back to the party after sitting together on the sand, I didn't want to leave our bubble but I know it would be rude to be absent any longer. I feel beyond content, this could be perfect if I didn't know that my days are becoming less and less. I regret nothing about my life, how could I? It has led to this moment, the one where I get to have everything I've ever wanted. I feel how exhausted I am getting, its been a very long day. I tug on charles' arm to slow him down and he immediately matches his pace to mine as I struggle to catch my breath.

Once we arrive back I see everyone on the dancefloor and we make our way over to our friends, Lando, Alex, George and Pierre. Jake and Adam join us once they spot that I am back "how are you feeling Mrs Leclerc?" Jake jokes with me and I look at him quite seriously "extremely tired" he looks concerned and wraps his arms around my waist taking on my weight as he led me to a chair. I sit realising that we are at Daniel and Max' table who are both sat having a chat "HEY ROSIE!" Daniel shouts and summon my energy and give him my best smile "Hey dan! Enjoying yourselves" I ask them both and Max gives me a nod "It's nice to have everyone together at something that isn't related to work!" He jokes and Daniel agrees "It's always a good time to let your hair down!" He runs his fingers through his hair and Max cant help but crack up at his joke. I'm starting to feel quite lightheaded and I turn to Jake who is still looking at me with concern "You okay Ro?" He asks me and I shake my head "I'm really not feeling too good" I manage to tell him before everything goes black.


"CHARLES,HELP" I hear from across the room and I see Jake with Rosie who is collapsed on the floor. I push through everyone and see the fear on his features. Pierre is next to me already on the phone to an ambulance before Seb comes running over and starts going through some basic first aid "Any idea why she might have passed out?" Seb asks me and I realise that I'm going to have to say that she is dying in front of everyone "She has terminal cancer" I say and his features fall and I can hear Pierre relaying information on the phone "They will be 5 minutes" he tells me and Rosies parents drop down to check on their daughter and I feel my mum place her hands on my shoulders. Why can't we have one day, one day where we can just have joy. After feeling that I pull myself together as the paramedics come rushing in and start working on my wife.

We arrive at the hospital around 20 minutes later and they let me follow them into the room, they have a drip in her arm and have been asking me questions about her pregnancy and cancer. I didn't think that we would be here today, the waiting room is full of the people from the wedding who are all worried about Rosie but also probably extremely surprised that she has cancer, we said we wouldn't tell the world but here we are on our wedding day, I just want her to be okay.

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