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Tuesday in Monaco


This is it, time to go to the Drs and actually see for certain what's going on with the tiny human growing in my tummy. I'm nervous and I've been practically pacing the apartment all morning. "You ready to go?" Charles ask me and I slip my Birkenstock's onto my feet "let's go!" He locks the door behind us and we head down to the garage. Charles winds through the narrow streets of Monaco with such ease and I can't help but be entranced by him. We arrive at the Drs office about 10 minutes after leaving the house and we head in together. I asked Charles to come in with me and he was more than happy to. "Miss Russell" I stand up and Charles follows me into the room "bonjour mademoiselle Russell, comment puis-je vous aider aujourd'hui?" (Hello Miss Russell how can I help you today" he asks "J'ai eu un test de grossesse positif pendant le week-end et j'ai besoin de savoir ce qui se passe ensuite" (I had a positive pregnancy test over the weekend and I need to know what happens next) I glance at Charles suddenly feeling anxious "tout d'abord félicitations, je vais devoir faire un test sanguin pour confirmer et nous avons besoin d'un examen physique" (firstly congratulations, I will need to do a blood test to confirm and we need a physical exam) he gestured towards the bed and I lay down and he places his hands on my stomach and gives me a smile before going on to take my blood. I sit back in the chair with Charles and await the result "il semble que vous soyez enceinte d'environ huit semaines. Je vais vous référer à une sage-femme et elle continuera à vous soigner. Avez-vous des questions ou des préoccupations?" (It's seems you are around eight weeks pregnant. I will refer you to a midwife and she will continue your care. Do you have any questions or concerns?" I shake my head and we say goodbye before heading back home.

"Should I tell Lando?" I ask Charles once we arrive back at the apartment. He gives me a soft look "if I were you I would but I totally understand why you might not want to" I nod my head "I will speak to him in France" I decide. Although I would rather avoid him for the rest of time I know I need to tell him about this. I pop myself down on the sofa and tuck my legs underneath me "Mon ange, I need to tell you something" I freeze slightly worrying that Soph might have been right "okay" I respond and look over at him. He looks nervous and uncomfortable "well I know you aren't looking for anything romantic at the moment but before you tell Lando about the baby I want you to know that I am completely in love with you. I'm not expecting you to feel the same but I just want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what happens" I can feel that my eyes have widened "oh Charles, I don't know what to say. But thank you, I'm not going anywhere even if Lando is happy about this" he smiles "well I can't lie I am glad to hear it" I shake my head "but you are right I'm not at all ready for anything right now but please know I won't be running back to Lando" he pulls me into his side for a hug "I can't wait to be Uncle Charles" he tells me and I give his hand a squeeze.

Two weeks later - France

"I still can't get over how easy it is to just drive here" I tell Charles and laughs "well you only used to do this trip once a year" it literally takes 2 hours and we are in another country at this weeks circuit. Charles drove his Ferrari 488 Pista which drew a lot of attention as he pulled into the circuit. Just as we parked up a familiar Honda Civic parked beside us and I saw Pierre jump out of the drivers side "Charles" he shouts and the two have a very adorable man hug. "Rosie" Pierre shouts as I climb out of the passenger seat "Hey Pierre" I say giving him a quick hug "we haven't caught up in forever, dinner tonight?" I shake my head "tomorrow?" He thinks for a second "yeah that works for me" I look at Charles "yeah I can do that too" I grin at Pierre before going to grab my suitcase out of the car. I say goodbye to them both and set off to try and find Lando, not the words I thought I would be saying.

I wander down the paddock towards McLaren when I spot Ella outside. I roll my eyes before heading over and spotting Charlotte "Hey!" I say giving her a bright smile "Rosie! Good to see you" she says giving me a quick hug "you too, I actually need to speak with Lando?" She nods "I can go grab him for you" I smile as she heads into the garage. "Didn't think you would be around here" I hear Ella say from behind me "well I'm full of surprises" I say turning on my heel to face her "well you need to back off, Lando is my boyfriend now" my heart sinks and I don't have a witty retort "well I'm glad he's happy?" I question and she laughs "happier than you ever made him" she struts off into the garage and I resist the urge to leave. "Rosie?" Lando looks really confused to see me "do you have a minute to talk?" His whole face lights up "of course" I start walking towards the exit of the paddock so that we can find a quiet place to sit. We don't talk at all while we are walking and I'm starting to wonder if this is a good idea. I spot a bench on the far side of the circuit and take a seat once we reach it. Lando sits down too keeping some distance "I really am sorry Rosie" I look up at him and my eyes start to water "I trusted you and it felt like you threw it in my face" he looks down "I know, Ella told me all of these things and I know it isn't an excuse but I needed you after that DNF and I was stupid to do anything with her" he tells me and it doesn't make me feel better "I actually have something to tell you" he looks hopeful and I know this isn't going to be what he is wanting to hear. I continue "there isn't really a delicate way to put this, I'm pregnant" his jaw drops open and I wait anxiously for his response "it's mine?" He manages to ask and I nod "I haven't slept with anyone but you, I'm 10 weeks" I see anger cross his features "I can't do this, I've only just started my career" he tells me and this isn't what I wanted to hear "well I didn't plan this" he lifts his hands up "I know, but this isn't something I saw for my future for a long time" he tries to explain "me either, I love my career and this changes everything" I try to reason "it's different, you can come back but for me I need to prove I should have my seat" he frowns "I do understand" he shakes his head "you don't! I can't do this, I can't give up on my dreams" I know what he is trying to say "I understand" I rise up off of the bench and he grabs my wrist "I know you think I'm a dickhead and I'm sorry" I pull my wrist away and quickly walk across to the entrance of the paddock. I step into the garage and burst into tears drawing the attention of Jake "RoRo?" He asks rushing towards me and wrapping me into his arms "you are okay" he tells me leading me into the empty briefing room. "What's happened?" I shake my head "I can't right now" I wipe the tears away and give Jake a squeeze "I will be okay" I tell him as I head into the garage and start work.


She's pregnant, I can't believe it. How? We were careful! I can't be a dad, I've only just started my career in F1. Fuck, I don't want to be a dick but I can't do this. I storm into the garage and Ella rushes over "what did Rosie want?" I shake my head "nothing, we are completely done now" I say knowing there is absolutely no way of winning her back now and I'm no longer sure if I want to


Jake sent me a message saying Rosie entered the garage in tears. I know she went to talk to Lando earlier and from that reaction I know it wasn't a positive conversation. She will be okay, she has all of us, we can do this.

It's been a long day of media commitments and I just want to go back to the motor home. But then I realise that what I really want is to spend the evening with Rosie. We have a routine at home where we take it in turns making dinner and I've started to really look forward to it everyday. I pull out my phone and find Rosies number, it rings for a few seconds before she answers "Hey Charles" she says and I can hear in her voice that something isn't quite right "I will be at Williams in 5" I say giving her no chance to argue and I sling my backpack over my shoulder. I walk down the paddock and I spot Norris outside McLaren, perhaps he can tell me why Rosie was so upset earlier? I walk over "Hey Norris" I say getting his attention "oh Charles, hey" I frown and get straight to the point  "Rosie was crying earlier after her chat with you, I'm guessing you are the reason?" He pales "I wish it wasn't, I am really sorry but I'm focusing on my career" she told him and he isn't interested "right well, good luck and I hope you don't regret your decision" I say turning and walking quickly towards Williams.

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