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The race weekend absolutely dragged, I could focus when I was in the car but every other second my thoughts were on Rosie. The doctors haven't seen any improvement and I'm starting to feel scared that she isn't going to come back to me. George is worse than me, he feels responsible as she was home alone and she probably wouldn't have gone if he was there but I keep reassuring him that this isn't anyone's fault. I've lost people, people who were so important to me, my father, Jules and Anthonie and I can't add another person to that list! The only thing that reassures me is that if she does go there are incredible people waiting for her on the other side. I just wish I had made a move sooner, I love her with everything I have and I'm not sure what I will do if she isn't okay.


I walk as quickly as I can without running through the hallways of the hospital. They have become so familiar and the guilt is eating at me that I get to go and live my life and she is here, frozen. She gave such good insight over the previous weekend, Marcus said he wouldn't have managed without her and I know none of us will if she doesn't make it. We all struggled this weekend and the strategy calls weren't quite right!

I arrive at her door and spot my parents sat with her
"Hi" I find myself whispering as I enter. Both of their eyes snap to me and I can see the pain both of them are in "I will stay with her, both of you go get some rest" mum nods and wraps her arms around me. Dad called to say she struggled this weekend knowing I was driving the car at the speeds I do, she didn't want to lose us both. I give her a squeeze as dad pats me on the shoulder "thanks George" he tells me as he leads mum out of the door "hi Rose, sorry I've been away" I say as I take a hold of her hand and settle into the chair at her bedside. Charles will be here tomorrow, he had to go to Maranello for sim work, he tried to get out of it. I just can't believe she still hasn't woken up, she is my sister, how am I supposed to do any of this without her?


Walking into Maranello I don't feel the usual buzz I'm used too! My mind is constant wandering to Rosie and worrying about her well-being. I was furious when Mattia told me I had to fly here straight after the race but I know they need me to put some hours in on the simulator for next weekend as I've been absent from the factory lately. "Hey Charles" I turn my head to see Mia walking over "Morning Mia, busy today?" I ask politely "more than I would like to be, people keep pushing for information about Rosie and I just keep telling them no comment" I nod, this is what we agreed, bare minimum information "I'm sorry, I'm sure it will calm down soon" she nods "how are you?" The question takes me off guard "I feel broken" she pulls me in for a side hug "she will be okay Charles, she will pull through this! Be strong for her!" Although she is trying her words offer me little reassurance "thanks Mia, sorry to rush off but I need to get on the simulator so that I can get home" she nods before saying goodbye.

I slam my fists on the steering wheel, my lap times have been shocking. Riccardo comes over "come on Charles, we need you to focus" his words turn my frustration into anger "tell me how am I supposed to do that?! When the woman who has my heart is in a coma?!" He looks taken a back at my outburst "come on man, you always leave life at the door" I shake my head "reset, I will go again" I grumble attempting to put my full focus on the laps ahead.

It turned out after about 2 hours we finally got the data the team wanted for set up. I couldn't help my anger as I stormed out of the building towards my hotel room. My phone rings and I notice it's George calling "Hello?" I ask tentatively immediately assuming the worst "Hey mate, just wanted to update you" he starts and my racing heart calms down "she is still as she was when we left, no changes" my heart breaks more if that's even possible "okay, I will be there by 2pm tomorrow" I tell him "actually Charles there is one more thing" he stops gauging my reaction "okay?" I respond "the doctors have said we need to start considering switching off the Ventilator" I freeze "what?" I choke out "if she doesn't show signs of improvement in the next month they are going to consider switching off the life support" I collapse to my knees and scream.

Mexican GP


Entering the paddock in Mexico is always crazy, the fans here are like nowhere else. Their adoration of Checo brings a huge amount of light to the paddock. But this time there is a dark cloud over my head and I can't see the vibrancy, she still hasn't shown signs of waking up. George messages me a couple of times a week to update me on the well-being of Rosie and the baby. There hasn't been any movements on the fetal monitor for the last couple of days and it appears that the damage caused to Rosie's liver in the accident is causing more damage than first imagined. The doctors are concerned that the lack of movement from the baby is a sign that her body is starting to shut down. I feel sick at the idea of losing them both, I know I pushed her away but I never expected for her to be gone for good. It's time for FP1 and I'm making my way down the paddock back to the garage "Lando" George calls me over "Hey mate what's up?" I ask him but he looks like a shadow of his former self "Rosie miscarried this morning" he whispers and I feel my heartbreak "what?" He shakes his head "mum just called and I thought you deserved to know" my mind goes completely blank and I find my feet carrying me to the garage. I step inside before bursting into tears.


I know it wasn't the best timing but he needed to know. I walk back towards Williams a quickly as I can manage before I breakdown. I walk into the garage and the tears start streaming, Soph runs over to me walking me towards my cabin. "Shhhhhb George its going to be okay" she rubs my back and I realise I need to tell her too "she miscarried this morning" I mutter and I feel her hand on my back go still "oh my god" she states and I grab her hand "I need to believe she is going to pull through" she nods her head "me too George, me too"


It's the day of the race and I know George would rather be with Rosie. I can see the far away look on his face when he is in the garage. I have been trying to help him as much as I can but I'm struggling as she is my best friend too.

I take my seat at the back of the garage with headphones on.
Both Ferraris fairly matched each other off the start, launching away from the team's record 65th front-row lock-out – earned after Verstappen's pole demotion on Saturday – while Hamilton's getaway from third was searing. As he swept left, though, his progress was arrested by a rather cheeky squeeze from Vettel.
As Leclerc led Vettel into Turn 1, Verstappen and Hamilton went through the corner behind side-by-side. As they both struggled for grip, their cars swinging wildly, they made light contact, both running off the track and allowing Albon and Sainz to sweep past into third and fourth, Hamilton re-joining in fifth, Verstappen eighth. There was brief contact, too, between the Ferrari pair, Vettel lightly running into the back of his team mate as the Monegasque appeared to dawdle on the apex on Turn 3. Further back, meanwhile, Kimi Raikkonen found himself in a George Russell/Kevin Magnussen sandwich, with the resulting debris from that and Hamilton vs Verstappen briefly bringing out a Virtual Safety Car.

It was a relatively boring race with the winner being Hamilton. It was a bad day for McLaren, meanwhile, a two-stop strategy failing to yield the desired results for Carlos Sainz, who finished P13 (having run as high as fourth), while a botched pit stop for Lando Norris ruined his race, with McLaren eventually opting to retire him to save parts on Lap 48, while an overheating issue forced Alfa Romeo to do the same thing to Kimi Raikkonen 10 laps later, taking him out of P15. I know Lando probably isn't in the right headspace at the moment either, George told him about the miscarriage on Friday.

Once George arrived back from Parc Ferme he stormed through the garage to get changed. Something encouraged me to follow him. I knock lightly on the door "George?" I ask and he opens the door slowly allowing me to step inside "you okay?" He just silently nods before pulling me into his arms "Thank you Soph, I don't know where I would be without your support these last weeks" I smile softly "she would want me to look after you" I tell him and he suddenly crashes his lips onto mine. I lose myself in the sensations he is causing within me. All too soon he pulls away "I love you Sophia" he tells me and my heart soars "I love you George Russell"

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