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"I've never-."

Draco had never lost his breath so fast.

There she stood, looking even more perfect than he remembered. The way she was dressed and the way she was shaped into the body type she has now made him cower under her gaze.

His heart was racing, it had been so long since he saw and he'd looked everywhere for her- searched nearly everywhere and now here she was showing up in his office when he was a sex coach.

Was she having problems?

Did she have a boyfriend?

He didn't know. He also didn't want to know for the sake of his heart. Because he knew that if he heard that he'd probably shatter into pieces.

"It's Jones to you," she told him softly yet sternly. And holy fuck-

The sound of her sweet angelic voice made his shoulder relax. It made his heart twist and pound in ways he didn't know could happen.

He watched as she shyly took a seat, and as soon as she did her thighs expanded outwards and it took everything in him to look away. He only leaned on the edge of his edge of his desk and kept his eyes on the floor.

He cleared his throat, and when he spoke, it came out a lot more hoarse than he intended. "What can I help you with today, Ms. Jones?"

Even the mere name of hers that left his tongue sent chills down his body. It made him want to take her into his arms and never stop apologizing to her- because obviously she hadn't let it go and he didn't blame her one bit. If someone had said that to him, he would've never spoken to them again.

"I- I need help trying to-." She cut herself off looking away, feeling embarrassed.

"What are you trying to say?" Mr. Malfoy questioned as he watched the girl shift in her chair.

"I've never- I've never actually-." She huffed, her cheeks heating up as she looked at the person she never wanted to see again.

"Are you saying he's never made you orgasm?"

Mr. Malfoy was completely raging on the inside when she slowly nodded her head yes. And the main reason was because she'd never felt that pleasure- she never felt the pure bliss someone slips into to whenever they released.

He was also now trying to keep himself composed whenever he mentioned a significant other.

"He tells me I'm not doing something right." She mumbled clear enough for him. "So he suggested you."

Draco couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mind was growing fuzzy by the mere look of her, so he kept his gaze on the floor but he was still fuming.

"It's not you. It's him." He gave a short response to her, keeping his gaze on the floor and crossing his leg over the other one while he still leaned on the desk.

"Pardon?" She snapped her eyes to his.

And as soon as they locked eyes Dracos heart began to hurt. He felt like he could've cried- and she was the first person he ever cried over. It was when he was drunk and completely out of his mind but he cried to his mother about it.

He cried because he always fucked up.

And it hurt his heart more than anything. If he could take it back he would- if he could buy a time watch he would. Because he didn't mean anything that he said to her, and he wanted to take it back as soon as it left his mouth but she ran before he got the chance to. He couldn't blame her.

"When a women doesn't cum, it's because the male can't make her." He told her sternly, holding himself back. "What, did you think that you weren't functioning right?"

"No." She stood up out of her chair, ready to leave. "But I don't believe he can't make me-."

"Then I hate to break it to you, but your wrong." He uncrossed his arms, rolling his tongue on the inside of his cheek. "If a man doesn't please a women it's never their fault."

She scoffed, looking at him with an angry expression on her face and he couldn't lie- it made his heart hurt. He didn't want her to hate him, he wanted her to talk to her reasonably but she believed it was her fault that she couldn't cum.

He thought it was absolutely ridiculous.

"Your infuriating."

Yeah? And your fucking beautiful.

He wanted to say it. He wanted to tell her but he knew she didn't want to hear it come out of his mouth so he only scowled her. He would never be able to get over how pretty was- not in a million years did he ever think he would be ultimately consumed by someone.

"Look," he got off the desk and walked a mere step towards her; she didn't back down. "Do you want to please him, or yourself?"

"Him." She narrowed her eyebrows into slits and it boiled his blood so goddamn bad that he clenched his fists and shoved them in his pockets so it wasn't noticeable.

"Then take his tip, and squeeze it." He was completely lying to her, trying to fool her into making her hurt whoever she with on Dracos behalf. "That'll please him."

She nodded her head, walking to the door and he watched as her body walked so elegantly. She was so perfect to him- god his bad he wanted her.

But he knew he couldn't have her.

"Feel free to come back if you have troubles."


"Theodore fucking Nott!"

Draco was fuming.

Not because of his encounter with Coraline, but because if Theodore knew she was a halfblood then obviously he knew who the name was. He was in charge of that- telling Draco who he was about to see.

And Theodore failed to mention that it was her.

"What are you on ab-." Theodore cut himself off, giving Pansy a worried look. "Look mate I couldn't let you miss this chance-."

"You could've told me it was her!" He slammed his hands down on Theodores desk, making even Pansy flinch. "She showed up out of fucking nowhere."

"I'm guessing it didn't go well," Pansy got up out of her seat and went to sit on Theos. "Surely she remembers you-."

"Oh," Draco rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek due to how angry he was. "She definitely remembers me. And she'll definitely be back."

And when she would, she would be the one who was fuming.




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